And wins CART championship in his rookie year.
Rafe Mc
And wins CART championship in his rookie year.
Rafe Mc
If you could pull out the best athletes, then why don't you do it?
Rafe Mc
>We don't have a large population? 270 million.
>We don't have a mix of different types of athletes? Ever heard of America
>being called a "melting pot"?
>Our athletes don't receive the highest level of training? Does Denmark train
>their athletes better than thye do in the U.S.?
>Which on of those points is funny? Come on, be specific. Let's hear exactly
>why any one of those points is so funny to you.
>BTW, I don't really give a shit if America has the best or the worst
>Go and play GPL.
>David G Fisher
>> LOL even in non-simracing matters you still manage to pull the funniest
>> stuff out of you hat.
>> The "american bermensch" theory by DGF has herby been let out of the
>> remember this folks, you saw it here first !
>> Mikkel
>> > Becaue no one in the world can beat them.
>> > BTW, if enough Americans wanted to dominate soccer world wide, they
>> > We have a very large population with a mix of different types of
>> > (huge factor) who receive the highest level of training. We aren't
>> > people, but we do have the best athletes.
>> > David G Fisher
>> > >> I didn't know about this point but why do they call themselves WORLD
>> > > champions ??
Have several nice days !!!
Michael Heymanns
Team-Manager SRG
IWSC Champion 2000
IPSC GT-Champion 2000
TPTCC Champion 1999
TPTCC Champion 2000
TPTCC Champion 2001
1&1 Profiseller
> snip
> > And one more thing: I think the whole world-championship is a total
> > after Eddie Jordan has fired HHF - my favourite driver. No, I do not say
> > that he is the best driver, he is just the driver I like the most.
> And somehow I really enjoyed how well Jordan did this weekend... ;)
> --
> l8er
> ronny
> Your mouse has moved. Windows must be restarted for the change
> to take effect. Reboot now?
& many of my best laps were done on the streets of Manhattan! :)
Yep, that's why as a tourist I just HATE drving there, and all your cab
drivers should be jailed !!!
Evere watched the movie TAXI, shot in Marseille ? Get it if you can, very
Who won ? just out of curiosity ? MAN Utd ?
> >> By all means, don't let the facts get in the way of a good rant. If
> >> you would bother to do some research on the subject, you would know
> >> WHY it is called the World Series. Originally, the end-of-season
> >> baseball championship was sponsored by a newspaper, the now defunct
> >> "New York World". Hence, the name "World Series". As for basketball
> >I didn't know about this point but why do they call themselves WORLD
> >champions ??
> >I disagree with you about the south american football teams, the NATIONAL
> >teams are on par with "us" europeans but the clubs are quite below
> >all the best players are over here mostly for financial reasons but
> >anyway...
> >Let's take the Brazilian team, I don't think many players are actually
> >playing in the brazilian championship (or columbian, or argentinian....)
> Guess you've forgotten Man Utd's and other Euro club's little visit last
> year for the World Club Championship. Mmm, wonder which club won?
> --
> Peter Ives
> Remove ALL_STRESS before replying
> If you know what's good for you, don't listen to me
> GPLRank Joystick -50.63 Wheel -21.77
| Yep, that's why as a tourist I just HATE drving there, and all your cab
| drivers should be jailed !!!
| Evere watched the movie TAXI, shot in Marseille ? Get it if you can,
| very funny.
| >& many of my best laps were done on the streets of Manhattan! :)
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Go read some history books. Anyone remember how evin Hill was outqualifying
Ralph in his early Jordan days. The kid threw it up the road on a regular
basis as I remember.
Montoya is in his rookie season whilst Ralph has over 70 GP's under his
Ralph didn't remotely look like winning anything in HIS FIRST season.
And RS had not blown up all season has he !
Ayrton Senna. May 1st 1994.
I agree that F1 drivers are faster than CART drivers.The fastest
drivers are going where there is bigger money.
That's why I'm so disgusted with modern F1. 25 years ago I
used to watch those talents in battle turn after turn. I enjoyed every
lap. In Ford-Cosworth days they had allmost equal machinery and
battle was fierce. And there was no carbon fiber brakes and guy
could outbrake somebody. Imagine that. And most talented driver
will usualy be near top, and less talented near the end.
But after Ford-Cosworth, middleclass driver would get the best
machinery and be 2 laps in front of everybody. And his teammate,
who is even less talented than he, would be 1 lap in front of the rest.
And they all, instead of battle, would just "walkin' the cars " around
and around.What a waste. And guy with best machinery would get
all the credits and the rest would get nothing. And I don't like that.
And guy who has less good machinery, and still wins races
is my hero. And guy with best machinery, but with so meny driving
errors that you are never sure if he will finish the race, is not.
They are both the same age with lots of experience, as I already mentioned.
JM raced in F3000 and CART, and was an F1 test driver. Hill was a loooong
time veteran compared to RS.
How good of a car was the Jordan in '97?
Ralf hasn't crashed out due to an unforced error like JM has in a few races.
He races smarter and faster than JM.
Are you a big CART fan by any chance?
David G Fisher
> > > c) after Williams - NM disappears from F1
> > And wins CART championship in his rookie year.
> > Rafe Mc
> I agree that F1 drivers are faster than CART drivers.
Olav K. Malmin
remove .spam when replying
Hey man, you're forgetting Tora Takagi and Shinji Nakano. How ***y
rude! Talk about taking the series with storm.....Tora just takes
everyone out! Nakano's just happy to be there, not fussed about making
passes, being quick, etc.
Rafe Mc
> I've been an MS fan since he went to Ferrari, I think he did some
> awesome things with that team in the face of adversity. But he has
> become much too *** now and that's not good for the sport. Things
> will even themselves out I'm sure, but I'm rooting for the underdogs
> now. Go JPM!!!
> Rafe Mc
Steve Levett
> > But if the carbon fibre is razor sharp as the drivers have suggested I
> > believe a punture would be caused immediately.
> No Steve.
> Race tyres usually let go in a spectacularly explosive fashion, owing to
> extreme stresses and G forces imposed on them. What would usually
> a slow puncture in a road tyre would usually end up as a bulge before
> blowing out in racing conditions.
> In any case, I'd not fancy a tyre letting me down approaching a corner as
> fast as T1 is at Hockenheim....
> MS
> > --
> > Steve Levett
> > ------------------
> > > > I agree with JV who is one of the real racers unlike Coultard,
> > > etc.
> > > > (never heard of Surer) It was safer to use the pace car than to redo
> the
> > > > most dangerous part of the race.
> > > I think you are missing the "main" reason it was stopped. If they had
> > > continued, there might have been a few tires blown out from all the
> carbon
> > > fiber shreads they ran over. It wasn't worth the risk. In my opinion
> > was
> > > a good call. A simular thing happened at last years German race,
> involving
> > > M. Schumacher, they didn't red flag the race then. It was far more
> costly
> > in
> > > terms of the championship last year (to M. Schumacher), than this
> > > race, so the whole idea that it was just for Micheal doesn't make much
> > sense
> > > to me.
> > -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
> > - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
> > -----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----
Have several nice days !!!
Michael Heymanns
Team-Manager SRG
IWSC Champion 2000
IPSC GT-Champion 2000
TPTCC Champion 1999
TPTCC Champion 2000
TPTCC Champion 2001
1&1 Profiseller
> --
> Steve Levett
> ------------------
> > > But if the carbon fibre is razor sharp as the drivers have suggested I
> > > believe a punture would be caused immediately.
> > No Steve.
> > Race tyres usually let go in a spectacularly explosive fashion, owing to
> > extreme stresses and G forces imposed on them. What would usually
> constitute
> > a slow puncture in a road tyre would usually end up as a bulge before
> > blowing out in racing conditions.
> > In any case, I'd not fancy a tyre letting me down approaching a corner
> > fast as T1 is at Hockenheim....
> > MS
> > > --
> > > Steve Levett
> > > ------------------
> > > > > I agree with JV who is one of the real racers unlike Coultard,
> Brundle
> > > > etc.
> > > > > (never heard of Surer) It was safer to use the pace car than to
> > the
> > > > > most dangerous part of the race.
> > > > I think you are missing the "main" reason it was stopped. If they
> > > > continued, there might have been a few tires blown out from all the
> > carbon
> > > > fiber shreads they ran over. It wasn't worth the risk. In my opinion
> it
> > > was
> > > > a good call. A simular thing happened at last years German race,
> > involving
> > > > M. Schumacher, they didn't red flag the race then. It was far more
> > costly
> > > in
> > > > terms of the championship last year (to M. Schumacher), than this
> years
> > > > race, so the whole idea that it was just for Micheal doesn't make
> > > sense
> > > > to me.
> > > -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
> > > - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
> > > -----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----
> -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
> - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
> -----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----