> I'm soooooooo sorry. This is all my fault. I was the one that injected
> politics into an otherwise polite discussion of the virtual world vs.
> reality. We oughtta have a rule like the one at my family's dinner table:
> no POLITICS and no RELIGION. Can we all agree on that?
face and speak up, as if dirty politics doesn't effect them, is the
American cultural sickness that has got us into a bogus war for oil and
fear, roll back of environmental protection if it stands in the crony
corporate profit, new ways for big government to invade our private
lives, etc., etc., etc.
But I take your point Steve, there is a time and place for everything.
But I'm not sure it is necessarily inappropriate here where the subject
is otherwise about entertainment through a simulated experience, as much
as I love it too.
Besides, how else would we come to know what a right-wing loon Randy is?