> Somehow you can just blind yourself of anything good the US has ever
> Do we make mistakes? Of course we do. But we also contribute much more
> than weve taken unlike a majority of the free world.
Sorry Mitch, that just isn't true
The UN set a target of 0.7% of GDP should be given as aid - this target
was recently increased in response to public demands to resolve the
tragedies occurring daily in Africa.
Top of the foreign aid league is Denmark (1.01% of GDP), and Sweden,
Norway and the Netherlands also meet the target. The US gives 0.1% of
GDP as aid, as former President Carter described, "we are the stingiest
nation of all". We're little better, Britain gives just 0.34%.
In the last foreign aid bill passed in the US, 75 million was passed for
aif to poor countries (this amounts to one tenth the cost of a B-52!).
In the same budget, 1.3 *BILLION* was approved to support the Colombian
military (who have one of the world's worst records for human rights
> Im not saying this in
> an egotistical way Im saying this in defensive way. The US (despite
> clouded nonsense) is a great country and a great collection of people
> want the best for the World and everyone in it.
Mitch, I *truly* believe that is what you and most US people want, and
it's a fantastic sentiment. However that is not what is happening.