A lap around "The Ring"

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 23:03:02

>>>I'm continually baffled that you can't grasp the simple concept of
>>>innocence and guilt.  What crime has Terri Schaivo commited that earns
>>>her a death penalty?  What crime is an unborn infant guilty of?  I'm
>>>not sure why the concept of not punishing the innocent is so baffling
>>>to you...but that will remain one of the mysteries of life.

>>So I presume you stood against Madelaine Albright's view that the
>>killing of half a million children in Iraq was "a price worth paying"?
>>Terri Schiavo, in comparison, is not even worthy of mention.

>>Sometimes Stalin really did say it best

>   Cite for the Albright quote ?

Interview with Lesley Stahl on CBS "we think the price is worth it".
John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 23:07:12

>>I openly weep for the evolution of our species. So you're telling me that
>>as I sit at the lights in my Lancia Delta Integrale, your average
>>knuckle-scraping, SUV-driving, Bush-voting moron is going to think *he*
>>has the automotive class, and *I* have the "Elvis on velvet"?
> Then again, those in the know would probably still shake their head and
> wonder why you would put up with such a tempermental car.

You're probably right. Used to have an HF Integrale Turbo, and the turbo
once caught fire while cruising throught the streets of a small town
(after, I must say, a wild cross-country blast). It wasn't funny at the
time, racing for some water with flames***ing out the bonnet, but it
must have looked ridiculous to those watching!

I got rid of it soon afterwards....

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 23:09:31

>>>>I'm continually baffled that you can't grasp the simple concept of
>>>>innocence and guilt.  What crime has Terri Schaivo commited that earns
>>>>her a death penalty?  What crime is an unborn infant guilty of?  I'm
>>>>not sure why the concept of not punishing the innocent is so baffling
>>>>to you...but that will remain one of the mysteries of life.

>>>So I presume you stood against Madelaine Albright's view that the
>>>killing of half a million children in Iraq was "a price worth paying"?
>>>Terri Schiavo, in comparison, is not even worthy of mention.

>>>Sometimes Stalin really did say it best

>>  Cite for the Albright quote ?

>   Didn't think so.  Figures.

It's now posted - sorry my life got in the way of your predjudice.

It takes two seconds on Google to find anything - you could have easily
found it yourself. Are people soooooo comfortable in their predjudice
that they won't even challenge their own ideas? I constantly challenge
mine, and despair for the human race if we ever give that up.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 23:11:16

> Now, instead of being blind and deaf, why don't you listen to what John
> actually said? He said: "Sometimes Stalin really did say it best".

> I am sure Stalin said a lot of good things, and he may even have put it
> well. But that doesn't make him a better person, of course, but that was
> never the intention of john's either.

> Some people hear "Stalin", and their petty minds start shortcutting and
> sizzle, and their minds just produce ***and bollocks.

Thank you. You got my point.

The Stali quote to which I was alluding was "A single death is a
tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." So Terry Shiavo is a tragedy
and a media frenzy, but we don't give a rat's ass about a million Iraqis.

Sad, but true.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 23:14:20

>    To bad Iraq invaded Kuwait then, eh ?  Never would have happened if not.

To <sic> bad the CIA put the Ba'ath party and Saddam Hussein in power
then, eh? Then you wouldn't have paid to put him in power, and paid for
two wars to get him out.

Sorry about the zillions of Iraqi's that died in all the CIA/Hussein
shenanigans, collateral damage is unavoidable though

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 23:16:13

>   The fact you seem to admire him frightening.

Dave, please can you explain to me how citing a very famous quote of
Stalin's which fits a context, can be interpreted that the person is a
raving commie?

You should join the CIA - you may in fact be a touch overqualified.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 23:25:23

> I know that the US generally think that the high oil prices are OPEC's
> fault, yes. But it is not. And it is soooo pathetic watching the
> brooding and pouting: "They won't pump enough oil so that we can use
> *way, *way* more than we have ourselves for the prices that we want.
> Booohoooooooo!"

> JFYI, this is just the lovely, lovely mechanisms of capitalism: Demand
> and Availability. LOL!!!

> I eagerly await the times when oil is so expensive that you americans
> will have to let your SUV in the garage and take the bus to work. I
> *eagerly* await it! And it is not that far off in the future either!!!

> Gas prices are escalating as well, and have reached a point in US where
> people start converting to other heating sources. However, this is not
> OPEC's fault, simply because they don't control the market. The prices
> get high because everyone needs it, there is less and less of it, and US
> is the biggest consumer on the planet. And while you americans are
> concerned with your oil prices, this planet goes to rot, and you ignore
> the facts like ignorant heedless children do.

Amen, well said.

Ram the free market down everyone's throat, then scream and moan when
supply and demand pushed oil over $1/gallon. (Then just "fix it" by
invading Iraq, Iran (oops, sorry, not yet), change Afghanistan
government, etc.

By the way, when you guys go to invade Iran, I'm *really, really* sorry
about all the chemical weapons we Brits sold them. Just in case that is
used as a justification (WMDs and all that), we sold them to Iram after
(9/11). I know Bush was talking about "axis of evil" and all that, but
money is money, y'know...

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 23:36:31

 > Somehow you can just blind yourself of anything good the US has ever
 > Do we make mistakes?  Of course we do.  But we also contribute much more
 > than weve taken unlike a majority of the free world.

Sorry Mitch, that just isn't true

The UN set a target of 0.7% of GDP should be given as aid - this target
was recently increased in response to public demands to resolve the
tragedies occurring daily in Africa.

Top of the foreign aid league is Denmark (1.01% of GDP), and Sweden,
Norway and the Netherlands also meet the target. The US gives 0.1% of
GDP as aid, as former President Carter described, "we are the stingiest
nation of all". We're little better, Britain gives just 0.34%.

In the last foreign aid bill passed in the US, 75 million was passed for
aif to poor countries (this amounts to one tenth the cost of a B-52!).
In the same budget, 1.3 *BILLION* was approved to support the Colombian
military (who have one of the world's worst records for human rights

 > Im not saying this in
 > an egotistical way Im saying this in defensive way.  The US (despite
 > clouded nonsense) is a great country and a great collection of people
 > want the best for the World and everyone in it.

Mitch, I *truly* believe that is what you and most US people want, and
it's a fantastic sentiment. However that is not what is happening.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 23:41:00

>   p.s.  Wasn't it Europeans tied in with the oil/food scam ?  Why yes, it
> was.  As long as you brought up the UN, etc.

Wasn't it Americans tied in with the oil/food/sanctions genocide?
Massacring millions of innocent people to give them their freedom? As
the saying goes, that's like f***ing for ***ity....
John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 23:43:12

>    Only a Euro could twist facts about any subject into being a
> "philosophical question."

Only you could fail to see that EVERYTHING revolves around your
philosophy on life.

Your world has clearly not yet evolved into colour.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 23:45:27

>   Suggest you do some research into history too.  I don't buy the "when oil
> runs out, etc." moonbat theories you mention, but history has shown people
> don't "come together" when times are bad, as you suggest will happen when
> oil runs out.
>   The opposite in fact.

So you believe everyone will reach for their Colt 45 "the gun that won
the West", slaughter each other....and that will....make the oil come
back? Protect you from the 1 billion Chinese who will slaughter you? Or
the 1.3 billion Indians who will slaughter them?

For your own sake you better start singing kumbaya and praying you're
wrong. Nuclear missiles go nowhere without oil.


A lap around "The Ring"

by Mitch_ » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 01:26:01

Time to wipe that foam off your mouth now John.  You sound quite delusional.
Yea those MILLIONS of innocent victims of the evil USA...  <rolls eyes>



>>   p.s.  Wasn't it Europeans tied in with the oil/food scam ?  Why yes, it
>> was.  As long as you brought up the UN, etc.

> Wasn't it Americans tied in with the oil/food/sanctions genocide?
> Massacring millions of innocent people to give them their freedom? As the
> saying goes, that's like f***ing for ***ity....


A lap around "The Ring"

by Mitch_ » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 01:35:50

The world is a difficult confusing place full of liars and con men that only
have their own interest in mind.  These people exist in EVERY government in
every corner of the world not just the US gov as you insinuate.

You can tell yourself all you want that Saddam was a grreat guy but anyone
with any common sense knows better.

Despite the doom and gloom of you and your party affiliates Iraq is a better
place now and freedom is infectious throughout the ME.  Its still to early
to know how it will turn out but right now things look pretty good, which
makes your argument seem even more marginal.


that is what you and most US people want, and


A lap around "The Ring"

by Mitch_ » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 01:37:27

OK.  I was in shock after reading that ;)

A lap around "The Ring"

by Mitch_ » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 01:41:41

So your argument is that Clinton was at fault because he didnt oust Saddam
as he should have?

Which is it?  Illegal invasion or a million kids?  You cant have it every
way.  Either way Sadddam should have been gone long before GW came into

If it was up to Europe Saddam would still be in power thumbing his nose.
Somehow to you thats a better option?


>> Where do you get "half a million children" from?

> The WHO, the UN, the CIA - it's very widely known. Do a google search on
> Albright and iraqi kids - even she didn't deny it. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.