A lap around "The Ring"

Uwe Schürkam

A lap around "The Ring"

by Uwe Schürkam » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 18:28:04

> coincidentally, is also where the second shooter on the grassy knoll
> has retired and is living comfortably sipping***tails with Elvis)

Wrong! We all know Elvis was abducted by Martians. That's why both
Beagle and Mars Observer were shot down when they approached their
home planet ;-)

All the best,


GPG Fingerprint:  2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F  67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61

Uwe Schürkam

A lap around "The Ring"

by Uwe Schürkam » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 18:26:47

> Europe has went off the deep end.  This kind of thinking was considered the
> lunatic fringe not long ago, what the hell happened to reason and common
> sense over their??

Ironically, the same thing could be said of the other side of the
atlantic, too. Remember: when you're arguing with an idiot, chances
are high he's doing the same! ;-)

All the best,


GPG Fingerprint:  2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F  67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61

Uwe Schürkam

A lap around "The Ring"

by Uwe Schürkam » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 18:31:01

>>   Um, in your post ?

>>   But then, this is priceless too, from another post,......"Mitch - this
>> ain't the place for politics, ....."

>>   So, you can post political comments, but not others ?  Interesting.

> I was apologising for the fact that *I* was about to go off topic.

> I made no comment on what others should or should not do. You should try
> it sometime.

C'mon guys, everybody enjoys a good old GWB flamewar in here every
once in a while. This phenomenon is bound to stay with us here for the
next three years or so ;-)

All the best, uwe

GPG Fingerprint:  2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F  67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61


A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 22:03:35

> >>   Um, in your post ?

> >>   But then, this is priceless too, from another post,......"Mitch -
> >> ain't the place for politics, ....."

> >>   So, you can post political comments, but not others ?  Interesting.

> > I was apologising for the fact that *I* was about to go off topic.

> > I made no comment on what others should or should not do. You should try
> > it sometime.

> C'mon guys, everybody enjoys a good old GWB flamewar in here every
> once in a while. This phenomenon is bound to stay with us here for the
> next three years or so ;-)

> All the best, uwe

> --
> GPG Fingerprint:  2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F  67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61

   Hehe, good point.  <g>

A lap around "The Ring"

by Dav » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 23:00:30


I was looking forward to seeing one of auto sim worlds most
esteemed denizens contributing some welcome insight on the sim
world.  Instead ...

Oh well.

Back to (from
all sides)  ...

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 23:52:24

> LOL!  It's really funny how when you don't have an enemy, you can
> create one.

Like the Russians? Like Al Quaeda? Like "The War On Terror"?

Should it be any surprise that*** Cheney stated the war on terror
could last fifty years or more? It's the perfect "non enemy" to justify
any spending, any rolling back of civil liberties, the bill of liberties
in the US, trial by jury over here.

Vastly greater numbers of people die on the roads each year than have
ever been killed by all terrorists in history. Our own corporations kill
more every year in the name of profit, peddling tobacco and fat/sugar
laden ***for the populace to later die from. Compared to 9/11, twice
as many children die every day from the effects of poverty, but our
efforts to do anything about that are pitiful.

Asking as a human being, why should that be? Iraqi children are dying
from cancers caused by OUR depleted uranium shells (WMDs? No, because we
used them), and the hospital facilities treat them with....a bottle of
aspirin. Why, because that's all that Britain and the US allowed in
under the embargo, despite the UN resolution specifically allowing such

I think everyone can agree that's a tragedy, yes? But look at the media
clamour over Terri Shiavo (a person) compared to the media silence over
thousands of Iraqi children dying of cancer and preventible diseases.

Please don't read into this that I'm knocking your beliefs, I'm not. I'm
just stating mine. I find it fascinating that two people, albeit from
different perspetives and with differently "apun" information can arrive
at such different opinions on the same topic. It's fine as long as both
are open for discussion.

However, we need to recognise truly who and where the enemies are, and
have some sense of proportion.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 23:53:16

>>By the way, it's "allusion".

>    Gee, thanks Mom.

>   But at the same time, to be expected.

Yes, I'd imagined you would by now have become accustomed to people
correcting you.
John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 23:55:07

>>You have to admit though, the French guy has a shred of a point. I'm
>>far from saying he's right, but I've never seen a plane disappear
>>into a hole smaller than itself, nor leave any trace of wreckage,
>>bodies, seats, luggage, or any of the other debris we've all seen in
>>every other plane crash.

>>It is wierd

> Okay, John, you win -- 9/11 was cooked up by Bush in Area 51 (which
> coincidentally, is also where the second shooter on the grassy knoll
> has retired and is living comfortably sipping***tails with Elvis)

Oh come on Randy, that is the lamest non-argument. FFS at least deal
with the question - if you can't answer it, are you yourself not curious
as to why?!

I thought such questioning was an innate part of humanity.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Wed, 30 Mar 2005 00:08:59

> Saddam Hussein's "views" didn't gas the kurds and the Iranians, my
> friend, nor did they invade a neighboring country and turn it into a
> miniature 3rd reich, complete with secret police.

There isn't the time to go into how wrong you are about the above
statements, not I suspect the willingness on your side to open your mind
to it. I used to believe what you did, was challenged on it, and
researched for myself. I urge you to do the same.

Do you disagree? Sufficient weapons exist to kill everyone on the planet
four times over. Do you think the world will be a better place when we
spend further trillions on making that five or six, or could the effort
be used more profitably?

I have as much fight with the average Iraqi as I do with you, my next
door neighbour, or indeed the average Chinese or any other person in the
world. Why do we feel the need to pigeon-hole them, correction, to have
them pigeon-holed for us into "like" and "hate"? Or live and die? Saddam
was the US' best buddy back in the 80's, and again in the 90's, as was
Suharto in days gone by, as was Noriega, etc etc - the list is endless.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Wed, 30 Mar 2005 00:11:57

> I'm continually baffled that you can't grasp the simple concept of
> innocence and guilt.  What crime has Terri Schaivo commited that earns
> her a death penalty?  What crime is an unborn infant guilty of?  I'm
> not sure why the concept of not punishing the innocent is so baffling
> to you...but that will remain one of the mysteries of life.

So I presume you stood against Madelaine Albright's view that the
killing of half a million children in Iraq was "a price worth paying"?
Terri Schiavo, in comparison, is not even worthy of mention.

Sometimes Stalin really did say it best.


A lap around "The Ring"

by Mitch_ » Wed, 30 Mar 2005 01:13:38

This one little sentence speaks volumes and shows us exactly who John
Wallace is.  And what an ugly view it is....

Stalin and Saddam both hero's while GW is the anti-christ?




A lap around "The Ring"

by Mitch_ » Wed, 30 Mar 2005 01:16:51

Versus your concrete argument that half of the Iraqi population is going to
die of cancer...

They sell refills over the net now and its cheap ;)



A lap around "The Ring"

by Marty » Wed, 30 Mar 2005 00:43:48

LOL, good to know where you stand, Randy. One of the few good things
about these dark times under Bush is that people are increasingly
willing to speak up and take politics seriously. One of the cultural
defects in American society has been treating politics as a dirty word,
and all politicians as bad guys.

I welcome your angry diatribe. While it's obvious I can't convince you
of the threat of Bush's neo-fascism, expressing our views is fundamental
to what is left of a free and open society.


>>Classic right-wing difficulty with cognitive dissonance. Terrorist
>>attacked us so my leader must be right about who the threat is.

> Classic left-wing loon, if it's a republican in office, war is bad.  If
> it's a democrat...more war, we need more war!

>>Michael Moore, great American hero. Has the guts and the brains to
>>seek the awful truth and use his art to communicate.

> ROFL!  Michael Moore, the self-hating American "hero"?  Good one!  It
> doesn't bother you a bit that most of the ***in Fahrenheit 9/11 were
> proven lies that no thinking person could take seriously.  Oh wait, I
> forgot about that caveat: "thinking person". Take him as seriously as
> you like then.

>>Yes, Randy it has never been a better time to be a liberal Democrat.
>>Liberals are what stands between America and the jugernaught of
>>ocorporatism being engineered by the Bush neo-fascists.

> LOL!  It's really funny how when you don't have an enemy, you can
> create one.

>>>Oh yes, it's judicial tyranny when ever the right-wing doesn't like a

>>court ruling. Like the Terri Shiavo case, right?

> You don't understand the constitution one whit.  You're as ignorant as
> most of the raving left.

>>Final authority? If you believe in democratic principles of
>>government that is of, by, and for the people, no. The judiciary
>>interpets the law. I think that was covered in Government 101.

> The judiciary interprets the law.  They do not WRITE it (well, up until
> recently, when somehow the judiciary starting finding things that
> didn't exist in the constitution).  Since you have so much respect for
> our judiciary, I assume you also supported the internment of the
> Japanese in WWII and the institution of slavery...since both were at
> one point fully backed by our laws.  But hey, we don't want to flout
> the law right?

> Last time I checked, each branch of government swears fealty to the
> Constitution, NOT the judiciary.

> The truth of the matter is pretty easy to find.  Start with reading
> Federalist papers 78 and 79 regarding the power of the courts.  Or, if
> your attention span lasts long enough, read this and I dare you to
> dispute its accuracy:

> I have to say that after I write these posts I ask myself why I'm even
> bothering.  You cleasrly are absolutely CONSUMED with such utter hatred
> towards all things conservative, that my guess is that there is nothing
> that anyone could say or do to convince you that you were wrong.

> So failing that, my suggestion is that you travel to Baghdad, and in a
> public street corner (with, of course, the aid of a translator), you
> tell the Iraqi people that they aren't really free, and all the blather
> about Bush.  I expect you won't make it out of that square alive.

> Or alternatively, there are many organizations which are still looking
> for the "useful idiots" of Stalin's day, to do their bidding.  You
> might find an organization like this and offer yourself as a spokesman.
> You have the concept of 'reading your lines' down pat.

> I keep thinking of the movie "Lethal Weapon 2" where Danny Glover is in
> the South African embassy saying he wants to move to S. Africa to end
> apartheid, and he is using phrases like "oppresive white regime", and
> Joe Pesci's character, with a big stupid grin on his face, is doing the
> role of "amen, brother" and says stupidly "oppressive white regime!"
> parroting Danny Glover.  When I see posts like yours that look like
> they could have been cut 'n pasted from the website,
> complete with every lie and tired cliche trotted out, touted as fat, I
> just see you as a parrot incapable of any kind of rational thought on
> the subject, because you are utterly blinded by your hatred of all
> things not far left.

> Randy


A lap around "The Ring"

by rmagrude » Wed, 30 Mar 2005 04:09:25

Where do you get "half a million children" from?

A lap around "The Ring"

by rmagrude » Wed, 30 Mar 2005 04:10:33

I also don't feel like getting into a debate about whether a cloudless
sky is really blue.  Some things just aren't worth investing the effort
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