You are the one who has pigeon-hold himself. Not my fault that many of the
cannot grow their economies and are falling behind.
> Don't try and pigeon-hole me into your nice little theories - you have no
> idea. If you can't keep your predjudice out of a discussion, keep yourself
> out of a discussion.
> I'd have thought it was obvious after a lifetime on usenet, that you will
> never change the other person's view, and if you set out with that in mind
> you are just wasting your time. Geberally the fruitful discussions are
> those that elicit sufficient quality of response that you can challenge
> your OWN beliefs and learn something new for yourself. That at least is
> what I hope for.
>> Yah, because that SOCIALIST Society you live in is so great at expanding
>> the quality of life </sarcasm>. Hmmm, wonder how many jobs have been
>> created in that Socialist Leaning Western Europe over the past 20 years?
>> Let's just say we have created more jobs in the past 5 years than all of
>> Western Europe has in the past 20 years.
>> The truth comes out: Socialist
>> Bill Bollinger
>>>>I know that the US generally think that the high oil prices are OPEC's
>>>>fault, yes. But it is not. And it is soooo pathetic watching the
>>>>brooding and pouting: "They won't pump enough oil so that we can use
>>>>*way, *way* more than we have ourselves for the prices that we want.
>>>>JFYI, this is just the lovely, lovely mechanisms of capitalism: Demand
>>>>and Availability. LOL!!!
>>>>I eagerly await the times when oil is so expensive that you americans
>>>>will have to let your SUV in the garage and take the bus to work. I
>>>>*eagerly* await it! And it is not that far off in the future either!!!
>>>>Gas prices are escalating as well, and have reached a point in US where
>>>>people start converting to other heating sources. However, this is not
>>>>OPEC's fault, simply because they don't control the market. The prices
>>>>get high because everyone needs it, there is less and less of it, and US
>>>>is the biggest consumer on the planet. And while you americans are
>>>>concerned with your oil prices, this planet goes to rot, and you ignore
>>>>the facts like ignorant heedless children do.
>>>Amen, well said.
>>>Ram the free market down everyone's throat, then scream and moan when
>>>supply and demand pushed oil over $1/gallon. (Then just "fix it" by
>>>invading Iraq, Iran (oops, sorry, not yet), change Afghanistan
>>>government, etc.
>>>By the way, when you guys go to invade Iran, I'm *really, really* sorry
>>>about all the chemical weapons we Brits sold them. Just in case that is
>>>used as a justification (WMDs and all that), we sold them to Iram after
>>>(9/11). I know Bush was talking about "axis of evil" and all that, but
>>>money is money, y'know...