A lap around "The Ring"

Bill Bollinge

A lap around "The Ring"

by Bill Bollinge » Wed, 06 Apr 2005 10:03:22

No, I was comparing the number of jobs created in USA vs. Western Europe.

Bill Bollinger

>> Yah, because that SOCIALIST Society you live in is so great at expanding
>> the quality of life </sarcasm>.  Hmmm, wonder how many jobs have been
>> created in that Socialist Leaning Western Europe over the past 20 years?
>> Let's just say we have created more jobs in the past 5 years than all of
>> Western Europe has in the past 20 years.

>> The truth comes out:  Socialist

>> Bill Bollinger

> Well, the facts seem to say otherwise.

> "Overall, this level of creation represents the worst job performance
> since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began collecting monthly jobs data in
> 1939 (at the end of the Great Depression"


> Of course it's not all bad news. Corporate profits are souring.

> Marty

Bill Bollinge

A lap around "The Ring"

by Bill Bollinge » Wed, 06 Apr 2005 10:06:10

The FACTS are:  Americans contribute nearly 1 trillion every year to
charities.  You may think that is stingy, but that would be incorrect.

Bill Bollinger

> Your ex-President said the US is stingy - I did not.

> Get YOUR facts straight.

>> Well John, what you FAIL to quantify is how much Americans give FREELY
>> and not through Government Control.  While you guys need someone at the
>> top to command you to give, we as a general rule give FREELY as
>> Americans.  Your numbers only count for Government Aid, not what is given
>> in total by American citizens.  The next time you imply that Americans as
>> a general rule are STINGY, get your facts straight.

>> BTW, Just through our GOVERNAMENT not including our citizens, we give 60
>> TIMES ($58 Billion more in total) more than Denmark does in forein aid.
>> BTW, our country does not have 60 times more citizens than Denmark and
>> Denmark has a higher GDP per capita than America... Therefore, based upon
>> the higher GDP per capita why isn't Denmark contributing more?

>> Bill Bollinger

>>>>Somehow you can just blind yourself of anything good the US has ever


>>>>Do we make mistakes?  Of course we do.  But we also contribute much more
>>>>than weve taken unlike a majority of the free world.

>>>Sorry Mitch, that just isn't true

>>>The UN set a target of 0.7% of GDP should be given as aid - this target
>>>was recently increased in response to public demands to resolve the
>>>tragedies occurring daily in Africa.

>>>Top of the foreign aid league is Denmark (1.01% of GDP), and Sweden,
>>>Norway and the Netherlands also meet the target. The US gives 0.1% of GDP
>>>as aid, as former President Carter described, "we are the stingiest
>>>nation of all". We're little better, Britain gives just 0.34%.

>>>In the last foreign aid bill passed in the US, 75 million was passed for
>>>aif to poor countries (this amounts to one tenth the cost of a B-52!). In
>>>the same budget, 1.3 *BILLION* was approved to support the Colombian
>>>military (who have one of the world's worst records for human rights

>>>>Im not saying this in
>>>>an egotistical way Im saying this in defensive way.  The US (despite


>>>>clouded nonsense) is a great country and a great collection of people


>>>>want the best for the World and everyone in it.

>>>Mitch, I *truly* believe that is what you and most US people want, and
>>>it's a fantastic sentiment. However that is not what is happening.

Bill Bollinge

A lap around "The Ring"

by Bill Bollinge » Wed, 06 Apr 2005 10:07:17

You are the one who has pigeon-hold himself.  Not my fault that many of the
Western European countries lean to the socialist side and wonder why they
cannot grow their economies and are falling behind.

Bill Bollinger

> Don't try and pigeon-hole me into your nice little theories - you have no
> idea. If you can't keep your predjudice out of a discussion, keep yourself
> out of a discussion.

> I'd have thought it was obvious after a lifetime on usenet, that you will
> never change the other person's view, and if you set out with that in mind
> you are just wasting your time. Geberally the fruitful discussions are
> those that elicit sufficient quality of response that you can challenge
> your OWN beliefs and learn something new for yourself. That at least is
> what I hope for.

>> Yah, because that SOCIALIST Society you live in is so great at expanding
>> the quality of life </sarcasm>.  Hmmm, wonder how many jobs have been
>> created in that Socialist Leaning Western Europe over the past 20 years?
>> Let's just say we have created more jobs in the past 5 years than all of
>> Western Europe has in the past 20 years.

>> The truth comes out:  Socialist

>> Bill Bollinger

>>>>I know that the US generally think that the high oil prices are OPEC's
>>>>fault, yes. But it is not. And it is soooo pathetic watching the
>>>>brooding and pouting: "They won't pump enough oil so that we can use
>>>>*way, *way* more than we have ourselves for the prices that we want.

>>>>JFYI, this is just the lovely, lovely mechanisms of capitalism: Demand
>>>>and Availability. LOL!!!

>>>>I eagerly await the times when oil is so expensive that you americans
>>>>will have to let your SUV in the garage and take the bus to work. I
>>>>*eagerly* await it! And it is not that far off in the future either!!!

>>>>Gas prices are escalating as well, and have reached a point in US where
>>>>people start converting to other heating sources. However, this is not
>>>>OPEC's fault, simply because they don't control the market. The prices
>>>>get high because everyone needs it, there is less and less of it, and US
>>>>is the biggest consumer on the planet. And while you americans are
>>>>concerned with your oil prices, this planet goes to rot, and you ignore
>>>>the facts like ignorant heedless children do.

>>>Amen, well said.

>>>Ram the free market down everyone's throat, then scream and moan when
>>>supply and demand pushed oil over $1/gallon. (Then just "fix it" by
>>>invading Iraq, Iran (oops, sorry, not yet), change Afghanistan
>>>government, etc.

>>>By the way, when you guys go to invade Iran, I'm *really, really* sorry
>>>about all the chemical weapons we Brits sold them. Just in case that is
>>>used as a justification (WMDs and all that), we sold them to Iram after
>>>(9/11). I know Bush was talking about "axis of evil" and all that, but
>>>money is money, y'know...

Bill Bollinge

A lap around "The Ring"

by Bill Bollinge » Wed, 06 Apr 2005 10:08:48

He also forgets to even mention where MOST corporate profits come from in
USA:  Privately held corporations, NOT publically held corporations.  Public
companies get the press, but contribute much less to the overall health of
our economy.

>> >   What's wrong with corporate profits ?  Just curious is all.

>> New Motorola CEO fired 38,000 people, and got 38 million dollars as his
>> reward for a year's work.

>> Nothing is wrong with profit, but if you think that is good for you as a
>> worker, I can only say good luck to you.

>   <shrug>  Maybe.  One thing for certain; a corporation NOT making a
> profit
> isn't good for workers.  I.e., Motorola, I would bet (not having looked at
> their details).

Bill Bollinge

A lap around "The Ring"

by Bill Bollinge » Wed, 06 Apr 2005 10:14:14

Just on a side note:  I treat the CEO pay no different than Sports Hero's
pay.  We as a public are the only ones to blame.  We make up the owners of
these companies and allow it to happen.  On another side note, even with our
"excess" it has created more wealth, jobs and supported more charities than
any other country in the world.  Not to mention more freedoms.

Bill Bollinger

>> >>>  What's wrong with corporate profits ?  Just curious is all.

>> >>New Motorola CEO fired 38,000 people, and got 38 million dollars as his
>> >>reward for a year's work.

>> >>Nothing is wrong with profit, but if you think that is good for you as
>> >>a
>> >>worker, I can only say good luck to you.

>> >    <shrug>  Maybe.  One thing for certain; a corporation NOT making a
> profit
>> > isn't good for workers.  I.e., Motorola, I would bet (not having looked
> at
>> > their details).

>> No profits is surely worse! <g>  However there is surely an element of
>> "how much is enough"? What is the CEO going to do with 38 million that
>> he couldn't have done with 28 million? Or 18 million?

>   Definately.

>> In Scandinavia CEOs get poaid, on average, 11 times more than the
>> average salary in their company. Across Europe it's a little higher, but
>> less than twenty times more is typical.

>> In the US it's 300 times more.

>> At what point does it become greed, and should we ever think that is bad?

>  Agreed.   One of my "sore points" also, in the current day.  Don't know
> if
> your numbers are correct, but that's irrelevant, as overall, the general
> situation does exist.

Bill Bollinge

A lap around "The Ring"

by Bill Bollinge » Wed, 06 Apr 2005 10:26:54

Yah kind of like Clinton did with Nuclear Secrets (Off Topic).

Mitch do you even know what jobs have been outsourced the most over the past
5 years?  Are there any jobs that shouldn't be outsourced?

Here is a little economics 101:  Countries can normally be seperated on 1 of
2 ways.  They either are rich in labor or rich in capital.  Obviously USA is
rich in capital.  It is also the norm that a country rich in capital is also
poor in labor (High costs or low number of a quality labor force).

Therefore, lets look at a refridgerator as an example.  70 years ago, it was
not uncommon for people to pay upwards of 20-25% of their ANNUAL income for
a fridge (a large amount of profit was available - BECAUSE it was a higher
tech product for its time) today people can pay less than 500 for a fridge
that would only have been dreamed about 70 years ago.  As product life
cycles mature, the level of profit will normally drop and companies have to
look to cut costs.

Is it SMART for us to continue to force our economy to produce low
profitable fridges?  I say not.

Our economy is evolving to an economy that will continue to emphasize
education, health care and new technologies.  It means that an education
will become more and more important and valuable.  Example:  1970  ---  
Average college degree only meant an additional 50% more lifetime
earnings... Today it is over 80% more lifetime earnings.

Bill Bollinger

>> Thats the fundamental difference.  If WE dont like Motorola we dont buy
>> Motorola products and soon Motorola will be gone.

> Just for discussion sake, what if you do like their products, but they're
> all outsourced to China and the CEO takes 100 million dollars?

> Is there a point at which a halt should be called, or does the old
> "Reaganomics" apply, of what's good for the money markets is good for the
> country?

Bill Bollinge

A lap around "The Ring"

by Bill Bollinge » Wed, 06 Apr 2005 10:28:18

Ok, this just about makes me puke.  Standards and the UN said in one

Bill Bollinger

Byron Forbe

A lap around "The Ring"

by Byron Forbe » Wed, 06 Apr 2005 12:46:51

>> Still, my land is equally bad, so I have little to smile about
>> on that score.

> Ah, but only four weeks or so to go until we can put a big dent into
> Blair's majority. If it drops enough Brown will be able to make his move
> and life might get interesting again. We can but hope!

> Andrew McP

    Question for Brits - how does the scenario of the death of the Queen and
the crowning of a King named Charles sound?
Byron Forbe

A lap around "The Ring"

by Byron Forbe » Wed, 06 Apr 2005 13:15:58

    Here's a good read -

    Whilst it is clearly inconclusive, I'm very sure I'd refuse to work in
one of those tanks and I'd be hopping mad if the military was playing war
games with this depleted uranium shit near my house. How would you feel
about that JP?

Byron Forbe

A lap around "The Ring"

by Byron Forbe » Wed, 06 Apr 2005 13:29:21

>> Read your statement back to yourself. You are talking about the deaths
>> of MILLIONS of human beings. You are talking about more than FIVE
>> THOUSAND Iraqi children dying every DAY. Imagine if that was happening
>> in the US, and I said "oh it's thousands eh? <wink> - I'd be rightly
>> pilloried for it.

    Much more concerning, and to me beleivable -

    You'd need to be a very careless***to give the go ahead to use this
stuff! ie just like any of the last 2 U.S. presidents.

Byron Forbe

A lap around "The Ring"

by Byron Forbe » Wed, 06 Apr 2005 14:05:36

    You've convinced me that you're simply a patriotic moron.

    rotfl - what a load of bullshit!

    Here's good old Mitch, living in the most overlegislated society in the
history of humanity talking about "freedom" - you're a ***in' joke buddy.

    You're in Iraq because your hopeless president, and all those stupid
enough to serve under such a goose, cant find Osama Bin Laden so they invade
Iraq as a pitiful attempt to save face, thus winning some votes from those
as foolish as you.

    American Power man - yeah, American U.S. power - ***en A baby!
Yeeeeeehaaaaaaa! Rock n' roll. Kickn aaaaaaaaaassssss!

    Mumma said take you down............................................

    Get the idea?

Byron Forbe

A lap around "The Ring"

by Byron Forbe » Wed, 06 Apr 2005 14:17:17

    Those who have no argument resort to big and impressive words like

    Unfortunately I think Mitch is one of the reasons the U.S. government
don't bother with too many elaborate hoaxes - with a country full of one
eyed patriotic morons there's simply no need.

    Btw Mitch, did you inherit that "Buh-Bye" from your mommy?

Byron Forbe

A lap around "The Ring"

by Byron Forbe » Wed, 06 Apr 2005 14:38:45

    The U.S. wouldn't be there if not for the British ie what a load of
irrelevent bullshit, as usual.

Andrew MacPhers

A lap around "The Ring"

by Andrew MacPhers » Wed, 06 Apr 2005 14:48:00

In article

> the death of the Queen

Elton John died?

Oh, you mean *that* Queen. <shrug> Despite momentary lapses of
sanity (eg when Diana died) nobody really gives a f*ck about the monarchy.
They're just a bunch of Germans imported to attract American tourists :-)

Andrew McP

Byron Forbe

A lap around "The Ring"

by Byron Forbe » Wed, 06 Apr 2005 14:50:08

    Why am I not surprised that someone with the great dollar as their god
says someone has "pigeon-hold" himself - LOL. Maybe Bill thinks this is a
WWF "hold"?

    Time for a change of god Bill - try here for some enlightenment - is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.