A lap around "The Ring"


A lap around "The Ring"

by Marty » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 08:39:25

> Yah, because that SOCIALIST Society you live in is so great at expanding the
> quality of life </sarcasm>.  Hmmm, wonder how many jobs have been created in
> that Socialist Leaning Western Europe over the past 20 years?  Let's just
> say we have created more jobs in the past 5 years than all of Western Europe
> has in the past 20 years.

> The truth comes out:  Socialist

> Bill Bollinger

Well, the facts seem to say otherwise.

"Overall, this level of creation represents the worst job performance
since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began collecting monthly jobs data
in 1939 (at the end of the Great Depression"

Of course it's not all bad news. Corporate profits are souring.



A lap around "The Ring"

by Marty » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 08:50:32

...and seize his oil.


> What you dont seem to comprehend is that WE do question our Government.  I
> questioned why the hell it took 12 fn years to get rid of Saddam....

> Mitch

>>>I also don't feel like getting into a debate about whether a cloudless
>>>sky is really blue.  Some things just aren't worth investing the effort

>>No-one is saying the sky has disappeared.

>>If you dropped an egg on the floor and there was no shell as you cleaned
>>it up, I'm guess you'd be fine with that.

>>Don't ever question your government, there's a good citizen.


A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 12:06:39

   Whoosh, right over the moobat's tin beenied head.


A lap around "The Ring"

by Marty » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 09:10:42

> The world is a difficult confusing place full of liars and con men that only
> have their own interest in mind.  These people exist in EVERY government in
> every corner of the world not just the US gov as you insinuate.

True, but few corrupt morons have done the damage GW has done with the
blind acquiescence of barely enough American voters to put him in the
White House.

Where do you get anyone saying "Saddam was a grreat guy"?

This might help.



A lap around "The Ring"

by Marty » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 09:17:17

True, but the truth is out there for those who have the guts to go after it.


> Google does not a *FACT* make....

> Mitch

> Google to find anything - you could have easily

>>found it yourself. Are people soooooo comfortable in their predjudice that
>>they won't even challenge their own ideas? I constantly challenge mine,
>>and despair for the human race if we ever give that up.


A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 12:18:49

> > Yah, because that SOCIALIST Society you live in is so great at expanding
> > quality of life </sarcasm>.  Hmmm, wonder how many jobs have been
created in
> > that Socialist Leaning Western Europe over the past 20 years?  Let's
> > say we have created more jobs in the past 5 years than all of Western
> > has in the past 20 years.

> > The truth comes out:  Socialist

> > Bill Bollinger
> >

> Well, the facts seem to say otherwise.

> "Overall, this level of creation represents the worst job performance
> since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began collecting monthly jobs data
> in 1939 (at the end of the Great Depression"


> Of course it's not all bad news. Corporate profits are souring.

> Marty

  What's wrong with corporate profits ?  Just curious is all.

  Here's some info. you need to know.  The numbers are from just after the
election, fwiw.

  5.5% unemployment, wonderfully low interest rates, and GDP growing at just
under 4%.
  Indeed, these numbers are either the same or better than the corresponding
figures during the 1996 election period.
  Interestingly, the media decided to script the election as "Bush's Bad
Economy," versus their previous scripting *of the same numbers* in 1996 as
"Clinton's Economic Miracle."


A lap around "The Ring"

by Marty » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 09:19:54

No, John is right on the money there. If people spent less time waving
the flag and more time concerned about their liberty we wouldn't have GW
in the White House.


> Your interpretation of the Patriot Act is completely wrong.

> Mitch

>>>>>Should it be any surprise that*** Cheney stated the war on terror

>>>could last fifty years or more?>>

>>>I wasn't aware that*** Cheney launched the attacks on 9/11 (or is
>>>that a *** you also hold?)

>>Sorry, Randy, straw man argument.

>>Cheney said it - do you agree or disagree? I made no allegation about him
>>and 9/11, so why are you trying to put down an argument I never made?

>>>I realize you don't live in the USA, but I'm wondering just what civil
>>>liberties you claim we've lost?  Can you name even a single case where
>>>some innocent American has lost any civil rights because of this

>>Well, far be it from me to comment on your laws, but Amendment IV says;

>>"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,
>>and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be
>>violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported
>>by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be
>>searched, and the persons or things to be seized"

>>The Patriot Act (LOL, well named) allows the police to come into your
>>home, search, leave without telling you. The Federal Intelligence
>>Surveillance Act allows warrants from special courts, looking into such
>>ridiculous items as what library books were read, again without

>>Just a couple of example of new laws ***ling all over just one amendment
>>to your bill of rights. We're no better off over here unfortunately.

>> >>>Our own corporations kill more every year in the name of profit,

>>>peddling tobacco and fat/sugar laden ***for the populace to later die

>>>And undboutedly they are over here forcing our mouths open and making
>>>us eat every bite.  They are just coming into our homes at dinner times
>>>and prying open our mouths and ***ing us.  Every seller needs a
>>>buyer.  Not sure why you remove free choice from the equation.  You're
>>>not one of those victim mentality types who think that we aren't
>>>responsible for anything we do, that we're all just victims of
>>>corporations?  Sounds kinda like you are...

>>I have no victim mentality - I make sure I'm not a victim. The point is
>>that "free choice" is a myth for the most part.

>>Okay, let's take just an example. I show you succulent chicken, couple of
>>bucks, "special offer" tasty chicken ***. You might buy it. If I told
>>you the chicken came from Indonesia, was shipped via Holland where it was
>>injected with 50% water to make it bigger, injected with collagen to hold
>>the water, injected with pig DNA to retain the collagen, and processed in
>>*** water to remove feathers etc, and had a high probability to be
>>infected with campylobacter....would you still buy it? How about if you
>>were moslem, and hadn't been given the information you were actually
>>eating pig?

>>Fact is that it probably is (more than 80% of the world's chicken comes
>>from three companies, much of it processed in this way). You have the
>>"free choice" to buy this, but you are usually not furnished with the full
>>facts with which to properly exercise that free choice.

>>>What left wing web site did you get those figures from?  And what did
>>>you do to ensure that the figures were indeed accurate?

>>The "left wing" website of the United Nations. From your government. From
>>my government. From journalist reports. From news. It's almost 11 million
>>children per year, and a very widely known statistic. I suggest you
>>contact those organisations and let them know you dispute it.

>>>>>Iraqi children are dying from cancers caused by OUR depleted uranium


>>>I'll be looking for your objective citation backing this up as well.

>>I know you can use Google....


>>>Hey Saddam managed  to buy weaponry from the French and Russians during
>>>the embargo...why didn't he buy medicine if the 'evil' US and Britain
>>>were stopping him.

>>You may say he bought weapons, but since we failed to find any I don't
>>think we can say this with any certainty. Or do you think he just let his
>>children die to teach us a lesson? Or to boost his popularity?

>>>I'm sure the French and Russians would have happily
>>>sold some to him for the proper oil-for-food profits to corrupt
>>>individuals (why is it that the left never acknowledges that the
>>>French, Russians and Germans were on the take from Saddam, and that
>>>Saddam's oil-for-food money was not getting to his own population - but
>>>I suppose you'll just deny that, too).

>>The oil-for-food "profits" went first of all to Kuwait (one of the richest
>>countries in the world) as compensation for war damage. A third of the
>>money went to pay UN "expenses" (I thought we paid out of tax, but there
>>you go), further money goes to Kuwait as mentioned, further money goes as
>>compensation to oil and other companies. and with the remainder Iraq would
>>tender on the international markets for food, medical supplies etc - every
>>contract then had to be approved by the UN sanctions committee. From
>>August 1990, for eight months, ALL IMPORTS were banned, including food and
>>medicine, despite these being explicitly allowed under resolution 661.

>>Have you heard of Denis Halliday? He was the Assistant Secretary-General
>>of the UN, and resigned over the sanctions. He said "I had been instructed
>>to implement a policy that satisfies the definition of genocide: a
>>deliberate policy that has deliberately killed over a million

>>His successor, Hans von Spooneck, calculated the oil-for-food money, and
>>after paying Kuwait, the UN, oil companies etc, Iraq was left with $100
>>for each citizen....per YEAR. That money has to pay also for
>>infrastructure including oil, water, electricity etc. After that he also
>>called the sanctions "genocide".

>>But hey, it's a million Iraqis dying, so it doesn't matter...right?


A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 12:25:57

   Explain *exactly* why we should be concerned with our liberty, (is it
threatened, or what ?) and why you think GW is a threat to it.  (I'm
assuming you think he is per above).

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 17:24:07

Er, Randy was just saying that he did NOT want to get into a debate
about something wierd which he saw as completely obvious.

As for the 12 years, you better ask the Bush family. The US put Saddam
in power, so the timing for removing must have a timetable also. Since
you do question your government, you should get an answer from them on
that "real soon now"

> What you dont seem to comprehend is that WE do question our Government.  I
> questioned why the hell it took 12 fn years to get rid of Saddam....

> Mitch

>>>I also don't feel like getting into a debate about whether a cloudless
>>>sky is really blue.  Some things just aren't worth investing the effort

>>No-one is saying the sky has disappeared.

>>If you dropped an egg on the floor and there was no shell as you cleaned
>>it up, I'm guess you'd be fine with that.

>>Don't ever question your government, there's a good citizen.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 17:32:10

> So your argument is that Clinton was at fault because he didnt oust Saddam
> as he should have?

The sanctions were in place and violated in August 1990. At that time I
suspect Clinton was rogering everything that moved or not inhaling things.

So I *must* choose to kill a million kids (actually half a million) or
to illegally invade? Only in the black and white world of the US.

Perhaps then he should not have been placed in power by the CIA and
given vast quantities of weapons and money? You paid to put him in, and
you paid (twice) to take him out. At least you got to vote for that (or
not) - the Iraqi people had no choice, they were only the "unavoidable"
collateral damage in this grand game of chess.

It is a legal option. Many US citizens still seem to think they're John

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 17:38:06

> Your interpretation of the Patriot Act is completely wrong.

> Mitch

Sorry Mitch, you'll need to do better than that. "Is not" doesn't make a
convincing argument.

More than two centuries of accrued rights and civil balances have been
watered down or made illegal. Muslim-Americans have been arrested and
imprisoned without trial (your "justice" department refuses to reveal
how many), Bush has ordered military tribunals set up to try, imprison
and execute foreign nationals in secret without recourse to any review
or appeal system (sound like an order you'd read about in Iraq?!),
Habeus Corpus has been suspended for the first time since 1861. FBI
agents have the right to go into libraries and see what people are
reading. Universities are being encouraged to report on people who show
"subversive tendencies".

WELCOME, to "the land of the free"...

Still, my land is equally bad, so I have little to smile about on that

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 17:42:59

So what's your point? That there are no facts on Google? That because
you might need to interpret information and judge for yourself if it's
factual or not it's too tricky?

Heck, you believe the tripe your government serves up (remember "Iraq
*has* weapons of mass destruction (so we're gonna go slaughter them
all)). You've never even heard a "whoops, we were wrong).

Maybe I have more faith than you in our ability to separate the wheat
from the chaff.

> Google does not a *FACT* make....

> Mitch

> Google to find anything - you could have easily

>>found it yourself. Are people soooooo comfortable in their predjudice that
>>they won't even challenge their own ideas? I constantly challenge mine,
>>and despair for the human race if we ever give that up.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 17:46:57

>>>  Didn't think so.  Figures.

>>It's now posted - sorry my life got in the way of your predjudice.

>>It takes two seconds on Google to find anything - you could have easily
>>found it yourself. Are people soooooo comfortable in their predjudice
>>that they won't even challenge their own ideas? I constantly challenge
>>mine, and despair for the human race if we ever give that up.

>   Why would I want to google for something, when I wasn't the one making the
> assertion ?  Interesting "logic".

Interesting statement. You have no interest in challenging your own beliefs.

Whenever you make a statement to me, I do not instantly respond
"horseshit" based upin my own beliefs. I'll first of all listen to you,
and if I don't believe you then *I* will go and check and see if you are

I don't see that it's up to you to convince me, it's up to me to
consider if I sufficiently value my beliefs being based upon correct

Sort of a fundamental difference between us ut would appear

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 18:02:18

>>>   To bad Iraq invaded Kuwait then, eh ?  Never would have happened if

> not.

>>To <sic> bad the CIA put the Ba'ath party and Saddam Hussein in power
>>then, eh? Then you wouldn't have paid to put him in power, and paid for
>>two wars to get him out.

>  Proof of this assertion ?

The CIA and the Ba'ath party themselves. The head of the CIA in the
Middle East, then James Crithfield, said "we regarded it as a great
victory" (getting the Ba'ath party into power). Ali Saleh Sa'adi,
Secretary General of the Ba'ath party stated "we came to power on a CIA

Every time you have asked for proof (in the obvious hope I can't provide
and you can give your customary "thought not"), I have provided it. From
now on, if you care enough about your knowledge being accurate, do your
own research.

Don't keep making the mistake of asking only to try and trip people up -
ask to further your own knowledge, or do the research yourself.

Don't only get annoyed and react only to the parts of a message you
don't like, read the whole thing.

So how many, precisely, is a zillion, since you're saying I'm wrong? <wink>

Read your statement back to yourself. You are talking about the deaths
of MILLIONS of human beings. You are talking about more than FIVE
THOUSAND Iraqi children dying every DAY. Imagine if that was happening
in the US, and I said "oh it's thousands eh? <wink> - I'd be rightly
pilloried for it.

Why is it that because it's Iraqi kids no-one gives a f***? I bet if
five thousand US kids were being slaughtered every day there'd be hell
to pay.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 18:06:32

>>>  The fact you seem to admire him frightening.

>>Dave, please can you explain to me how citing a very famous quote of
>>Stalin's which fits a context, can be interpreted that the person is a
>>raving commie?

>>You should join the CIA - you may in fact be a touch overqualified.

>    John,  
>      You should do a google groups search on ras to find out just how
> paranoid I am.  Xfiles should do the trick.
> I barely breezed through his statement, I wasn't aware of the quote, I
> think I was responding to his defense of using the quote in an earlier
> post.  Frankly,  I can only think of one Stalin quote,  it's not something
> I would be dropping in everyday conversation.  I never said Zig was a
> commie..good chance that Socialist would fit tho.  
>      It's the old Al Capone mentality.  Viscious criminal, ***er,
> extortionist etc etc...yet the local neighborhood adored and protected him
> due to the charities and community projects he sponsored.  Good works do
> not absolve evil intent.  Ergo..due to Aseg's continued attempt to defend
> his man,  I merely concluded that he is BONKERS.  ABSOLUTELY START RAVING
> MAD!    Other than worries...welcome member of the group and all
> that.  

Thanks Dave, although I was a member of ras for well over 10 years, I
just haven't been around for a while. I was recently looking out for GT4
nd popped back on to see what everyone was saying about it.

As for the Stalin, it's very dangerous to equate quoting someone with
support for that someone. I do drop quotes into everyday conversation,
ad would choose not to converse with people who are not sufficiently
open-minded that they see that as support (or choose to do so in order
to construct a straw-man they can victoriously rail against).

No comment about you in particular, the CIA comment was just
paraphrasing a quote from Blackadder (who I do like!) :-) is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.