So sad to hear another misguided flag waving defense of the chicken-hawk
president and his fraudulent war.
Declaring anyone is 'newly freed' by the occupation by US military
forces of countries that were no credible threat to national security...
When none of the WMD or 9/11 rationales for preemptive war are or were
When the neo-con fascists who seized the White House in 2000 are known
to have immediately started plans for war to occupy the oil fields of
While the Bush administration ignored the warnings of the out going
Clinton national security team as well as ongoing intel concerns about
the growing threat of domestic terrorist attack from Al-Queda leading up
to 9/11...
When most of the world stood against the US in the lead up to the war,
and still does...
And then to pander to the religious right with federal intervention in a
family depute over whether to let a woman in a 'persistent vegetative
state' die, for the obvious cynical political purpose of distracting the
media from the Orwellian dismantling of American liberty while securing
the worlds resources for for American Corporations...
None of this would be possible but for the massive delusions exemplified
by those who support the neo-fascists regime in Washington. Of course
some of those are not deluded at all, but are true fascists themselves.
Yes Mitch, history will judge George W. Bush, and like Hitler, those who
supported him.
Classic definition of fascism:
The architects of American empire:
Bogus President / Bogus War
> Sad Steve, I still respect your invaluable expertise in the Car industry but
> your politics scare me and had the electorate agreed with you Iraq and the
> entire ME would be a real mess.
> 30 million newly FREED people in 2 countries voting in FREE elections is
> somehow a disaster? We sadly lost over 1500 brave soldiers but in the big
> scheme of things thats nothing. We lose nearly that many in training
> accidents in the same time period and that many in just a few minutes of
> dday.
> The previous administrations uncontrolled terrorists are now hiding instead
> of attacking. Id say were winning.
> Mitch
> BTW GW will be looked upon in history as a brave politician that changed the
> world for the better despite the lefts continual insane ramblings.
> (whom I personally can't stand) because I thought
>>SOMEBODY ought to pay a price for our misadventure in Iraq...other than
>>brave, misled troops. Since none of the neo-con architects of this
>>(Bush, Rummy, Cheney, Rove, Wolfewitz) was willing to commit seppuku, and