> Somehow you can just blind yourself of anything good the US has ever done.
> Do we make mistakes? Of course we do. But we also contribute much more
> than weve taken unlike a majority of the free world.
policy. I already know the list of "mistakes", and it is long, and it is ugly.
Sometimes, you can't say "yes, I made a mistake, but it was in good intention".
When innocent people die due to your "mistakes", the intention is forfeit, void
and meaningless, because innocent died!
The major difference between US and European m***is the fact that weighing
some lives against a few other lives is a natural thing to do. It isn't in
europe, and this explains a whole range of complexes concerning american policy,
foreigh policy among other things.
The classical philosophical problem is the jew in the confrontation camp,
confronted with the following choice: Either he wields a machine gun (if you can
say "wield" when using a machine gun) and kill 100 of his own people, or he
doesn't, and 200 of his people get killed.
Think about it, what you'd do.
If you have made this realization about freedom, then why on earth are you guys
bombing the hell out of Afghanistan and Iraq? Why are you not giving these
peoples a choice?