A lap around "The Ring"


A lap around "The Ring"

by Mitch_ » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 01:42:30

Google does not a *FACT* make....


Google to find anything - you could have easily


A lap around "The Ring"

by Mitch_ » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 01:43:47

Your interpretation of the Patriot Act is completely wrong.


>>>>Should it be any surprise that*** Cheney stated the war on terror

>> could last fifty years or more?>>

>> I wasn't aware that*** Cheney launched the attacks on 9/11 (or is
>> that a *** you also hold?)

> Sorry, Randy, straw man argument.

> Cheney said it - do you agree or disagree? I made no allegation about him
> and 9/11, so why are you trying to put down an argument I never made?

>> I realize you don't live in the USA, but I'm wondering just what civil
>> liberties you claim we've lost?  Can you name even a single case where
>> some innocent American has lost any civil rights because of this
>> administration?

> Well, far be it from me to comment on your laws, but Amendment IV says;

> "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,
> and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be
> violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported
> by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be
> searched, and the persons or things to be seized"

> The Patriot Act (LOL, well named) allows the police to come into your
> home, search, leave without telling you. The Federal Intelligence
> Surveillance Act allows warrants from special courts, looking into such
> ridiculous items as what library books were read, again without
> notification.

> Just a couple of example of new laws ***ling all over just one amendment
> to your bill of rights. We're no better off over here unfortunately.

>  >>>Our own corporations kill more every year in the name of profit,

>> peddling tobacco and fat/sugar laden ***for the populace to later die
>> from.

>> And undboutedly they are over here forcing our mouths open and making
>> us eat every bite.  They are just coming into our homes at dinner times
>> and prying open our mouths and ***ing us.  Every seller needs a
>> buyer.  Not sure why you remove free choice from the equation.  You're
>> not one of those victim mentality types who think that we aren't
>> responsible for anything we do, that we're all just victims of
>> corporations?  Sounds kinda like you are...

> I have no victim mentality - I make sure I'm not a victim. The point is
> that "free choice" is a myth for the most part.

> Okay, let's take just an example. I show you succulent chicken, couple of
> bucks, "special offer" tasty chicken ***. You might buy it. If I told
> you the chicken came from Indonesia, was shipped via Holland where it was
> injected with 50% water to make it bigger, injected with collagen to hold
> the water, injected with pig DNA to retain the collagen, and processed in
> *** water to remove feathers etc, and had a high probability to be
> infected with campylobacter....would you still buy it? How about if you
> were moslem, and hadn't been given the information you were actually
> eating pig?

> Fact is that it probably is (more than 80% of the world's chicken comes
> from three companies, much of it processed in this way). You have the
> "free choice" to buy this, but you are usually not furnished with the full
> facts with which to properly exercise that free choice.

>> What left wing web site did you get those figures from?  And what did
>> you do to ensure that the figures were indeed accurate?

> The "left wing" website of the United Nations. From your government. From
> my government. From journalist reports. From news. It's almost 11 million
> children per year, and a very widely known statistic. I suggest you
> contact those organisations and let them know you dispute it.

>>>>Iraqi children are dying from cancers caused by OUR depleted uranium
>> shells

>> I'll be looking for your objective citation backing this up as well.

> I know you can use Google....


>> Hey Saddam managed  to buy weaponry from the French and Russians during
>> the embargo...why didn't he buy medicine if the 'evil' US and Britain
>> were stopping him.

> You may say he bought weapons, but since we failed to find any I don't
> think we can say this with any certainty. Or do you think he just let his
> children die to teach us a lesson? Or to boost his popularity?

> > I'm sure the French and Russians would have happily
>> sold some to him for the proper oil-for-food profits to corrupt
>> individuals (why is it that the left never acknowledges that the
>> French, Russians and Germans were on the take from Saddam, and that
>> Saddam's oil-for-food money was not getting to his own population - but
>> I suppose you'll just deny that, too).

> The oil-for-food "profits" went first of all to Kuwait (one of the richest
> countries in the world) as compensation for war damage. A third of the
> money went to pay UN "expenses" (I thought we paid out of tax, but there
> you go), further money goes to Kuwait as mentioned, further money goes as
> compensation to oil and other companies. and with the remainder Iraq would
> tender on the international markets for food, medical supplies etc - every
> contract then had to be approved by the UN sanctions committee. From
> August 1990, for eight months, ALL IMPORTS were banned, including food and
> medicine, despite these being explicitly allowed under resolution 661.

> Have you heard of Denis Halliday? He was the Assistant Secretary-General
> of the UN, and resigned over the sanctions. He said "I had been instructed
> to implement a policy that satisfies the definition of genocide: a
> deliberate policy that has deliberately killed over a million
> individuals".

> His successor, Hans von Spooneck, calculated the oil-for-food money, and
> after paying Kuwait, the UN, oil companies etc, Iraq was left with $100
> for each citizen....per YEAR. That money has to pay also for
> infrastructure including oil, water, electricity etc. After that he also
> called the sanctions "genocide".

> But hey, it's a million Iraqis dying, so it doesn't matter...right?


A lap around "The Ring"

by Mitch_ » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 01:45:13

Ahhh, Baby Milk.  Now that brings up memories of Saddam and his minions...


>> Versus your concrete argument that half of the Iraqi population is going
>> to die of cancer...

> You are just a font of disinformation today.

> I said "ALMOST half of ONE town in SOUTHER IRAQ are FORECAST to CONTRACT
> cancer in the coming years". You read "half of the Iraqi population will
> die from cancer"!!??

> Almost half does not equal all.
> One town in Souther Iraq does not equal the entire Iraqi population
> Contract does not equal die

> So you got "cancer" right, and the entire rest of the sentence wrong. What
> the heck happens when you go to the shop to ask for a pint of milk? The
> mind boggles as to what you must come back with ;-)

> By the way, do you have information to prove the Basra cancer facts wrong?
> I base this on first-hand jourmalistic and medical evidence. On what do
> you base your belief that it's wrong?


A lap around "The Ring"

by Mitch_ » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 01:46:56

What you dont seem to comprehend is that WE do question our Government.  I
questioned why the hell it took 12 fn years to get rid of Saddam....


>> I also don't feel like getting into a debate about whether a cloudless
>> sky is really blue.  Some things just aren't worth investing the effort
>> into.

> No-one is saying the sky has disappeared.

> If you dropped an egg on the floor and there was no shell as you cleaned
> it up, I'm guess you'd be fine with that.

> Don't ever question your government, there's a good citizen.


A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 04:25:40

> >    Only a Euro could twist facts about any subject into being a
> > "philosophical question."

> Only you could fail to see that EVERYTHING revolves around your
> philosophy on life.

> Your world has clearly not yet evolved into colour.

  Sure it has.  Just not the color gray.

A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 04:29:54

> >   Suggest you do some research into history too.  I don't buy the "when
> > runs out, etc." moonbat theories you mention, but history has shown
> > don't "come together" when times are bad, as you suggest will happen
> > oil runs out.
> >   The opposite in fact.

> So you believe everyone will reach for their Colt 45 "the gun that won
> the West", slaughter each other....and that will....make the oil come
> back? Protect you from the 1 billion Chinese who will slaughter you? Or
> the 1.3 billion Indians who will slaughter them?

> For your own sake you better start singing kumbaya and praying you're
> wrong. Nuclear missiles go nowhere without oil.

    Whew, you two must be sharing that beenie.

   First, of all, I don't believe for a minute the naive thoughts in Asger's
post, regarding humanity.  If he wants to believe that fine.

  Second, I'm not a fan of predicting the future(especially well into the
future), as again, history has shown such predictions to be wildly wrong the
vast majority of the time.

  Third, I'm definitely not as pessimistic as you two about when oil runs
out.  Bet you were with the Y2k crowd too, screaming how the world would
come to a halt/end at the year 2000, eh ?


A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 04:32:40

> >   p.s.  Wasn't it Europeans tied in with the oil/food scam ?  Why yes,
> > was.  As long as you brought up the UN, etc.

> Wasn't it Americans tied in with the oil/food/sanctions genocide?
> Massacring millions of innocent people to give them their freedom? As
> the saying goes, that's like f***ing for ***ity....

  And who's fault was it that the sanction existed in the first place,
besides it being a *UN* sanction, also endorsed by Europe ?  Try to keep up
with the facts, eh ?

  If you need some help with the answers(probably), let me know, k ?


A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 04:34:05

> >>>I'm continually baffled that you can't grasp the simple concept of
> >>>innocence and guilt.  What crime has Terri Schaivo commited that earns
> >>>her a death penalty?  What crime is an unborn infant guilty of?  I'm
> >>>not sure why the concept of not punishing the innocent is so baffling
> >>>to you...but that will remain one of the mysteries of life.

> >>So I presume you stood against Madelaine Albright's view that the
> >>killing of half a million children in Iraq was "a price worth paying"?
> >>Terri Schiavo, in comparison, is not even worthy of mention.

> >>Sometimes Stalin really did say it best

> >   Cite for the Albright quote ?

> Interview with Lesley Stahl on CBS "we think the price is worth it".

  Yep, got that provided earlier, thanks.

A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 04:35:40

> >>>>I'm continually baffled that you can't grasp the simple concept of
> >>>>innocence and guilt.  What crime has Terri Schaivo commited that earns
> >>>>her a death penalty?  What crime is an unborn infant guilty of?  I'm
> >>>>not sure why the concept of not punishing the innocent is so baffling
> >>>>to you...but that will remain one of the mysteries of life.

> >>>So I presume you stood against Madelaine Albright's view that the
> >>>killing of half a million children in Iraq was "a price worth paying"?
> >>>Terri Schiavo, in comparison, is not even worthy of mention.

> >>>Sometimes Stalin really did say it best

> >>  Cite for the Albright quote ?

> >   Didn't think so.  Figures.

> It's now posted - sorry my life got in the way of your predjudice.

> It takes two seconds on Google to find anything - you could have easily
> found it yourself. Are people soooooo comfortable in their predjudice
> that they won't even challenge their own ideas? I constantly challenge
> mine, and despair for the human race if we ever give that up.

  Why would I want to google for something, when I wasn't the one making the
assertion ?  Interesting "logic".

A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 04:38:04

> >    To bad Iraq invaded Kuwait then, eh ?  Never would have happened if

> To <sic> bad the CIA put the Ba'ath party and Saddam Hussein in power
> then, eh? Then you wouldn't have paid to put him in power, and paid for
> two wars to get him out.

 Proof of this assertion ?

  For that matter, to bad the British and French managed to *** up the ME
so badly when they carved up the Ottoman Empire after WW1, with completely
unrealistic national boundaries, etc.

  Oh, it's zillions now, eh ?  <wink>

Bill Bollinge

A lap around "The Ring"

by Bill Bollinge » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 06:02:34

Yah, because that SOCIALIST Society you live in is so great at expanding the
quality of life </sarcasm>.  Hmmm, wonder how many jobs have been created in
that Socialist Leaning Western Europe over the past 20 years?  Let's just
say we have created more jobs in the past 5 years than all of Western Europe
has in the past 20 years.

The truth comes out:  Socialist

Bill Bollinger

>> I know that the US generally think that the high oil prices are OPEC's
>> fault, yes. But it is not. And it is soooo pathetic watching the brooding
>> and pouting: "They won't pump enough oil so that we can use *way, *way*
>> more than we have ourselves for the prices that we want. Booohoooooooo!"

>> JFYI, this is just the lovely, lovely mechanisms of capitalism: Demand
>> and Availability. LOL!!!

>> I eagerly await the times when oil is so expensive that you americans
>> will have to let your SUV in the garage and take the bus to work. I
>> *eagerly* await it! And it is not that far off in the future either!!!

>> Gas prices are escalating as well, and have reached a point in US where
>> people start converting to other heating sources. However, this is not
>> OPEC's fault, simply because they don't control the market. The prices
>> get high because everyone needs it, there is less and less of it, and US
>> is the biggest consumer on the planet. And while you americans are
>> concerned with your oil prices, this planet goes to rot, and you ignore
>> the facts like ignorant heedless children do.

> Amen, well said.

> Ram the free market down everyone's throat, then scream and moan when
> supply and demand pushed oil over $1/gallon. (Then just "fix it" by
> invading Iraq, Iran (oops, sorry, not yet), change Afghanistan government,
> etc.

> By the way, when you guys go to invade Iran, I'm *really, really* sorry
> about all the chemical weapons we Brits sold them. Just in case that is
> used as a justification (WMDs and all that), we sold them to Iram after
> (9/11). I know Bush was talking about "axis of evil" and all that, but
> money is money, y'know...

Bill Bollinge

A lap around "The Ring"

by Bill Bollinge » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 06:15:09

Well John, what you FAIL to quantify is how much Americans give FREELY and
not through Government Control.  While you guys need someone at the top to
command you to give, we as a general rule give FREELY as Americans.  Your
numbers only count for Government Aid, not what is given in total by
American citizens.  The next time you imply that Americans as a general rule
are STINGY, get your facts straight.

BTW, Just through our GOVERNAMENT not including our citizens, we give 60
TIMES ($58 Billion more in total) more than Denmark does in forein aid.
BTW, our country does not have 60 times more citizens than Denmark and
Denmark has a higher GDP per capita than America... Therefore, based upon
the higher GDP per capita why isn't Denmark contributing more?

Bill Bollinger

> > Somehow you can just blind yourself of anything good the US has ever
> done.
> > Do we make mistakes?  Of course we do.  But we also contribute much more
> > than weve taken unlike a majority of the free world.

> Sorry Mitch, that just isn't true

> The UN set a target of 0.7% of GDP should be given as aid - this target
> was recently increased in response to public demands to resolve the
> tragedies occurring daily in Africa.

> Top of the foreign aid league is Denmark (1.01% of GDP), and Sweden,
> Norway and the Netherlands also meet the target. The US gives 0.1% of GDP
> as aid, as former President Carter described, "we are the stingiest nation
> of all". We're little better, Britain gives just 0.34%.

> In the last foreign aid bill passed in the US, 75 million was passed for
> aif to poor countries (this amounts to one tenth the cost of a B-52!). In
> the same budget, 1.3 *BILLION* was approved to support the Colombian
> military (who have one of the world's worst records for human rights
> violations).

> > Im not saying this in
> > an egotistical way Im saying this in defensive way.  The US (despite
> your
> > clouded nonsense) is a great country and a great collection of people
> that
> > want the best for the World and everyone in it.

> Mitch, I *truly* believe that is what you and most US people want, and
> it's a fantastic sentiment. However that is not what is happening.

Bill Bollinge

A lap around "The Ring"

by Bill Bollinge » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 06:17:58

You make this assumption that we could not develop an alternative fuel
source and that once a particular resource is eliminated, that there would
be nothing to take its place.  I believe otherwise and believe in the theory
of Necessity is the Mother of Invention.

Therefore, I believe that Nuclear Missles CAN go anywhere without oil.

Bill Bollinger

Dave Henri

A lap around "The Ring"

by Dave Henri » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 06:30:09

>>   The fact you seem to admire him frightening.

> Dave, please can you explain to me how citing a very famous quote of
> Stalin's which fits a context, can be interpreted that the person is a
> raving commie?

> You should join the CIA - you may in fact be a touch overqualified.

     You should do a google groups search on ras to find out just how
paranoid I am.  Xfiles should do the trick.
I barely breezed through his statement, I wasn't aware of the quote, I
think I was responding to his defense of using the quote in an earlier
post.  Frankly,  I can only think of one Stalin quote,  it's not something
I would be dropping in everyday conversation.  I never said Zig was a
commie..good chance that Socialist would fit tho.  
     It's the old Al Capone mentality.  Viscious criminal, ***er,
extortionist etc etc...yet the local neighborhood adored and protected him
due to the charities and community projects he sponsored.  Good works do
not absolve evil intent.  Ergo..due to Aseg's continued attempt to defend
his man,  I merely concluded that he is BONKERS.  ABSOLUTELY START RAVING
MAD!    Other than worries...welcome member of the group and all

seeya John,

dave henrie


A lap around "The Ring"

by Marty » Mon, 04 Apr 2005 08:26:09

Did you really mean to say ""I don't buy the "when oil runs out, etc."
moonbat theories you mention""?

So, no need to worry I guess. There will always be plenty of oil to fuel
American's gas guzzlers.

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