A lap around "The Ring"

Asgeir Nesoe

A lap around "The Ring"

by Asgeir Nesoe » Sat, 02 Apr 2005 17:49:36

Of course Saddam Hussein was to blame for the sanctions, indirectly.
Repercussions could have been different, oh yes, but it was Saddam Hussein who
triggered it. Of course it was. AND he was never affected by the blockade, but
his people was.

The only point I tried to make was that the sanctions *directly* killed hundred
of thousands in deplated uranium polluted Iraq. Innocent people died, and in
vain, since their leader was sitting comfortably still.

I am blaming Albright for weighing about 500 000 lives up against a political
goal, that is what I do. But that is the way american leaders think, I am aware
of that, and it scares the shit out of me.

And the "problem" is not alleged, it is a fact. Go there. Or talk to someone who
did. Cancer frequency is going ballistic. Talk to the american soldiers with
malformed babies after being down there. There are thousands of them. This has
never been addressed properly by your "patriotic" press.


>   So, since you finally admit that the sanctions, etc. were SH's fault (is
> that what you're saying ?), and he got all the meds, etc. he needed, why are
> you blaming Albright et al for your alleged problems with the sanction ?

>>I am discontinuing the argue with you, sir, because it is a waste of time,

> and

>>you are lost, and you will find out in due time.

>>BTW, the reason for the sanctions was Saddam Hussein. The victim of the
>>sanctions were the Iraqi people. Saddam got all the medication he needed.

> This

>>was my point, and you failed completely to see it.

>>Good luck in your life.


>>>>Try this:

>>>>Or this:

>>>>Or this:

>>>>The only thing you have to do is to open your eyes.


>>>   <laughter>

>>>  I'd suggest you open yours.  But thanks for verifying the quote, with

> the

>>>second and third link.  First one didn't at all.

>>>  As to the quote, so ?  You read her other remarks, right ?  Didn't

> think


>>>  And again, and how did/who's fault was it that the sanction come about

> ?

>>>Put the tin beenie down, and try a thinking cap.


A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Sat, 02 Apr 2005 21:47:13

  I thought you were done talking with me ?  Have something to say ?


A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Sat, 02 Apr 2005 21:48:40


   Only a Euro could twist facts about any subject into being a
"philosophical question."

Goy Larse

A lap around "The Ring"

by Goy Larse » Sat, 02 Apr 2005 22:18:39

>     Goy, it seems ras is spawning a number of Adam Dean's.

I wouldn't go quite that far myself :D, but for various reasons I'm
certainly "moving on", there was a time when I checked r.a.s. a couple
of times each day for the latest info or a friendly debate about
something sim related, these days it can go weeks, and when I check in
doesn't really seem as if I've missed much

Oh well, the times they are a'changing I suppose

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"

"The Pits"

"A man is only as old as the woman he feels"
--Groucho Marx--

Byron Forbe

A lap around "The Ring"

by Byron Forbe » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 01:56:57

    A classic example of the manipulations of the gods.

    Bring on the Evolution freaks claiming this is evolutionary adaption -

Byron Forbe

A lap around "The Ring"

by Byron Forbe » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 02:06:10

    More like the under the influence of the government/military/weapons
company "you report this we kick your ass" press.

    Depleted Uranium - highly effective, super cheap and better to dispose
of it this way than via nuclear waste neccessities - lotsa problems solved.
***y fantastic! :)

Jan Verschuere

A lap around "The Ring"

by Jan Verschuere » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 10:02:13

Hmmm... I wouldn't call it an aversion to the facts, but Mitch is right: in
my haste to get my point across, I did end up sounding like a raging lefty.

Tends to happen when one's posting at this time of night and having to get
up at a reasonable hour in the morning. DST just messed up my biorythm and
makes me more intolerant than usual.

Yeah, and I got in a right state when BBC news made fun of it at the
release. No, really... ***y cheeks.

Oh, but I am jealous of the country you live in and your mindset in certain
ways, no question. But at the same time I think, on the whole, things are
better arranged over here. Less of a feelgood factor on the individual
level, but with a broader perspective on the world.

As in we were part of the UN at the time (like everone else, for that
matter, why don't you go pick on some Peruvian?) and participated in
sanctioning Iraq due to non-compliance on their part? -and then you guys
decided we weren't being "hard" enough?

Ok, so we have long standing ties with the place (probably dating back to
Roman times) and, on the personal and individual company level this has led
to some "creative trading", but to actually conclude we were supporting
Saddam behind your back is a bit rich.



A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 11:26:51

   Oh, if there was a Peruvian here saying the same things, I'd be ***ing
at them too, don't worry.

  Anyway, fwiw, I actually agree with most of your comments here, in a
general sense.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 22:16:44

> This one little sentence speaks volumes and shows us exactly who John
> Wallace is.  And what an ugly view it is....

> Stalin and Saddam both hero's while GW is the anti-christ?

> Sad..

> Mitch

Mitch, you have *NO* idea what I said, so how can your response even
begin to make sense?

My comment was in no means any form of endor***t of Stalin - it simply
alluded to a very famous quote of his. If you don't understand what I
write, at least give me the respect of not turning my words into what
you wished they meant.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 22:21:33

> Versus your concrete argument that half of the Iraqi population is going to
> die of cancer...

You are just a font of disinformation today.

cancer in the coming years". You read "half of the Iraqi population will
die from cancer"!!??

Almost half does not equal all.
One town in Souther Iraq does not equal the entire Iraqi population
Contract does not equal die

So you got "cancer" right, and the entire rest of the sentence wrong.
What the heck happens when you go to the shop to ask for a pint of milk?
The mind boggles as to what you must come back with ;-)

By the way, do you have information to prove the Basra cancer facts
wrong? I base this on first-hand jourmalistic and medical evidence. On
what do you base your belief that it's wrong?

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 22:22:48

> Where do you get "half a million children" from?

The WHO, the UN, the CIA - it's very widely known. Do a google search on
Albright and iraqi kids - even she didn't deny it.
John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 22:24:27

> I also don't feel like getting into a debate about whether a cloudless
> sky is really blue.  Some things just aren't worth investing the effort
> into.

No-one is saying the sky has disappeared.

If you dropped an egg on the floor and there was no shell as you cleaned
it up, I'm guess you'd be fine with that.

Don't ever question your government, there's a good citizen.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 23:01:28

> This one little sentence speaks volumes and shows us exactly who John
> Wallace is.  And what an ugly view it is....

> Stalin and Saddam both hero's while GW is the anti-christ?

> Sad..

> Mitch

Mitch, you have *NO* idea what I said, so how can your response even
begin to make sense?

My comment was in no means any form of endor***t of Stalin - it simply
alluded to a very famous quote of his. If you don't understand what I
write, at least give me the respect of not turning my words into what
you wished they meant.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Sun, 03 Apr 2005 23:01:01

>>>Should it be any surprise that*** Cheney stated the war on terror

> could last fifty years or more?>>

> I wasn't aware that*** Cheney launched the attacks on 9/11 (or is
> that a *** you also hold?)

Sorry, Randy, straw man argument.

Cheney said it - do you agree or disagree? I made no allegation about
him and 9/11, so why are you trying to put down an argument I never made?

Well, far be it from me to comment on your laws, but Amendment IV says;

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,
and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be
violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause,
supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place
to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized"

The Patriot Act (LOL, well named) allows the police to come into your
home, search, leave without telling you. The Federal Intelligence
Surveillance Act allows warrants from special courts, looking into such
ridiculous items as what library books were read, again without

Just a couple of example of new laws ***ling all over just one
amendment to your bill of rights. We're no better off over here

  >>>Our own corporations kill more every year in the name of profit,

I have no victim mentality - I make sure I'm not a victim. The point is
that "free choice" is a myth for the most part.

Okay, let's take just an example. I show you succulent chicken, couple
of bucks, "special offer" tasty chicken ***. You might buy it. If I
told you the chicken came from Indonesia, was shipped via Holland where
it was injected with 50% water to make it bigger, injected with collagen
to hold the water, injected with pig DNA to retain the collagen, and
processed in *** water to remove feathers etc, and had a high
probability to be infected with campylobacter....would you still buy it?
How about if you were moslem, and hadn't been given the information you
were actually eating pig?

Fact is that it probably is (more than 80% of the world's chicken comes
from three companies, much of it processed in this way). You have the
"free choice" to buy this, but you are usually not furnished with the
full facts with which to properly exercise that free choice.

The "left wing" website of the United Nations. From your government.
 From my government. From journalist reports. From news. It's almost 11
million children per year, and a very widely known statistic. I suggest
you contact those organisations and let them know you dispute it.

I know you can use Google....

You may say he bought weapons, but since we failed to find any I don't
think we can say this with any certainty. Or do you think he just let
his children die to teach us a lesson? Or to boost his popularity?

 > I'm sure the French and Russians would have happily

The oil-for-food "profits" went first of all to Kuwait (one of the
richest countries in the world) as compensation for war damage. A third
of the money went to pay UN "expenses" (I thought we paid out of tax,
but there you go), further money goes to Kuwait as mentioned, further
money goes as compensation to oil and other companies. and with the
remainder Iraq would tender on the international markets for food,
medical supplies etc - every contract then had to be approved by the UN
sanctions committee. From August 1990, for eight months, ALL IMPORTS
were banned, including food and medicine, despite these being explicitly
allowed under resolution 661.

Have you heard of Denis Halliday? He was the Assistant Secretary-General
of the UN, and resigned over the sanctions. He said "I had been
instructed to implement a policy that satisfies the definition of
genocide: a deliberate policy that has deliberately killed over a
million individuals".

His successor, Hans von Spooneck, calculated the oil-for-food money, and
after paying Kuwait, the UN, oil companies etc, Iraq was left with $100
for each citizen....per YEAR. That money has to pay also for
infrastructure including oil, water, electricity etc. After that he also
called the sanctions "genocide".

But hey, it's a million Iraqis dying, so it doesn't matter...right? is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.