Repercussions could have been different, oh yes, but it was Saddam Hussein who
triggered it. Of course it was. AND he was never affected by the blockade, but
his people was.
The only point I tried to make was that the sanctions *directly* killed hundred
of thousands in deplated uranium polluted Iraq. Innocent people died, and in
vain, since their leader was sitting comfortably still.
I am blaming Albright for weighing about 500 000 lives up against a political
goal, that is what I do. But that is the way american leaders think, I am aware
of that, and it scares the shit out of me.
And the "problem" is not alleged, it is a fact. Go there. Or talk to someone who
did. Cancer frequency is going ballistic. Talk to the american soldiers with
malformed babies after being down there. There are thousands of them. This has
never been addressed properly by your "patriotic" press.
> So, since you finally admit that the sanctions, etc. were SH's fault (is
> that what you're saying ?), and he got all the meds, etc. he needed, why are
> you blaming Albright et al for your alleged problems with the sanction ?
>>I am discontinuing the argue with you, sir, because it is a waste of time,
> and
>>you are lost, and you will find out in due time.
>>BTW, the reason for the sanctions was Saddam Hussein. The victim of the
>>sanctions were the Iraqi people. Saddam got all the medication he needed.
> This
>>was my point, and you failed completely to see it.
>>Good luck in your life.
>>>>Try this:
>>>>Or this:
>>>>Or this:
>>>>The only thing you have to do is to open your eyes.
>>> <laughter>
>>> I'd suggest you open yours. But thanks for verifying the quote, with
> the
>>>second and third link. First one didn't at all.
>>> As to the quote, so ? You read her other remarks, right ? Didn't
> think
>>> And again, and how did/who's fault was it that the sanction come about
> ?
>>>Put the tin beenie down, and try a thinking cap.