>>As for being afraid their breadwagon was being cut off, can I remind you
>>that these two gentlemen voluntary *resigned* in horror and protest at
>>what the sanctions were forcing them to do. i.e. they were firmly on
>>your "breadwagon", and they CHOSE to get off.
> Proof ?
LOL! JP, you are a loon. Saying "proof" every time a fact you don't like
is in front of you won't make it go away. If you really, really want to
educate yourself, RESEARCH FOR YOURSELF. You will feel better for knowing.
In this case I will indulge you, but no more - I'm sure you can find
things for yourself. Here is a link to Halliday's first public speech
after his resignation, made at Harvard in 1998.
Because you *are* talking horse manure. I have posted facts and
evidence, quotes and sources. You have cited only things which you
believe to be true. *You* may believe them, but that falls well short of
making them facts.
LOL - every one has been answered.
JP, for the third time. Listen. Post proof of this utter fallacy.
There is no proof, because it did not happen. *I* have axplained to you
where all the money went, and the mechanisms under which it flowed
(controlled by the US). So in the extremely unlikely event of any
pocketing, the US was complicit.
So you would endure the sanctions and allow yourself and your family to
die. Okay, that's a fair answer, since that's what the Iraqis had to do.
Actually the UN said it. China said it. France said it. Kofi Annan said
it. Independent journalists recorded and reported it.
I merely quoted, although I do agree with them.
JP - are you *really* trying to say that the sanctions against Iraq were
not requested by the US, supported by the UK? Honestly? I'm trying to
help you here, I'm trying to help you salvage one tiny thread of
credibility that you have an iota of a clue what you're talking about.
You do know that Blair flew to the US to convince Bush to go this road?
You do know they had press conferences about this? You do know they
tried to spin the lie that "France would veto the sanctions no matter
what". Please tell me you know this?
Er, no - it takes only ONE country. That's why they call it a veto.
Go read up on how the security council works (and see which of the
members has used its veto more times in the past ten years than any other ;
China : 2
France : 0
UK : 0
Russia : 1
USA : 10
What do you think was so important during the last ten years that the US
was the one doing more than 75% of the vetoing...? Hmmm, what was going
on in the last decade....
Quit the insults okay? You don't know me, so don't think you can judge me.
> Ok, here's a very small tip of
Well, that's because they didn't.
First off, PLEASE don't take your "news" from Fox, okay? Secondly, you
post me links showing Kofi Annan being *cleared*, the US State
Department supporting this, and Kofi Annan's son looking into his
options as far as suing the people who investigated!
This is "proof" - LOL.
The US was involved in the set up of the sanctions, the controlling of
the sanctions, the sign off of any orders, and with power of veto over
everything which went on. *If* there was a problem (which has been many
times alleged and never proven), a hell of a lot of people in the US
missed it.
Here is resolution 661 - note that medicines and humanitarian aid are
very specifically allowed ;
Here are some reports on how this was simply ignored ;
Even Harvard warned of the public health catastrophe which they
predicted would occur, and which was proven correct.
Read the above reports. Oh, and search.
Then click back in the thread and find it.
They're the UN's *proven* numbers, and accepted by your government. You
should tell them they're wrong.
JP, you really need to shut up, it's embarrassing. How can you claims I
haven't posted "any proof at all"? I have posted a LOT, even in this
message. Cited you numbers, provided quotes and sources right to the UN
and your own government. You might not like them, but please don't claim
I've posted nothing to try to strengthen your position. If you can't
strengthen it by fact, don't bother.
Then you should shut up - really.