A lap around "The Ring"

Randy Magrude

A lap around "The Ring"

by Randy Magrude » Sat, 09 Apr 2005 09:21:32

Polly want a cracker?  I thought I'd speak might find
it easier to understand.

> Hate? Hate for the idea that might makes right (Bush foreign policy)?
> Hate for the bigotry of right-wingers who have no pity for the
> hundreds of thousands of innocent Arab people ***ed at the hands
> of a fraudulent American president responsible for a fraudulent war
> in Iraq? Hate for the corporate fascism that drives Bush's forign
> policy and domestic securty state?

> You bet!

> Bye-bye? No stomach for a dialog with people who don't agree with you?

> Marty

> > Delusional is thinking you can actually add anything constructive.
> > Your only motivation is pure hatred and that hate has marginalized
> > you out of existence.  Buh-Bye...

> > > > Thats exactly what this argument is about.  All you can see are
> > > > the bad things.  Thats fine, all I can do is try and set you
> > > > straight and hope some small amount of reason enters into your
> > > > thought process ;)

> > > The good things are good. Everyone likes the good things. The bad
> > > things should be exposed and fixed. But not everyone has the guts
> > > to face the bad things. It's obvious where you stand.

> > > > Neither of us is right or wrong in regards to Iraq at this
> > > > point in time.  I didnt expect it to be 2 years ago when the
> > > > War started either.  Things are looking better for freedom
> > > > daily though and thats all we can hope for and which was our
> > > > original intent in Iraq, not WMD or Oil as your party likes to
> > > > think.

> > > That's just plain delusional. Iraq is a mess because of, A.)the
> > > incompetence of the Bush administration, B.)the deceit of the
> > > Bush administration, C.) both incompetence and deceit of the Bush
> > > administration. Anyway you look at it the people who created the
> > > problem are unlikely to be the ones to fix it.

> > > Marty

bernard spilma

A lap around "The Ring"

by bernard spilma » Sat, 09 Apr 2005 09:52:36

I consider myself pretty conservative. Nothing conservative about
Bush's deficeit financing, nothing conservative about the federal
government trying to tell the state courts how they must rule. Bush
is an ideologue, he is NOT a conservative.

Total fu-king bullshit! Explain how, idiot. "Liberal policies?", you're
gonna have to get a little more specific than that, most of us here can
read and write.

What in hell does that have to do with anything?

I'm sure that you alone are keeping the government solvent. Its all about
your money, ain't it?

Dude, you are really a fu-king ZERO! You make bold ideological
statements that have no basis in fact and you make no attempt to back
up your bullshit. When you're finally shown to be an ignorant ass, you make
some stupid, prideful boast and move on to spew your bullshit in another

PS: I am still waiting to hear how FDR and LBJ ruined an infrastructure
that started deteriorating in the seventies, but if you just rattle off more
mumbo-jumbo I won't waste my time responding to an idiot.


A lap around "The Ring"

by Mitch_ » Sat, 09 Apr 2005 11:54:02

Id prefer if you didnt.  You make yourself out a real moron everytime you

Buh-Bye Bernie!

my time responding to an idiot.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 11 Apr 2005 03:28:06

>>>More than two centuries of accrued rights and civil balances have

> been
> watered down or made illegal>>

> What a crock.  All that happened was that rules for dealing with
> criminals were extended over to counter terrorist activities whereas
> before they were considered separate.  Keep reading to get real info,
> and put down Michael Moore's latest screed.

Randy, before responding to me, check your predjudices at the door,
okay? Does the fact that I dislike seeing YOUR civil liberties eroded
make me a Michael Moore fan?! Quite an astonishing leap of "judgement"

Therefore "The Truth" is that the "Patriot" act does allow exactly that,
and is being used as such. Why is it that YOUR government is allowed to
snoop on you, but you are not allowed to know what they are doing?

Another non-searcher? Use google - you'll find countless campus news
stories, blogs, articles and reports - or do you prefer your "news"
served by Murdoch in sound-bites?

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 11 Apr 2005 03:30:41

> And those who committed crimes are paying for it.

> I bet you agree with the irony of *** innocents in orange jumpsuits
> also.

I think most people are not closed to the obvious fact that there is
good and bad on both sides - no-one has a monopoly on what is right.
John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 11 Apr 2005 03:41:45

> Thats exactly what this argument is about.  All you can see are the bad
> things.

Mitch, I *just posted* the words "No-one is arguing that > the US has
done good things" - I know we are "two nations separated by a common
language", but was it really unclear?! :-)

Sorry Mitch, it's matter and anti-matter that supposedly cancel out, not
open insult and then smiley...

I have no party - please remember it. I do so hate when people try to
fill in aspects about me of which they have no knowledge.

I agree that no-one is right or wrong in regards to Iraq, but if you
cannot accept my point on Iraq, please understand my feeling. You say
things are looking better for freedom - I disagree. The US invaded Iraq,
and forced upon the people a style of government and a leader that they
DID NOT CHOOSE. That is not freedom. Forget for a moment if we think it
is in their best interests, it is NOT democratic, it is NOT freedom, and
it is NOT legal.

Imagine if Saddam had the military power of the US, and decided "poor
USA has George Bush as a leader, half the country vote against him -
they need a dictator to solve their problems!". Then he invades, knocks
out the military, and installs a style of government of which his people

Set aside the response of "we'll kick his ass", and "it'll never happen"
- I know. Point is, it's the reverse of what was done to Iraq, and would
be equally undemocratic and illegal. The people of IRAQ may think
they've done the right thing - under Saddam (pre-sanctions) they had a
literacy rate of overe 90% (prents were fined for not sending their kids
to attain an education), they had no street children as they have now,
their overall level of wellbeing for the population was among the best
in the world (it's now in the bottom 20%). Those people might believe
they were doing the right thing for the US, but that is not the way to
bring it about - you can't make rules then just set them aside. Bringing
"democracy" by undemocratic means is bizarre, no?

Still, time will tell, and it's done now.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 11 Apr 2005 03:44:19

>   No you didn't.  At least not to me.  *You* posted quotes.  I'm looking for
> a link.

It's posted in the thread. If you're too lazy to look, I'm not repeating
myself. Tell you what, chalk this one down as another chance for you to
say "thought not" and once again wallow in ignorance.

You've posted NOTHING but your own words, backed up with nothing.

And if you don't know who comprises the UN security council members, you
are WAY out of your depth.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 11 Apr 2005 04:18:40

>>As for being afraid their breadwagon was being cut off, can I remind you
>>that these two gentlemen voluntary *resigned* in horror and protest at
>>what the sanctions were forcing them to do. i.e. they were firmly on
>>your "breadwagon", and they CHOSE to get off.

>    Proof ?

LOL! JP, you are a loon. Saying "proof" every time a fact you don't like
is in front of you won't make it go away. If you really, really want to
educate yourself, RESEARCH FOR YOURSELF. You will feel better for knowing.

In this case I will indulge you, but no more - I'm sure you can find
things for yourself. Here is a link to Halliday's first public speech
after his resignation, made at Harvard in 1998.

Because you *are* talking horse manure. I have posted facts and
evidence, quotes and sources. You have cited only things which you
believe to be true. *You* may believe them, but that falls well short of
making them facts.

LOL - every one has been answered.

JP, for the third time. Listen. Post proof of this utter fallacy.

There is no proof, because it did not happen. *I* have axplained to you
where all the money went, and the mechanisms under which it flowed
(controlled by the US). So in the extremely unlikely event of any
pocketing, the US was complicit.

So you would endure the sanctions and allow yourself and your family to
die. Okay, that's a fair answer, since that's what the Iraqis had to do.

Actually the UN said it. China said it. France said it. Kofi Annan said
it. Independent journalists recorded and reported it.

I merely quoted, although I do agree with them.

JP - are you *really* trying to say that the sanctions against Iraq were
not requested by the US, supported by the UK? Honestly? I'm trying to
help you here, I'm trying to help you salvage one tiny thread of
credibility that you have an iota of a clue what you're talking about.

You do know that Blair flew to the US to convince Bush to go this road?
You do know they had press conferences about this? You do know they
tried to spin the lie that "France would veto the sanctions no matter
what". Please tell me you know this?

Er, no - it takes only ONE country. That's why they call it a veto.

Go read up on how the security council works (and see which of the
members has used its veto more times in the past ten years than any other ;

China  :  2
France :  0
UK     :  0
Russia :  1
USA    : 10

What do you think was so important during the last ten years that the US
was the one doing more than 75% of the vetoing...? Hmmm, what was going
on in the last decade....

Quit the insults okay? You don't know me, so don't think you can judge me.

 >  Ok, here's a very small tip of

Well, that's because they didn't.

First off, PLEASE don't take your "news" from Fox, okay? Secondly, you
post me links showing Kofi Annan being *cleared*, the US State
Department supporting this, and Kofi Annan's son looking into his
options as far as suing the people who investigated!

This is "proof" - LOL.

The US was involved in the set up of the sanctions, the controlling of
the sanctions, the sign off of any orders, and with power of veto over
everything which went on. *If* there was a problem (which has been many
times alleged and never proven), a hell of a lot of people in the US
missed it.

Here is resolution 661 - note that medicines and humanitarian aid are
very specifically allowed ;

Here are some reports on how this was simply ignored ;

Even Harvard warned of the public health catastrophe which they
predicted would occur, and which was proven correct.

Read the above reports. Oh, and search.

Then click back in the thread and find it.

They're the UN's *proven* numbers, and accepted by your government. You
should tell them they're wrong.

JP, you really need to shut up, it's embarrassing. How can you claims I
haven't posted "any proof at all"? I have posted a LOT, even in this
message. Cited you numbers, provided quotes and sources right to the UN
and your own government. You might not like them, but please don't claim
I've posted nothing to try to strengthen your position. If you can't
strengthen it by fact, don't bother.

Then you should shut up - really.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 11 Apr 2005 04:26:23

> You mean, apart from terminally depressed at the state of world
> leadership, the future for the environment, and the fact I still prefer
> GPL to anything more recent (except maybe rFactor)? Fine John! :-)

Good to hear! I'm just getting back out and about after breaking my
wrist recently. Stopped me racing and, more tragically, stopped me
mountain biking (although I did self-inflict the break while mountain
biking, so I suppose it's wrong to complain!). Back out for a first run
today up Glen Finglas and over Meall Cala, which was superb, although
snowing on the peak still.

Yes, the M25 could seriously put a dent on things, although it should
help your skills in GPL traffic! Mind you, even online I reckon most
simmers drive better than I tended to see on the M25.

Yes, I'm discovering that unfortunately. It's not so much the politics
that depress me here, it's people's inability to step aside for a moment
from what they believe in, and objectively look at the process of how
something came about. Thatcher said "there is no such thing as society"
- she is normally quoted badly out of context on this, but I fear the
non-contextual use is becoming the more correct.


John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 11 Apr 2005 04:29:01

> The FACTS are:  Americans contribute nearly 1 trillion every year to
> charities.  You may think that is stingy, but that would be incorrect.

No, the FACTS are that the agreement made by UN participants was for
0.7% of GDP, and the US gives 0.1%.

The 0.7% is the target, the 0.1% is the result.

And that is why *Jimmy Carter* (not me) called the US the stingiest
nation on earth. I've never been your president (too Scottish to
qualify), so I'd rather you attributed Jimmy's quotes to Jimmy.

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 11 Apr 2005 04:29:57

> You are the one who has pigeon-hold himself.  Not my fault that many of the
> Western European countries lean to the socialist side and wonder why they
> cannot grow their economies and are falling behind.

Bill - people *cannot* pigeon-hole themselves. Think about it.
John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 11 Apr 2005 04:32:27

> Just on a side note:  I treat the CEO pay no different than Sports Hero's
> pay.  We as a public are the only ones to blame.  We make up the owners of
> these companies and allow it to happen.

That will be the "Royal we" I guess, because I never signed up for that.

I suspect if you took a vote of all the people in the US and asked them
if Motorola's CEO should get 38 million bucks a year they'd say no.


A lap around "The Ring"

by Mitch_ » Mon, 11 Apr 2005 04:32:11

Yes we do, but the way you make a valid point and back it up with fact
instead of spin is why Ill listen so intently even if I do disagree.  I know
Im not always right and Im more than willing to listen to an intelligent
post and thats what will sway me to that view, not calling me names.

Id be happy to tilt a p[int or two with ya someday John!


different viewpoints, but I do very much

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 11 Apr 2005 04:33:45

>>The point is that in the specific case you cited, giving aid to other
>>countries, the US falls well short of the standards agreed to by the UN.

> Ok, this just about makes me puke.  Standards and the UN said in one
> statement.

The US agreed to the standard - does that make you puke?

Then fell short by almost 90% - does that raise a little vomit?

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Mon, 11 Apr 2005 04:35:14

>     Question for Brits - how does the scenario of the death of the Queen and
> the crowning of a King named Charles sound?

A charlie for a king? Sounds cool :-)

I'm actually rather curious what other Brits may say - like our Scottish
so called "parliament", it's a matter of supreme indifference to me. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.