I'd prefer they just wiped out all politicians, policemen, etc, wiped
the legal/foreign policy slate clean and started all over again.
A pity you can't just shift - R in real life :(
I'd prefer they just wiped out all politicians, policemen, etc, wiped
the legal/foreign policy slate clean and started all over again.
A pity you can't just shift - R in real life :(
I just read an article that stated excessive *** use causes many of
the same symptoms you exhibit here. Not the least of which are either
psychosis or paranoia.
wiped out all politicians, policemen, etc, wiped
>> the death of the Queen
> Elton John died?
> Oh, you mean *that* Queen. <shrug> Despite momentary lapses of
> sanity (eg when Diana died) nobody really gives a f*ck about the monarchy.
> They're just a bunch of Germans imported to attract American tourists :-)
> Andrew McP
You have your creationist museum. We have a few thousand years' worth of
inbred monarchy. Two nations joined across the ocean by common insanity.
Makes you proud ;-)
Andrew McP
"Andrew MacPherson" > You have your creationist museum. We have a few
thousand years' worth of
What a crock. All that happened was that rules for dealing with
criminals were extended over to counter terrorist activities whereas
before they were considered separate. Keep reading to get real info,
and put down Michael Moore's latest screed.
Like any other search warrant, delayed-notification warrants under
Section 213 may only be issued after showing probable cause and
obtaining the express approval of a judge.
Nothing changed here with the Patriot Act. This had always been the
case and all that happened is that the rules for criminal searches were
extended to cases of suspected domestic terrorism.
That's an interesting charge. What is your substantiation for it?
Your allegation: " FBI agents have the right to go into libraries and
see what people are
reading. "
The Truth:
A: No. Section 215 permits the government to obtain "tangible things"
from third parties in foreign intelligence investigations. Although the
USA PATRIOT Act does not mention libraries, this section could be
applied to library records as business records. Under previous law,
government agents had the ability to access business records, including
library records, with a grand jury subpoena in criminal cases. Section
215 now allows such requests in foreign intelligence cases. An
important protection provides that Section 215 may not be used against
U.S. persons (citizens or permanent resident aliens) solely based on
activities protected by the First Amendment. In practice, these
requests are made only as to specific individuals who are already the
target of an investigation. This provision includes a safeguard that
provides that government agents must seek a court order for the
records, based on a certification from a high-ranking FBI official
(Assistant Special Agent in Charge or higher) that the records sought
are for "an authorized investigation to obtain foreign intelligence
information not concerning a U.S. person or to protect against
international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities." An
additional safeguard requires the Department of Justice to report its
use of this provision to Congress every six months.
"subversive tendencies".
You'll need to back that claim up.
The only "croc tears" are coming from the neocons (NONE of whom have served
in the military) who planned this war from the day they stole the 2000
election. Funny that their "successful" war for oil has freed up the oil
so much that I'm now paying $2.30/gal for mid-grade gasoline.
Damn right! That's why the Euro is worth so much more than the
Dollar. Looking out for your citizens IS NOT socialist, dumbass.
>> the death of the Queen
> Elton John died?
> Oh, you mean *that* Queen. <shrug> Despite momentary lapses of
> sanity (eg when Diana died) nobody really gives a f*ck about the monarchy.
> They're just a bunch of Germans imported to attract American tourists :-)
They're certainly not a poster family for the concept of monarchy,
that's for sure.
On the other hand, nearly every prime minister or president of the
"free" world is certainly a poster boy/girl for one of democracy's prime
claims - anyone can make it in a democracy, no matter how stupid.
What I'm suggesting here is revolution - they've been happening since
the begginig of time - out with the old, in with the new. Not a
democratically elected "new" though - I think some proper leadership would
be very novel and extremely fascinating to the hoards on this shithole of a
planet that have never been blessed by it.
> I just read an article that stated excessive *** use causes many of
> the same symptoms you exhibit here. Not the least of which are either
> psychosis or paranoia.
> Mitch
> just wiped out all politicians, policemen, etc, wiped
>> the legal/foreign policy slate clean and started all over again.
>> A pity you can't just shift - R in real life :(
>> I just read an article that stated excessive *** use causes many of
>> the same symptoms you exhibit here. Not the least of which are either
>> psychosis or paranoia.
>> Mitch
Bill Bollinger
>> You are the one who has pigeon-hold himself. Not my fault that many of
> the
>> Western European countries lean to the socialist side and wonder why they
>> cannot grow their economies and are falling behind.
> Damn right! That's why the Euro is worth so much more than the
> Dollar. Looking out for your citizens IS NOT socialist, dumbass.
> WS
I know that it is NOT because European economies are falling behind.
Europeans have good roads, good schools, and good health care for ALL their
citizens. This country is starting to look like the old Soviet Union;
infrastructure, crappy, ill-maintained military equipment, etc... I don't
understand how you right-wing fanatics call yourselves "Patriots," and
squeal like pigs when you are asked to pay your taxes. Do you think
the US can remain the greatest nation on earth by doing it "on the cheap?"
Do you even
Let me seperate the two:
Multinational corporations are getting richer. They are NOT paying more
taxes, they
are NOT sharing their prosperity with their employees. They are taking
wealth from
the US economy and distrubuting it among the world economy. Our president
be looking out for the American People, not multinationals.
Exporting corporations are selling more stuff for less money. They can
afford to
do that since republican policies have made it so much easier for them pay
illegal aliens substandard wages for jobs Americans used to hold.
You could argue that more exports could add to our foreign trade surplus, if
we didn't currently have the largest trade deficeit in US history. There's
solid "conservative" governing for you.
Any more questions?
The infrastructure has deteriorated because of failed liberal policies
(since FDR but LBJ can claim a bunch) and nothing more.
Ill make it really easy for ya, you spoil your kid rotten then that same
brat takes everything in life for granted and blames everyone but himself
for his failure. Teach a child appreciation and things change for the
The reason the old folks didnt act this way was because they had
appreciation, plain and simple. Now we have a society of takers while the
only givers are the government with *my* money.