I know that the US generally think that the high oil prices are OPEC's fault,
yes. But it is not. And it is soooo pathetic watching the brooding and pouting:
"They won't pump enough oil so that we can use *way, *way* more than we have
ourselves for the prices that we want. Booohoooooooo!"
JFYI, this is just the lovely, lovely mechanisms of capitalism: Demand and
Availability. LOL!!!
I eagerly await the times when oil is so expensive that you americans will have
to let your SUV in the garage and take the bus to work. I *eagerly* await it!
And it is not that far off in the future either!!!
Gas prices are escalating as well, and have reached a point in US where people
start converting to other heating sources. However, this is not OPEC's fault,
simply because they don't control the market. The prices get high because
everyone needs it, there is less and less of it, and US is the biggest consumer
on the planet. And while you americans are concerned with your oil prices, this
planet goes to rot, and you ignore the facts like ignorant heedless children do.
>>"JP" wrote...
>>>Is there any difference between someone who starved millions
>>>of his own people to death (and thats just for starters),
>>>and Bush ? <laughter> Is that a serious question ?
>>>Interesting how those who don't even live in the
>>>US think they know so much about it.
>>US protectionist measures, i.e. dropping the price of their currency and
>>driving up the price of oil, will cause indirect casualties in the
>>developing world.
> <snip>
> Oh, and btw, you might want to bone up on how oil prices come about.
> Hint; try OPEC for starters. History has shown, and continues to do so,
> that their prices are usually set for self-serving reasons, not because of
> US currency fluctuations.
> <laughter>
> The last thing the US wants, for it's own self-interests, is anything that
> would drive up the price of oil, that's in their control, aka currency.
> You're really reaching with this one, but whatever. Good thing you're not
> prejudiced though, eh ? <wink>