A lap around "The Ring"


A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 06:24:42

> >   Um, in your post ?

> >   But then, this is priceless too, from another post,......"Mitch - this
> > ain't the place for politics, ....."

> >   So, you can post political comments, but not others ?  Interesting.

> I was apologising for the fact that *I* was about to go off topic.

> I made no comment on what others should or should not do. You should try
> it sometime.


  My, the hypocrisy just keeps on comin'.  It "ain't the place for
politics",  yet you have no problem posting such......repeatedly in one
thread, including the first illusion to it maybe ?

  Suggest you follow your own advice.


A lap around "The Ring"

by elrik » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 06:34:11

> > Do you have ANY kind of proof or are conspiracies your thing?

> > If you rub that bottle hard enough a Jeannie will pop out too ;)

> > Europe has went off the deep end.  This kind of thinking was considered
> > lunatic fringe not long ago, what the hell happened to reason and common
> > sense over their??

> We put it on the shelf when you guys re-elected GWB as we figured we
> wouldn't need it for another 4 years :)

> (Warning, the above was intended as a joke)

> Beers and cheers
> (uncle) Goy
> "goyl at nettx dot no"

Your kind intentions aside, some jokes are just too close to the truth.



A lap around "The Ring"

by Marty » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 03:45:07

> Don't worry, there are people even WORSE than Marty, like that French
> author who claims that 9/11 didn't really happen, and even if it did,
> it must've been those Israeli agents on adjacent buildings
> choreographing the whole thing.

Classic right-wing difficulty with cognitive dissonance. Terrorist
attacked us so my leader must be right about who the threat is.

Michael Moore, great American hero. Has the guts and the brains to seek
the awful truth and use his art to communicate.

Yes, Randy it has never been a better time to be a liberal Democrat.
Liberals are what stands between America and the jugernaught of
ocorporatism being engineered by the Bush neo-fascists.

Oh yes, it's judicial tyranny when ever the right-wing doesn't like a
court ruling. Like the Terri Shiavo case, right?

Final authority? If you believe in democratic principles of government
that is of, by, and for the people, no. The judiciary interpets the law.
I think that was covered in Government 101.



A lap around "The Ring"

by Marty » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 03:53:34

> Good one!  They can't wait 4 years though.  His wing of the party is
> undoubtedly getting champaigne on ice so they can toast their success
> when Terri Schaivo dies.  It'll be like Christmas for the 'culture of
> death' crowd.

Culture of death crowd? You mean those of us who want an end to the flow
of our soldier's *** to secure oil?

I continually mystifies me how the religious fundamentalists of the
right wing seems to have all but exclusive concern for life before birth
and after death. And yes, Terri Shiavo died long ago regardless of the
medical support that has kept her body alive.


>>>Do you have ANY kind of proof or are conspiracies your thing?

>>>If you rub that bottle hard enough a Jeannie will pop out too ;)

>>>Europe has went off the deep end.  This kind of thinking was
>>>considered the lunatic fringe not long ago, what the hell happened
>>>to reason and common sense over their??

>>We put it on the shelf when you guys re-elected GWB as we figured we
>>wouldn't need it for another 4 years :)

>>(Warning, the above was intended as a joke)

>>Beers and cheers
>>(uncle) Goy
>>"goyl at nettx dot no"


>>"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
>>--Groucho Marx--

John Wallac

A lap around "The Ring"

by John Wallac » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 06:55:35

>   <laughter>

>   My, the hypocrisy just keeps on comin'.  It "ain't the place for
> politics",  yet you have no problem posting such......repeatedly in one
> thread, including the first illusion to it maybe ?

>   Suggest you follow your own advice.

Tell you what, I'll just file "getting through to you" under
recreational impossibilities.

By the way, it's "allusion".


A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 07:35:18

> >   <laughter>

> >   My, the hypocrisy just keeps on comin'.  It "ain't the place for
> > politics",  yet you have no problem posting such......repeatedly in one
> > thread, including the first illusion to it maybe ?

> >   Suggest you follow your own advice.

> Tell you what, I'll just file "getting through to you" under
> recreational impossibilities.

   Sounds good; should be right next to the section about you entitled "Who,
me ?"

   Gee, thanks Mom.

  But at the same time, to be expected.

Randy Magrude

A lap around "The Ring"

by Randy Magrude » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 08:18:27

> Culture of death crowd? You mean those of us who want an end to the
> flow of our soldier's *** to secure oil?

As if concern for our soldiers were really what was driving you.  Only
one thing drives you.  Pure, un***erated hatred.  That's all that
drives you.  You wouldn't care about the truth at all if it forced you
to give up your hate.

I'm continually baffled that you can't grasp the simple concept of
innocence and guilt.  What crime has Terri Schaivo commited that earns
her a death penalty?  What crime is an unborn infant guilty of?  I'm
not sure why the concept of not punishing the innocent is so baffling
to you...but that will remain one of the mysteries of life.

that has kept her body alive.

You don't know that.  That's what you believe.  There are
nobel-nominated physicians who disagree with you.  But what do they
know?  You've got your ideology, and far be it from you to even express
any slightest tinge of doubt.  It's amazing that the left will take the
smallest amount of doubt to spare the life of someone who committed
*** and***, but when it comes to doubt about Terri Schiavo, they
claim to have none.  Enjoy your champaigne.  You sure put one over on
those pesky Christians, trying to keep someone alive.  More power to

Randy Magrude

A lap around "The Ring"

by Randy Magrude » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 08:34:44

Classic left-wing loon, if it's a republican in office, war is bad.  If
it's a democrat...more war, we need more war!

ROFL!  Michael Moore, the self-hating American "hero"?  Good one!  It
doesn't bother you a bit that most of the ***in Fahrenheit 9/11 were
proven lies that no thinking person could take seriously.  Oh wait, I
forgot about that caveat: "thinking person". Take him as seriously as
you like then.

LOL!  It's really funny how when you don't have an enemy, you can
create one.

You don't understand the constitution one whit.  You're as ignorant as
most of the raving left.

The judiciary interprets the law.  They do not WRITE it (well, up until
recently, when somehow the judiciary starting finding things that
didn't exist in the constitution).  Since you have so much respect for
our judiciary, I assume you also supported the internment of the
Japanese in WWII and the institution of slavery...since both were at
one point fully backed by our laws.  But hey, we don't want to flout
the law right?

Last time I checked, each branch of government swears fealty to the
Constitution, NOT the judiciary.

The truth of the matter is pretty easy to find.  Start with reading
Federalist papers 78 and 79 regarding the power of the courts.  Or, if
your attention span lasts long enough, read this and I dare you to
dispute its accuracy:

I have to say that after I write these posts I ask myself why I'm even
bothering.  You cleasrly are absolutely CONSUMED with such utter hatred
towards all things conservative, that my guess is that there is nothing
that anyone could say or do to convince you that you were wrong.

So failing that, my suggestion is that you travel to Baghdad, and in a
public street corner (with, of course, the aid of a translator), you
tell the Iraqi people that they aren't really free, and all the blather
about Bush.  I expect you won't make it out of that square alive.

Or alternatively, there are many organizations which are still looking
for the "useful idiots" of Stalin's day, to do their bidding.  You
might find an organization like this and offer yourself as a spokesman.
You have the concept of 'reading your lines' down pat.

I keep thinking of the movie "Lethal Weapon 2" where Danny Glover is in
the South African embassy saying he wants to move to S. Africa to end
apartheid, and he is using phrases like "oppresive white regime", and
Joe Pesci's character, with a big stupid grin on his face, is doing the
role of "amen, brother" and says stupidly "oppressive white regime!"
parroting Danny Glover.  When I see posts like yours that look like
they could have been cut 'n pasted from the website,
complete with every lie and tired cliche trotted out, touted as fat, I
just see you as a parrot incapable of any kind of rational thought on
the subject, because you are utterly blinded by your hatred of all
things not far left.


Randy Magrude

A lap around "The Ring"

by Randy Magrude » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 08:35:42

> You have to admit though, the French guy has a shred of a point. I'm
> far from saying he's right, but I've never seen a plane disappear
> into a hole smaller than itself, nor leave any trace of wreckage,
> bodies, seats, luggage, or any of the other debris we've all seen in
> every other plane crash.

> It is wierd

Okay, John, you win -- 9/11 was cooked up by Bush in Area 51 (which
coincidentally, is also where the second shooter on the grassy knoll
has retired and is living comfortably sipping***tails with Elvis)
Randy Magrude

A lap around "The Ring"

by Randy Magrude » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 08:38:36

> Mitch - this ain't the place for politics, but democracy says you
> can't just remove people you don't like. Look on any newsreel footage
> of Iraq, Saddam got a whole load more support than Bush or Blair get
> at home.

Um, yeah, that's because our ballots don't have two options:

  [  ] Saddam Hussein
  [  ] please*** my wife in front of me and torture me to death

My guess is that option 1 is probably going to get a lot more votes :)

Saddam Hussein's "views" didn't gas the kurds and the Iranians, my
friend, nor did they invade a neighboring country and turn it into a
miniature 3rd reich, complete with secret police.

Well, your crystal ball is just as good or bad as mine is.  On the
other hand, Winston Churchill had the left howling at him for saying
the Nazis were really a threat, and now we know how mr. peacemaker
neville chamberlain went down in history.

You and Marty must be reading the same web sites!


Randy Magrude

A lap around "The Ring"

by Randy Magrude » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 08:57:25

Hopefully this exerpt isn't too 'dry' for you to follow, but read it
carefully if you dare:

AT THIS POINT, ONE might expect a discussion of how John Marshall in
Marbury v. Madison declared the Court to be the final arbiter of the
Constitution. Kramer, however, shows that this standard interpretation
of Marbury is erroneous. At most, Marbury stands for the proposition
that the Court may make reference the Constitution when deciding a
case. In 1803, this was not a given. We must remember that in the
British system only Parliament could make constitutional
interpretations. Parliament was the ultimate sovereign and, to
paraphrase Blackstone, could make or unmake any law as it saw fit. The
Marbury Court simply recognized that because the people are the
ultimate sovereigns in America, all three coordinate branches may refer
to the people's fundamental law when carrying out their assigned
constitutional duties. Had Marshall declared the Supreme Court to be
the final arbiter, President Jefferson would likely have had him sent
to the federal gaol.

In essence, Marshall's Marbury opinion simply articulated the doctrine
of "departmentalism" favored by the Jeffersonian Republicans.
Departmentalist theory is perhaps best examined in the context of
President Jefferson's approach to the Sedition Act. Upon entering
office, Jefferson ordered the cessation of all federal sedition
prosecutions and he pardoned those who had been convicted. In 1804,
Jefferson received a letter from Abigail Adams criticizing his handling
of the Sedition Act controversy. Mrs. Adams argued that because the
judges had upheld the Sedition Act, President Jefferson had overstepped
his constitutional bounds when terminating prosecutions and pardoning

In a polite response, Jefferson reminded Mrs. Adams that "nothing in
the constitution has given [the judges] the right to decide for the
executive, more than the Executive to decide for them." Both branches,
continued Jefferson, "are equally independent in the sphere assigned to
them." Jefferson recognized that the judges, "believing the law
constitutional, had a right to pass a sentence of fine and
imprisonment, because that power was placed in their hands by the
constitution." However, this did not bind him when performing his
duties as chief executive. Because he believed the Sedition Act was
unconstitutional, he "was bound to remit the execution of it."

Jefferson, like Madison in his Report to the ***ia House of
Delegates on the Sedition Act, denied that the judiciary was the final
arbiter of the Constitution. To give any one "co-equal" branch such a
power would make it "despotic." Of course, a final arbiter is needed if
the branches cannot reach an accommodation on certain issues. And for
Jefferson this ultimate power resided in the people of the several
states -- the ultimate sovereigns in the American system. By using the
ballot box or meeting in convention, the people would settle all
disputed constitutional questions.

Dave Henri

A lap around "The Ring"

by Dave Henri » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 09:25:16

   What life support?  oxygen?  no...*** transfusions?  no...Heart
pacemakers?  no...  Did she need Kidney machines?  no...Did she need
breathing assistance?  no...  Did she need anything that you see on shows
like ER just to stay alive?  No.  
  All she needed was tube for food and water and somebody to change her
diapers.   Thats not life support.

  As many know, I'm not a republican nor a democrat.(although I can easily
see most of my thoughts have a more 'right-wing' angle than left these
days)  I don't subscribe to party politcs, I'm not a member of any
religious group.  

   I don't see TS as 'on life support' as so many like to claim.  But I
also do not see why her case stands out so...we have probably thousands of
similarly end-stage elders facing the same life/death issues every year.

   I did hear one interesting juxtaposition,  The other day a 10 year old
boy tried to sneak water into the facility..he was arrested, handcuffed and
taken away by 4(yes 4 policemen)  Yet also last week, a 200+pound man on
trial for*** was escorted by 1 (yes only 1!) 54year old grandmother even
AFTER they had discovered two shanks on his person before the trial began.
The result..the Granny was shot in the face...with her own weapon...the
perp then shot the judge, the bailiff and a Fed Imigration officer later
during his escape.

   This is all blown out of perportion.  I greive for the family yet have
no doubt they are not saving Terri's life.
dave henrie

  Now will somebody esplain what ANY of this has to do with simming?


A lap around "The Ring"

by Mitch_ » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 09:32:32


9/11 was cooked up by Bush in Area 51 (which


A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 10:08:57

> > You have to admit though, the French guy has a shred of a point. I'm
> > far from saying he's right, but I've never seen a plane disappear
> > into a hole smaller than itself, nor leave any trace of wreckage,
> > bodies, seats, luggage, or any of the other debris we've all seen in
> > every other plane crash.

> > It is wierd

> Okay, John, you win -- 9/11 was cooked up by Bush in Area 51 (which
> coincidentally, is also where the second shooter on the grassy knoll
> has retired and is living comfortably sipping***tails with Elvis)

   I always get a kick out of how the same "group" who say that those in the
Bush admin are as dumb as fence posts, but yet in the same breath, credit
them with being able to pull of the most intricate of conspiracies.

  But then, double-talk is their specialty.


A lap around "The Ring"

by JP » Tue, 29 Mar 2005 10:10:30

> > Nothing?  Ask the families of the 1,500 troops who died.

> > We've turned Iraq into a bigger spawning ground for terrorists than
> > Afghanistan ever was..

> <snip other drivel>

>   Cite  ?

   Figures; didn't think so. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.