Last post by Kevin Clar « Tue, 17 Jun 2003 17:30:15
Do you know if is possible 'tarnsfer' a Gpl time from a driver to another
( Maybe there's some tool .. )
I explain better ; I've done my PB at Monza with Lotus ( 27.
2 Replies
Last post by Kevin Clar
GPL question Tue, 17 Jun 2003 17:30:15
By infogrames, the old version, I can't play on Windows XP...I have an AMD
XP 1700, GeForce MX400
I f I try to play at Le Mans the game crashes, any idea? any patch?
1 Replies
Last post by Guillerm
Le Mans 24 h Tue, 17 Jun 2003 10:17:54
Last post by Mark Sten « Mon, 16 Jun 2003 19:45:44
tarted playing race driver pro and i find the game runs fine execpt for the
replays where i get 1 frame every 4 secs, anyone else had this problem?
I've reinstalled video drivers and sound tri
Last post by Uwe hoover Schuerkam « Mon, 16 Jun 2003 18:38:59
i folks,
somebody mentioned that the new Sportscar Racing mod requires
M$ .net in order to install it.
I'm running a stock Win98SE installation and am anxious to
install and unne
Last post by Uwe hoover Schuerkam « Mon, 16 Jun 2003 18:29:20
i folks,
I have a little problem running Le Mans in the BPR Endurance
Mod. I take 100 litres of fuel in the West McLaren F1 car, but
the simulation claims that's only enough for three l
I edited the M3 mod vehicles and added them into the 24 Hour class (as
an example) to see if they would be picked up in the GTR Frontend and
be playable.
Last post by J.D. Elli « Mon, 16 Jun 2003 09:47:44 least for me :-)
Row over 'fighting fund' takes a new and exquisite twist
In a shock move, Formula 1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone will invest in the
financially struggli
Last post by Goy Larse « Mon, 16 Jun 2003 05:21:33
o Whom It May Concern,
Eldred or John or whoever is boss of the hadn't authorised
me to log in so I couldn't join you this morning (my time).
47 Replies
Last post by Goy Larse
RASCAR: Michigan Mon, 16 Jun 2003 05:21:33
Anyone tell me what they think of these 3 pedal sets.. i`ve a MOMO force
wheel and pedals, do they work ok, and whats the clutch like etc etc.......?
Last post by Mark Sten « Mon, 16 Jun 2003 02:43:25
've got a problem with the retail version of Colin McRae 3. You know how in
old films when a person is seen answering an irate customer's phone call,
the caller's voice is sped-up so it's unin
Last post by Goy Larse « Mon, 16 Jun 2003 02:12:46
You can find it here: Installation instructions are included in the post.
Last post by Dave Henri « Mon, 16 Jun 2003 00:59:06
ello everyone,
After some unsucessful internet searches, I was wondering if anyone knew of
any sim that had sports cars as a add-in( modification, patch etc.
i folks,
I'd like to get better frame rates and a bit more eye candy
(normally orthogonal requests, I know ;-) in N2003 and F1 2002
(GPL is usually maxed out unless I play with the deta
Last post by Tony Rickar « Sun, 15 Jun 2003 10:30:25
kay, Iv'e patched it, updated it to work with my Video Card and CPU and
gotten the Disconnect Patch.
I downloaded and try'd the GPL Glance program and really like it.
Last post by Mike Beaucham « Sun, 15 Jun 2003 09:13:01
kay, I know some of you won't have the system requirements to run this
game.. But, I suggest you try it anyways!
I found the game like a year ago on the-underdogs.
installed the mod and the update from the boomtown website but when i fire
it up i only get to see the intro movie but then i just get a black screen
with the cursor and music but nothing els
Anyone else having trouble getting on lately? I DL some F12002 track a few
days ago and want to get more of their great looking tracks. But it seems to be
Last post by Dan Belch « Sun, 15 Jun 2003 01:24:22
dont get how anyone can play this game unless there is something way
wrong with my controller. I cant get the car around a corner unless i
massively slow down, slower than a stock car.
Last post by J<nospam>Cana « Sat, 14 Jun 2003 15:25:06
am just getting back into GPL. I uninstalled the game about a year ago and
just re-installed today. My problem is that I cannot enter my original
player name into the game.
m having trouble keeping my Game-Elements AxisPad calibrated
correctly while running Nascar 2k3 on my XP Pro OS. Usually, I have
to calibrate my joystick before every event (quals, happy hour
hat is truly sad news Eldred. I work in a restaurant on major highways in
Pa. I will keep my eyes open. If you wish and would allow I will print up
copies of your webpage and distribute the
kay, to (re)open a can of worms. I think after 4 years of service my
TSW2cup is dying. What makes me say that? After a couple of minutes
of racing, there will suddenly be 0 throttle respons
11 Replies
Last post by the_g_ma
Wheel question Sat, 14 Jun 2003 13:39:00
got this on a maillist at work. I was shocked when realized that I know her
Tatianna Ashley Chilcutt
Missing From Dearborn,
am not good enough to join online races yet but I hope to be able to do so
soon. Is there a "standard" view (in-car or chase views) used when racing
online? Right now, I like to s
I wonder if anyone could help out with a strange problem I've been having.
I have a Microsoft Precision Racing Wheel (USB) which I'm using under
Windows 2000 (sp3).
Last post by Bruce Kennewel « Sat, 14 Jun 2003 05:10:18
eems pretty damn excellent to me. Graphics are nice and smooth. Physics
seem very realistic. I made sure to have my wheel set up correctly, and I'm
really impressed with how it felt.
23 Replies
Last post by Bruce Kennewel
Indy Demo Opinion Sat, 14 Jun 2003 05:10:18
an anybody tell me where i can get the GTR 2002 mod for F1 2002? i tried
going to the website that was listed in PC Gamer but i got an error talking
about it was not the correct address.
his thing is terrible, the cars have less grip than Nascar 2003,
physics are terrible, and the control setup thingie is the same one
from rally trophy that doesnt want to show a dual axis cont is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.