AMAZING Rally Game!!

Mike Beaucham

AMAZING Rally Game!!

by Mike Beaucham » Sun, 15 Jun 2003 09:13:01

Okay, I know some of you won't have the system requirements to run this
game.. But, I suggest you try it anyways!

I found the game like a year ago on (an abandonware site),
but their site is full of advertising. So I put the .zip file on my site and
you can download it here:

The-underdogs page for the game is:

You need a 486 dx66 and 2.5MB of free harddrive space... ouch :)

It looks to be quite old, although that website says it was made in 1999 by
Jukka J?k?l?. the homepage in the readme.txt seems to long since have

It should run fine under Windows if you run it in a full screen command
prompt. I have it loaded onto my "punk laptop"
( and it runs great!

My friend and I (who is also into sim racing) were hotlapping it for about 4
hours last night. He made the claim that the tarmac physics is better than
in CMR3 :)

We also agree that it is better than GeneRally in some respects.. I just
wish someone could really update this game.. or come up with something
really similar but with the graphics and detail like GeneRally.. it would
definately be a blast for just messing around and killing time!

If any programmers out there ever read this, or the person that made the
original. Here's what I suggest for "Rally-Sport 2.0". Obviously better
graphics, real WRC cars, better draw distance.. nice semi transparent smoke,
more detailed tracks, transparent windows on the cars, and custom setups
(tyre type, suspension, gear ratio), manual/auto transmission.. etc.

I give full credit for this game for being loads of fun that can run on a
semi-broken laptop that someone gave me for free!

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