Rally Cross rally racing game for the PSX

Jim Bu

Rally Cross rally racing game for the PSX

by Jim Bu » Wed, 18 Dec 1996 04:00:00


        Yeah, I know this is a shameless plug, but I am curious as to some
early opinions of the game.

        The coolest racing game to ever come to a pc/console will be out Q1
'97 for the Sony Playstation. It is called Rally Cross, and has the most
realistic features of any racing game to this date. You can see screenshots
and read some more specifics on the game at:

Jim Buck

Sony Interactive Studios America

Justin Sa

Rally Cross rally racing game for the PSX

by Justin Sa » Wed, 18 Dec 1996 04:00:00

Still doesn't look as good as RAC Rally, Sega Rally or the forthcoming
Accolade Test Drive Offroad for PC


>        Yeah, I know this is a shameless plug, but I am curious as to some
>early opinions of the game.

>        The coolest racing game to ever come to a pc/console will be out Q1
>'97 for the Sony Playstation. It is called Rally Cross, and has the most
>realistic features of any racing game to this date. You can see screenshots
>and read some more specifics on the game at:


>Jim Buck

>Sony Interactive Studios America


Rally Cross rally racing game for the PSX

by Jaso » Thu, 19 Dec 1996 04:00:00

        Wow....looks really good. After playing Screamers 2 on my PC I started
to wonder where the rally games were for the I find out
theres one on the way! Plus if I'm not mistaken it'll have 2 player
split screen<Did I understand this right?>. One thing I wasn't sure
of...The Sony site says 6 courses. The other site says 18 tracks. Is
one of them incorrect or is it 3 tracks per course. If it is 3 tracks
per course is it Rige Racer style where it's the same track just
extended it or is it 18 totally different tracks? Also I didn't see
ANY dash there some kind of in car view? To me, this is
crucial to a good racing game and would be disappointed to find it


>        Yeah, I know this is a shameless plug, but I am curious as to some
>early opinions of the game.
>        The coolest racing game to ever come to a pc/console will be out Q1
>'97 for the Sony Playstation. It is called Rally Cross, and has the most
>realistic features of any racing game to this date. You can see screenshots
>and read some more specifics on the game at:
>Jim Buck

>Sony Interactive Studios America

Jeffrey S. Mocke

Rally Cross rally racing game for the PSX

by Jeffrey S. Mocke » Thu, 19 Dec 1996 04:00:00


Looks great and the split screen mode is an excellant idea.  
I love racing-type games.  The latest 4x4 game which came
out for the Playstation not too long ago is quite fun but
has some problems.  Looks like you have added several
things missing from 4x4.  

What looks good in yours:
 1) Graphics look great!
 2) Split screen a definite plus! (I don't tend to do link-ups
    so split screen is better for me.
 3) Difficulty levels are great for us older folk who don't
    have as much time to master games like my kids ;-)
 4) Sounds very realistic!
 5) As far as music, I usually turn it off after the first
    couple of times playing the game.  I would rather listen
    to sounds of cars tearing-up the terrain!
 6) And just on the whole it looks and sounds great.  I hope it
    lives up to your web page description.

Questions about yours:
 1) Does it support Necgon?
 2) How does it save?
 3) How many tracks are there really and how are they broken out?
 4) What's its frame rate?  Not that I care, just want to know
    if it is smooth or not.
 5) Not a question but a warning, I have many friends in the
    30's who own Playstations.  Don't make the game too
    difficult to play for us old folks ;-)

What I like about 4x4 (in no particular order):
 1) You can save after each race.  This allows me to keep
    working on a race until I get good at it.  Once I  
    qualify (or come in first), then I can save and move
    on to the next track.  I'm 32 with kids and don't
    have as much time as I use to.  Thus, saving is a
    big deal to me anymore.  I like the N64 Wave Race
    however once you start, you have to race like six races
    all at once before you can save.  This takes up way too
    much time for me.  
 2) Many tracks of different terrain.
 3) Different cars/trucks to choose from.
 4) Quick interface to navigate.
 5) Great send of speed and movement!

What I don't like about 4x4 (in no particular order):
 1) Tracks are a bit too narrow.  It would be nice to be
    able to go off the track at times but maybe penalized
    by time for doing so.
 2) Lava track is a bit too dark and hard to see at times.
 3) The AI is set up such that you are always in the pack.
    I can sit still for 5 minutes and still finish Not Last?
    Makes for good competition but not realistic.  Maybe
    that should be some type of Preference setting?
 4) Needs a better on-screen map and indication of where
    other trucks are.
 5) Lots of clipping problems; you see the white lines often.  
    However, I ignore those after playing a while.

Just to let you know, I'll be buying this the day it come out.
By the way, when is this?  I've heard Jan or Feb; hopefully
January is the correct date.  If not, you might want to
update EB as that is the date they have.

Hope this was helpful.  Keep us informed as what is
going on.



> Hello,

>         Yeah, I know this is a shameless plug, but I am curious as to some
> early opinions of the game.

>         The coolest racing game to ever come to a pc/console will be out Q1
> '97 for the Sony Playstation. It is called Rally Cross, and has the most
> realistic features of any racing game to this date. You can see screenshots
> and read some more specifics on the game at:


> Jim Buck

> Sony Interactive Studios America

Jim Bu

Rally Cross rally racing game for the PSX

by Jim Bu » Thu, 19 Dec 1996 04:00:00


        Glad you are liking what you see so far. It will have both 2 and
4-player split screen (4 player with the multitap). The 18 course thing was a
bit misleading. There are 6 courses, but 3 versions of each course (rookie,
veteran, pro) with differences being not that big (short cuts being or not
being available or more or less mud/ice, ...). There is an in-car view, but
there won't be a dash/steering wheel - just the rpm guage, mph, ... the same
stuff you see on the screen in out-car view. If you liked Screamer 2, you
should love this.

Jim Buck

Sony Interactive Studios America

Phat Hong Tr

Rally Cross rally racing game for the PSX

by Phat Hong Tr » Thu, 19 Dec 1996 04:00:00

>Still doesn't look as good as RAC Rally, Sega Rally or the forthcoming
>Accolade Test Drive Offroad for PC

In which way doesn't Rally Cross look better than Sega Rally (for the
Saturn, I presume)?  I think it looks very good, and its split screen
mode is something I wish would be in more racing games.



Rally Cross rally racing game for the PSX

by Bosc » Thu, 19 Dec 1996 04:00:00

> Still doesn't look as good as RAC Rally, Sega Rally or the forthcoming
> Accolade Test Drive Offroad for PC

> >Hello,

> >        Yeah, I know this is a shameless plug, but I am curious as to some
> >early opinions of the game.

> >        The coolest racing game to ever come to a pc/console will be out Q1
> >'97 for the Sony Playstation. It is called Rally Cross, and has the most
> >realistic features of any racing game to this date. You can see screenshots
> >and read some more specifics on the game at:

> >
> >

> >Jim Buck

> >Sony Interactive Studios America

Looks to me like it's just another old racing game. I know, I know, it's
off-road racing with 6 different tracks, and you can even race then
backwards! (Wait a sec, haven't I already played a million games like
this? Gosh darnit...I have!) The graphics look great but I think the PSX
has enough racing games(off-road smoff-road they're all the same to me!).
I like what sony did with the concept of a music game (RaPappa the Rapper)
and other interesting titles (Jumping Flash...etc. even though they are
somewhat childish) but I think most gamers have had enough racing games
for one lifetime...I know I have.


Dale Brouwe

Rally Cross rally racing game for the PSX

by Dale Brouwe » Thu, 19 Dec 1996 04:00:00

> Hello,

>         Yeah, I know this is a shameless plug, but I am curious as to
> some early opinions of the game.

Here's a shameless flame.  How about upgrading your website from
pathetic to mediocre?

Update the to be released games section eh?


Rally Cross rally racing game for the PSX

by Grey » Thu, 19 Dec 1996 04:00:00

> > >        The coolest racing game to ever come to a pc/console will be out Q1
> > >'97 for the Sony Playstation. It is called Rally Cross, and has the most
> > >realistic features of any racing game to this date. You can see screenshots
> > >and read some more specifics on the game at:

> > >
> Finally, a good looking racing game with in-cockpoit view and 2-player
> split screen. Ive been holding out on racing games (except WP2097)
> simply because of not much split screen support. Im getting this one for
> sure.

How about link cable support!? I want more games with BOTH
split screen and link cable options (even better a game with
split screen linkup!) I will not be buying Rage Racer or Destruction
Derby 2 because they don't support the link cable or split screen. Namco
is taking a step backwards
taking out the link up option,the reason to buy RRR is
it's linkup abilty (with only one disc :) not because
it's that much better than Ridge Racer.



Rally Cross rally racing game for the PSX

by s.. » Thu, 19 Dec 1996 04:00:00

> > >        Yeah, I know this is a shameless plug, but I am curious as to some
> > >early opinions of the game.

> > >        The coolest racing game to ever come to a pc/console will be out Q1
> > >'97 for the Sony Playstation. It is called Rally Cross, and has the most
> > >realistic features of any racing game to this date. You can see screenshots
> > >and read some more specifics on the game at:

> > >
> > >

> Finally, a good looking racing game with in-cockpoit view and 2-player
> split screen. Ive been holding out on racing games (except WP2097)
> simply because of not much split screen support. Im getting this one for
> sure.

> --

> Hardware Engineer |
> Hypertec Pty Ltd  |

Mark Midoll

Rally Cross rally racing game for the PSX

by Mark Midoll » Fri, 20 Dec 1996 04:00:00

Finally, a good looking racing game with in-cockpoit view and 2-player
split screen. Ive been holding out on racing games (except WP2097)
simply because of not much split screen support. Im getting this one for


Hardware Engineer |
Hypertec Pty Ltd  |


Rally Cross rally racing game for the PSX

by Jaso » Fri, 20 Dec 1996 04:00:00

        I'm gonna disagree AND agree with you. First off I agree there are too
many racing games for the playstation BUT I don't agree that gamers
have had enough racing games. I think what needs to be done is to cut
down on the racers, letting only the highest quality games
through..also cut down on the blatant ridge racer clones. If I see
that black and orange tunnel one more time!!!! My playstation has
quickly become a racing console much to my satisfaction With great
games such as the arcade racer classic RR and RRR; the future racers
Wipout/Wipeout XL; and the sims NASCAR and F1.I think the prefect
addition to this is a rally style game where you're bumpin and slidin
all around the track.  Keep the GOOD racers comin but stop floodin the
racing market with duds...quality not quantity!<CLICHE!>



Rally Cross rally racing game for the PSX

by Jo » Fri, 20 Dec 1996 04:00:00

|> I think most [PSX] gamers have had enough racing games
|>for one lifetime...I know I have.

Fact is, I have no interest in racing games either... but I love
racing sims. And now (since last monthor two) the PSX finally has two
- Psygnosis' F1 and NASCAR by Papyrus. I hope this is a trend... I
don't care how many racing sims there are, I'll always buy any of them
that aren't outright rip-offs. It would be nice to see GP2 and some
updated form of Indycar (something more extensive than Andretti
racing) too.

Jim Bu

Rally Cross rally racing game for the PSX

by Jim Bu » Fri, 20 Dec 1996 04:00:00

>        I'm gonna disagree AND agree with you. First off I agree there are too
>many racing games for the playstation BUT I don't agree that gamers
>have had enough racing games. I think what needs to be done is to cut
>down on the racers, letting only the highest quality games
>through..also cut down on the blatant ridge racer clones. If I see
>that black and orange tunnel one more time!!!! My playstation has
>quickly become a racing console much to my satisfaction With great
>games such as the arcade racer classic RR and RRR; the future racers
>Wipout/Wipeout XL; and the sims NASCAR and F1.I think the prefect
>addition to this is a rally style game where you're bumpin and slidin
>all around the track.  Keep the GOOD racers comin but stop floodin the
>racing market with duds...quality not quantity!<CLICHE!>


        Glad to hear you are looking for quality games. We hope we are doing
just what you are asking by only putting out quality with Rally Cross.

Jim Buck

Sony Interactive Studios America

Jim Bu

Rally Cross rally racing game for the PSX

by Jim Bu » Fri, 20 Dec 1996 04:00:00

>> Hello,

>>         Yeah, I know this is a shameless plug, but I am curious as to
>> some early opinions of the game.

>Here's a shameless flame.  How about upgrading your website from
>pathetic to mediocre?

>Update the to be released games section eh?

        Well, if I had access to that website, I would do just that. But, that
is SCEA's website, and I am with SISA. If you have problems with the website,
email the webmaster of that site (address can be found on one of the web

Jim Buck

Sony Interactive Studios America is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.