


by Paulinh » Mon, 16 Jun 2003 03:38:15

Anyone tell me what they think of these 3 pedal sets.. i`ve a MOMO force
wheel and pedals, do they work ok, and whats the clutch like etc etc.......?


Ross E


by Ross E » Tue, 17 Jun 2003 18:27:01

I got 'em about 18 months ago (to replace my logitech) and they are great.
The feel of the brake is the best thing about them. The clutch and gas feel
different to eachother, it's pretty subtle, but they both feel good too. My
GPL lap times didn't improve like I read about some people, it actually took
me a couple of weeks to get back up to speed with them.



by St » Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:14:20

I have the speed 7 pedals and a BRD wheel and they are excellent, just
sold my ECCI unit for this setup. I agree with the last caller that
the brake is absolutely the best. I don't think these pedals are the
greatest if you set them on the floor, I actually built a simple
***pit like unit for them. If you want drop me an e-mail and I will
send you spme pics of my setup. Steve


by Jerr » Thu, 19 Jun 2003 16:24:59

I am also thinking about getting them, but from the pictures, they
just do not look like as well constructed as the FREX pedals, but no
doubt they beat the crappy Logitech Momo Racing pedals that I have


by St » Fri, 20 Jun 2003 01:33:24

> I am also thinking about getting them, but from the pictures, they
> just do not look like as well constructed as the FREX pedals, but no
> doubt they beat the crappy Logitech Momo Racing pedals that I have
> now...

Not so Jerry, the Speed 7 pedals are all aluminum and and are very
well constucted. They have a unique spring cartridge (replaceable)
that I guess could go but the pedals themselves are strong and light.
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