Precision Racing Wheel - cutting out


Precision Racing Wheel - cutting out

by Mark » Sat, 14 Jun 2003 06:38:29


I wonder if anyone could help out with a strange problem I've been having.

I have a Microsoft Precision Racing Wheel (USB) which I'm using under
Windows 2000 (sp3). When I boot up with the wheel plugged in (or boot up and
then plug the wheel in), the Game Controllers panel either reports the wheel
as present OK or reports nothing at all. This seems to happen randomly and
nothing I've tried (different USB port, hot/cold reset etc.) resolves the

When the wheel is detected OK, everything works fine (all buttons, pedals
etc.) but then whilst I'm using it, Windows will (also apparently randonly)
suddenly lose connection with the wheel - it disappears from the Game
Controllers panel and no amount of unplugging/re-plugging works. The only
solution is to keep re-booting until Windows can see it again.

This is beginning to get on my nerves somewhat and if anyone can offer any
advice, I'd be grateful.



Precision Racing Wheel - cutting out

by Ferrari_Cors » Sat, 14 Jun 2003 11:24:47

I have the same problem - and I have a very weird solution that always

Straighten out a paper clip, remove the USB plug from the computer and then
scrape the contacts with the paperclip in a sideways motion. Then wiggle the
paperclip in the two holes on top of the plug. Plug it back in and volia!

Sounds strange, but it always works (and has done for a year). Even cleaning
with Meths didn't help!

Gavin B


Precision Racing Wheel - cutting out

by Mark » Sun, 15 Jun 2003 01:41:38

Fantastic - just tried it out and it works like a charm!

OK, so I've no idea WHY it works but I guess that's not too important ;-)

Thanks very much,


> I have the same problem - and I have a very weird solution that always
> works!

> Straighten out a paper clip, remove the USB plug from the computer and
> scrape the contacts with the paperclip in a sideways motion. Then wiggle
> paperclip in the two holes on top of the plug. Plug it back in and volia!

> Sounds strange, but it always works (and has done for a year). Even
> with Meths didn't help!

> Gavin B

> > Hi,

> > I wonder if anyone could help out with a strange problem I've been

> > I have a Microsoft Precision Racing Wheel (USB) which I'm using under
> > Windows 2000 (sp3). When I boot up with the wheel plugged in (or boot up
> and
> > then plug the wheel in), the Game Controllers panel either reports the
> wheel
> > as present OK or reports nothing at all. This seems to happen randomly
> > nothing I've tried (different USB port, hot/cold reset etc.) resolves
> > problem.

> > When the wheel is detected OK, everything works fine (all buttons,
> > etc.) but then whilst I'm using it, Windows will (also apparently
> randonly)
> > suddenly lose connection with the wheel - it disappears from the Game
> > Controllers panel and no amount of unplugging/re-plugging works. The
> > solution is to keep re-booting until Windows can see it again.

> > This is beginning to get on my nerves somewhat and if anyone can offer
> > advice, I'd be grateful.

> > Thanks,
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