race driver replays


race driver replays

by Hoefs » Mon, 16 Jun 2003 19:45:44

started playing race driver pro and i find the game runs fine execpt for the
replays where i get 1 frame every 4 secs, anyone else had this problem?
I've reinstalled video drivers and sound tried the sound patch and official
patch reinstalled it and still got the same prob.....
2.7 gig 512 ram geforce 4200 sonic fury sound
........('(.......... ~/'...')
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Mark Sten

race driver replays

by Mark Sten » Mon, 16 Jun 2003 21:51:13

I remedied a similar sounding (no pun intended) fault on my system by
changing the sound detail in Race Driver's setup to one-notch above low.
Experiment a bit, as it fixed the replay for me.

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