What's up? If you are interested in some NASCAR replays on teaching you the
lines on the various tracks. Please reply here and I will upload at group. Just tell me what track do you want done.
Is that easy enough?
Now, NASCAR 2, hmm.. Optimized for the Verite Rendition chip, why may I ask??
There is only going to be "one" manufacturer that is going to have it. Could
someone from Papyrus tell me the reason why? I mean who would you believe, a
sound card manufacturer or a graphics card manufacturer?? Who specializes in
their fields, respectively. I have read and seen the Voodo chipset in action. It
just flat out hauls!! ; )
I know it's wrong to talk about something negative, especially NASCAR 2, but
when you said that you will be using the "same" physics engine in NASCAR 1. Does
that mean we will have the "same" setup options?? Come on now, I am already over
the sim. I would like more of a challenge, please.
Indycar 2 is sort of a challenge. ; )
Is there an Indycar3 planned??? I hope so..
Spectrum/Holobyte, are there plans for a patch for some of the bugs in GP2?
Could you also have the patch enable some of the features in the sim? Please..
Spectrum/Holobyte techies, you have got to be joking about the "ideal" platform
for GP2, right? I mean 8MB of whatever memory that is out there? I see the
sharper colors and a tad increase in refresh rates, but this has got to be
ridiculous. Really..
Visiware, are you on schedule for your F1 sim?? I really hope so.
I have noticed that the Papyrus techs haven't responded lately because of the
"useless" posts. Hmm.. I sure miss Rick.. Not to flame you Papy guys or
anything. I understand the situation.
take care..
Julian Data #0004
Director of Information Technology, Consultant, "Ace" Test Driver
Offical Channel Operator (#ivgacsnc, on undernet)
International Video Gamers Assoiciation, Inc.
IVGA Headquarters:
International Video Gamers Assoiciation, Inc. (IVGA)
14100 Walsingham Avenue
Suite 36
Largo, FL 34644
Voice: (813) 596-6661