remember your point and everything has become extremely
watered down. So, whatever you say!! :) Enjoy..
| No I didn't. If you cut across the track and take out the leaders because
| they can't figure out where you are going or what the hell you're doing
| you should be taken behind the haulers and beaten soundly about the ears.
| if you are driving a straight, consistent line, making no unexpected lane
| changes as the leaders come up on you, and you get drilled from behind by
| of them, it's their own damn fault. There is no contridiction here
| whatsoever.
| Dave Casey
| >Now you just contradicted what you told me as bullshit & go back
| >to the stay high & hold line! You are flip-flopping now or your just
| >having a bad PMS day!! :)~
| >| You don't seem to understand something here. If you had held your line
| >high, driving a straight line and one of the leaders had plowed into
you, then
| >shame on them. It would have been their own damn fault.
| ><snipped for example>
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