• GPL gamma control problem
    hope someone can help me ! I'm running GPL on a Voodoo3/2000 AGP card with the latest drivers from 3dfx on a Intel P2 350mhz sytem.
    3 Replies
    Last post by Martin Urs GPL gamma control problem
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • Kart sim
    Why, oh why oh why oh why, has no one every made a decent one of these, with a track editor. This sucks. Please retify. Z. Please remove my_pants when replying.
    6 Replies
    Last post by Mark Seer Kart sim
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • Atten: Mark McCuen Re: Your Redline Race Controls Pedal unit ready for shipment
    ello Mark I have been trying to contact you via email without responce. Your RRC pedal unit is ready to ship but I can't get a hold of you.
    1 Replies
    Last post by Nigel Nichol Atten: Mark McCuen Re: Your Redline Race Controls Pedal unit ready for shipment
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • DTR FF slowdown
    had the chance to play DTR today and it is great! However, when Force Feedback was enabled, the game slowed down considerably.
    2 Replies
    Last post by Antti Markus Pete DTR FF slowdown
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • STB 4400 Velocity TNT card
    have the STB 4400 Velocity TNT card. I am running Winders 98 and Direct X 6.1. I have the latest drivers off of the STB site.
    2 Replies
    Last post by Arnaud Fran?oi STB 4400 Velocity TNT card
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • Elf/Fastrack (Rob Swindells)
    cause people keep asking how I did, I'm reposting this, so sorry :o) Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou for everyone's messages of support for my motoracing 'endevers' (RE: Well, this is it then.
    6 Replies
    Last post by robswindell Elf/Fastrack (Rob Swindells)
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • Nvidia 3.53 Detonator driver + GPL = screen flashing problems
    installed the new 3.53 Nvidia Detonator drivers and now in GPL the screen is flashing and breaking up into horizontal sections, seems like a vertical sync problem but I can't get around it.
    5 Replies
    Last post by Antti Markus Pete Nvidia 3.53 Detonator driver + GPL = screen flashing problems
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • GPL Patch Problem
    downloaded the official patch for the UK version of GPL. Unfortuantly when I try to install it I get some error about the wrong version or something.
    2 Replies
    Last post by Arne Marti GPL Patch Problem
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • gpl f2 sounds ?
    I've been trying gpl at f2 level and i'm enjoying it except for the sounds, is there anywhere i can get some better sounds for the f2 cars ?
    3 Replies
    Last post by Michael Horto gpl f2 sounds ?
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • 2 DOWN - 42 to go
    cott Humphries <> wrote Scott those cars are very nice but this is different from Jacobb's server, since we are in a public area of the USENET and the netiquette say
    4 Replies
    Last post by Graeme Nas 2 DOWN - 42 to go
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • Will Act Lab Force RS Wheel work with Sierra Driver's Education?
    'm considering Act Labs Force RS wheel to work with Sierra's Driver's Education software. I realize this is tame software for this NG but with a teenager about to start driving I'll give it a
    1 Replies
    Last post by James M. Thornbe Will Act Lab Force RS Wheel work with Sierra Driver's Education?
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • replace track in gpl ?
    s it possible to remove a track from the world championship schedule and replace it with brands hatch, i want to race a wc but don't want to race monaco so is it possible for me to remove mona
    2 Replies
    Last post by David Er replace track in gpl ?
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • GP500 Controller Setup
    have a TSW2 EZ (With paddles) and I cannot get GP500 to recognize the paddles (which are used as gas and brake) Any suggestions on how to get GP500 to recongize the paddles? THANKS
    1 Replies
    Last post by Tim Deatherag GP500 Controller Setup
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • Nascar Rev SE - Is it any better now?
    Is it any better than the orig game and how so. Also how is the online racing?
    1 Replies
    Last post by Jack Nascar Rev SE - Is it any better now?
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • LWFF profile for GP2
    ope i havent got one but has anyone else! How do you make the wheel self centering for GP2 and how can i create my own profile like wheel loosening when braking hard etc.
    1 Replies
    Last post by Hulio Jord LWFF profile for GP2
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • Converting wheel form 2 to 4 axis
    I have read somewhere that it is possible to convert a 2 axis wheel into a 4 axis. Could anyone refer me to a site or provide me with good instructions ? Thanks a bunch !
    2 Replies
    Last post by Mark Converting wheel form 2 to 4 axis
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
    f you want different dashboards for each car check out and get the all dash from there. -- the friendly pysco -I know it's spelled wrong but I'm not a psycho ;-
    1 Replies
    Last post by friendly pysc SCGT-COCKPITVIEW
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • Dirt Track Racing - Pre-Orders Available at DASCAR
    See the new BOX cover for the Dirt Track Racing Game.... DASCAR at is now accepting pre-orders for the Dirt Track Racing Game... DW
    1 Replies
    Last post by Don Wilsh Dirt Track Racing - Pre-Orders Available at DASCAR
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • Eastcoast N3 League
    am looking for a east coast nascar3 league to be part of. I am currently in a n3 league that is primary base on the west coast and every time we a race I get big time packet loss, really
    2 Replies
    Last post by The_Mocke Eastcoast N3 League
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • Viper Racing -- alternate engine sounds?
    It seems I read that someone had created some improved engine sounds for VR. Could someone point me to them please? jeff
    1 Replies
    Last post by Jeff Jone Viper Racing -- alternate engine sounds?
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • N3 & All in Wonder Pro AGP Card
    irst off I am not familiar with a lot of the technical jargon regarding Graphics cards. N3 will not function with the card I have mentioned using 3D accelerator setting.
    1 Replies
    Last post by Doug Bishop Jackson Mi N3 & All in Wonder Pro AGP Card
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • Martin on 300 pole; Wheeler victorious in 150
    quot;Martin Grabs 300 Pole, Wheeler Cruises to SuperTruck victory" Troy Martin had the fastest car in qualifying Tuesday night, as he set his Ford on the pole position for Wednesda
    1 Replies
    Last post by Number Martin on 300 pole; Wheeler victorious in 150
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • N3 racers in Texas
    m looking for any N3 races in Texas (im in central texas so you know). Right now im fighting connection problems but it seems inevitable ill be getting a cable hookup soon.
    1 Replies
    Last post by Schlom N3 racers in Texas
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • == N. LEGENDS or NASCAR 3 ????===
    ny one know the real differences between these 2 titles from Papyrus. How about tournament lengths etc.. I can only purchase one, any info or advice is appreciated thank u Pet
    6 Replies
    Last post by Larr == N. LEGENDS or NASCAR 3 ????===
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • OT: Goodyear Leaves CART,IRL, and F1
    t it was announced that Goodyear was no longer going to involve itself in the major forms of open wheel racing.
    15 Replies
    Last post by STEPHEN STANELAN OT: Goodyear Leaves CART,IRL, and F1
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • cards
    Which of all the video cards currently on the market is best suited to play GPL ( this taking in consideration the updated drivers available on their Web Sites ). ?
    4 Replies
    Last post by Anthony Brook cards
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • N3 Online Connection Info
    From the chat window, pressing CRTL-Y gives me the following info: latency:0.10(6) quality:165 totsend:215 What do these entries mean? Thank you.
    3 Replies
    Last post by Ulterior Mode N3 Online Connection Info
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • GPL and STB 4400 black screen help
    have the STB 4400 Velocity TNT card. I am running Winders 98 and Direct X 6.1. I have the latest drivers off of the STB site.
    2 Replies
    Last post by David Ript GPL and STB 4400 black screen help
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • h
    11 Replies
    Last post by Francois Dubu h
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • DTR rox.. but...
    eyas.. Managed to get a hold of "a" copy of DTR. All i can say is its a blast!! however, the graphics are nothing to scream about, on a v3 with 450 cpu it runs great all deta
    19 Replies
    Last post by Andre Hanegraa DTR rox.. but...
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • Sending out an S.O.S.
    ell there have been at least two posts to this NG in the last 3 days, both seemed to be certain that Spirit of Speed demo would be released either 26 or 27 October 1999, well it's evening of t
    11 Replies
    Last post by Ronald Stoeh Sending out an S.O.S.
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • Racing-Sim Editor Needed @ GA-Sports
    f you're interested in applying for this position please check out the following page for more information. http://www.
    5 Replies
    Last post by Glenn Andresse Racing-Sim Editor Needed @ GA-Sports
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • Steve Smith's F2 Superguide
    teve Smith has published his F2 Superguide, kindly hosted by SimRacing Online. At the F2 Superguide you can download a Zip archive containing all of Steve's latest F2 setups.
    19 Replies
    Last post by Bj?rn Nyhl?? Steve Smith's F2 Superguide
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • What happened to all the guys making add-ons and stuff for GPL....
    Havent found something new for ages....
    3 Replies
    Last post by Andre Warrin What happened to all the guys making add-ons and stuff for GPL....
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • Why don't GPL car "fish-tail"
    any times when a car gets sideways in real life, after correcting the slide, the car will swing back the other way in a series of fish-tails, or "tank-slappers".
    16 Replies
    Last post by Tony Whitle Why don't GPL car "fish-tail"
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • N3 does suck!
    'm fed up with papy's tire old engine that couldn't! Shit, the only improvement is the sound! The cars still drive like every track is a newly paved asphalt parking lot, the cars still
    26 Replies
    Last post by Dean William N3 does suck!
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • GPL: Braking question
    n Ricardo Nunnini's site ( I read this about braking in GPL: ------------------------ PHASE 0 threshold, straight line braking.
    22 Replies
    Last post by Rich Clar GPL: Braking question
    Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • N3 Server speed
    I'm on AOL and having trouble with latency. Can anyone suggest a good online service that has a fast server speed? I want to race with no warping. Thanks Dave
    8 Replies
    Last post by me N3 Server speed
    Wed, 27 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • OT: Jackie Stewart laps the Ring
    I've got a short MPEG clip from a website of Jackie Stewart commentating on an in-car film from the old Nurburgring, must be 1974-75ish.
    20 Replies
    Last post by Stefan Magnusso OT: Jackie Stewart laps the Ring
    Wed, 27 Oct 1999 04:00:00
  • SOS Demo Late Wednesday
    he release date will be now 12th November for the full version. Demo Late Wednesday 27th October if all goes well. -----------== Posted via Newsfeeds.
    19 Replies
    Last post by Michael SOS Demo Late Wednesday
    Wed, 27 Oct 1999 04:00:00 is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.