improvement is the sound!
The cars still drive like every track is a newly paved asphalt parking lot,
the cars still don't look anywhere near the quality of Nascar
Revolution...Nor do the tracks and racing surface even compare...As a matter
of fact the AI is a joke compared to NASREV...I know, I know, all you
mindless numbnuts out there that have listened to your "*** sim"
buddies are outraged that I should compare the 2 but try opening your narrow
little minds a bit...Racing Darlington in NASREV beats the living hell out
of N3...If only those idiots at EA would've allowed true pitting and car
adjustments that mattered and no computer control of your car I guarantee we
would be sitting around laughing at Papy's latest money grab...I challenge
you to pull out your old NASREV, run 100 laps at Darlington, then run 100
laps at Darlington with N3 and you decide which seemed more realistic and
intense as far as the actual hot laps and racing against AI goes...there's
little comparison!
And another thing, why all the ***ing on the EA board about "jitterbug"
cars and none about the very same "jitterbug" cars in N3...surely you've
seen it, especially at Tally...The papy reply to this thouroughly un-simlike
we could combine NASREV's engine with papy's physics we'd finally have the
best NASCAR sim out there...Right now we have nothing...And you can forget
about Papy basing n4 or whatever on GPL...shit even the GPL engine is old
and tired!
And how about the size of those spoilers! Anyone out there ever seen
something like this on a real cup car? The AI in N3 still does stupid shit
like stopping during a yellow, coming down on you in a turn, drastically
slowing down for a car on the apron, blablabla...I'm getting sick of this