N3 does suck!


N3 does suck!

by <rmol.. » Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00

I'm fed up with papy's tire old engine that couldn't! Shit, the only
improvement is the sound!

The cars still drive like every track is a newly paved asphalt parking lot,
the cars still don't look anywhere near the quality of Nascar
Revolution...Nor do the tracks and racing surface even compare...As a matter
of fact the AI is a joke compared to NASREV...I know, I know, all you
mindless numbnuts out there that have listened to your "*** sim"
buddies are outraged that I should compare the 2 but try opening your narrow
little minds a bit...Racing Darlington in NASREV beats the living hell out
of N3...If only those idiots at EA would've allowed true pitting and car
adjustments that mattered and no computer control of your car I guarantee we
would be sitting around laughing at Papy's latest money grab...I challenge
you to pull out your old NASREV, run 100 laps at Darlington, then run 100
laps at Darlington with N3 and you decide which seemed more realistic and
intense as far as the actual hot laps and racing against AI goes...there's
little comparison!

And another thing, why all the ***ing on the EA board about "jitterbug"
cars and none about the very same "jitterbug" cars in N3...surely you've
seen it, especially at Tally...The papy reply to this thouroughly un-simlike

we could combine NASREV's engine with papy's physics we'd finally have the
best NASCAR sim out there...Right now we have nothing...And you can forget
about Papy basing n4 or whatever on GPL...shit even the GPL engine is old
and tired!

And how about the size of those spoilers! Anyone out there ever seen
something like this on a real cup car? The AI in N3 still does stupid shit
like stopping during a yellow, coming down on you in a turn, drastically
slowing down for a car on the apron,  blablabla...I'm getting sick of this


Scott B. Huste

N3 does suck!

by Scott B. Huste » Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00

> the cars still don't look anywhere near the quality of Nascar
> Revolution...

OK.. Either you have NEVER run N3 or you are in serious need of glasses.  NASCAR
Revoltings graphics are junk compared to N3 at 800X600 or above.

Again, you have either never run N3 or your preferences are for an arcade game.
If you want an arcade game,  then NASCAR Revolting is probably your better
choice.  Better yet, buy a console if you dont already own one and buy NASCAR

You are right, no comparison.  NASCAR Revolution is not worth the CD its burned
If I dive into the corner against a car in NASCAR Revolting... the AI
instantaneously move out of the way and gives you the position.  The N3 AI at
least race you and dont just pull over like they use to in N2/N99.

Comparing NR to N3 is like comparing a Chevy Cavalier to a Chevy Corvette.
Yeah, they are both cars (debatable <G>) but that is about where the comparison

And this just proved that you have flawed knowledge about sim racing.

Then I suggest you go back to NR and play with the unrealistic arcade game and
pass on racing the best NASCAR Simulation available, N3.

Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450

Peter Nilss

N3 does suck!

by Peter Nilss » Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00


        0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10
        |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |


>I'm fed up with papy's tire old engine that couldn't! Shit, the only
>improvement is the sound!

>The cars still drive like every track is a newly paved asphalt parking lot,
>the cars still don't look anywhere near the quality of Nascar
>Revolution...Nor do the tracks and racing surface even compare...As a matter
>of fact the AI is a joke compared to NASREV...I know, I know, all you
>mindless numbnuts out there that have listened to your "*** sim"
>buddies are outraged that I should compare the 2 but try opening your narrow
>little minds a bit...Racing Darlington in NASREV beats the living hell out
>of N3...If only those idiots at EA would've allowed true pitting and car
>adjustments that mattered and no computer control of your car I guarantee we
>would be sitting around laughing at Papy's latest money grab...I challenge
>you to pull out your old NASREV, run 100 laps at Darlington, then run 100
>laps at Darlington with N3 and you decide which seemed more realistic and
>intense as far as the actual hot laps and racing against AI goes...there's
>little comparison!

>And another thing, why all the ***ing on the EA board about "jitterbug"
>cars and none about the very same "jitterbug" cars in N3...surely you've
>seen it, especially at Tally...The papy reply to this thouroughly un-simlike

>we could combine NASREV's engine with papy's physics we'd finally have the
>best NASCAR sim out there...Right now we have nothing...And you can forget
>about Papy basing n4 or whatever on GPL...shit even the GPL engine is old
>and tired!

>And how about the size of those spoilers! Anyone out there ever seen
>something like this on a real cup car? The AI in N3 still does stupid shit
>like stopping during a yellow, coming down on you in a turn, drastically
>slowing down for a car on the apron,  blablabla...I'm getting sick of this



N3 does suck!

by Philste » Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00

>                            Troll-O-Meter

>         0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10
>         ___________________________________________________
>         |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
>         ---------------------------------------------------
>                 ^
>                 |

> Amateur....

ROTFL!!! Now that was funny! That made my day. This could become a
standard in this newsgroup.


Marty U'Re

N3 does suck!

by Marty U'Re » Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00

< Snipped >

You are right N3 is the best Nascar sim, but how pitiful it is still second rate to
the best sim, GPL, published by the same company, Sierra.


Phillip Malphrus, Jr

N3 does suck!

by Phillip Malphrus, Jr » Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00

You suck! Nothing makes me madder than when some dumb idiot gets on here and
says something with absolutley no basis for their argument. The game is
completely different imho. Run it with a PII-450 with a Voodoo2 and an A3d
card and you will see how much better it is than any other NASCAR game out
there. All the tracks are at current specs, the AI is a lot better than
before, the way the car drives is more realistic when not handling up to
par, it has force feedback support, it has a lot better graphics including
higher resolutions, a truly win 95 native program with win95 multiplayer,
support for 43 cars at tracks that have enough space, updated paint schemes
on the cars, more customizable season options, more customizable AI with
short track and speedway settings, better menu and overall game interfacing
with GPL-like browsing, Indy Motor Speedway, digital joystick support,
better groove definition, a WHOLE lot better sound with an A3D 2.0 card and
stereo headphones. 100% improvement imho.

It literally kicks the ***out of any other NASCAR game available for ANY
port, including that total POS game, Nasrev, that wont even let you pit. I
love how in NasRev when you hit the wall, bounce off, and then hit the gas
to drive off, it's like you hit the brakes. Hell, you've already hit the
wall and started to speed off. It doesnt slow you down when you hit the
wall, just when you start to drive away. LOL! I love the***pit view.
Technology from 1993 in Bill Elliott's Nascar Challenge, which was great at
the time and I loved it then, but I expect more than that. What an immersive
driving experience! LMBO! I also love how the game seems like it "speeds up"
100 mph when coming off the 2nd turn, then exiting 4, it crawls. What a POS
game. Nice drink coaster though. When the best feature of the game is the
uninstall feature, the game pretty much sucks. NasRev is to realism as OJ is
to innocent. Come on! I feel better now!

Have a nice day,


N3 does suck!

by ymenar » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00

It's a standard on many newsgroup Philippe ;)  I think I used that once here
around a year ago.

Just make a search for "troll ASCII Usenet", and you'll find a couple of
stuff there I think.  Well I had found them.

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."


N3 does suck!

by Target » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Yeah, but it's 2 totally different things. '67 GP cars and '99 WC cars.  You're
comparing apples to oranges.  The N3 engine could be more realistic.  I look
foward to N4.
Racer X
Veteran Sim Racer
Victory Lane-

Ken Bear

N3 does suck!

by Ken Bear » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00

One of my faves is the Standard Reply Form, where you check the boxes that


[x] Clueless newbie



Ken's Sig 3.01

"Who is the more foolish?  The fool, or the fool who follows him?" -
Obi-Wan Kenobi

Go #43 and #44!

volksy (at) yahoo (dot) com

> > ROTFL!!! Now that was funny! That made my day. This could become a
> > standard in this newsgroup.

> It's a standard on many newsgroup Philippe ;)  I think I used that once
> around a year ago.

> Just make a search for "troll ASCII Usenet", and you'll find a couple of
> stuff there I think.  Well I had found them.

> --
> -- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
> -- May the Downforce be with you...

> "People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
> how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."

Hena Hakkane

N3 does suck!

by Hena Hakkane » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00

>>second rate to
>>the best sim, GPL

>Yeah, but it's 2 totally different things. '67 GP cars and '99 WC cars.
>comparing apples to oranges.

Err ... not really. Both GPL and N3 are racing sims developed by the same
company, published by the same publisher. It doesn't matter what series or
year they are simulating ... N3 engine just plain sucks compared to GPL

I don't.


George Fase

N3 does suck!

by George Fase » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00

How reassuring to discover that cool, rational analysis combined with
rhetorical elegance hasn't deserted this newsgroup.

> I'm fed up with papy's tire old engine that couldn't! Shit, the only
> improvement is the sound!

> The cars still drive like every track is a newly paved asphalt parking lot,
> the cars still don't look anywhere near the quality of Nascar
> Revolution...Nor do the tracks and racing surface even compare...As a matter
> of fact the AI is a joke compared to NASREV...I know, I know, all you
> mindless numbnuts out there that have listened to your "*** sim"
> buddies are outraged that I should compare the 2 but try opening your narrow
> little minds a bit...Racing Darlington in NASREV beats the living hell out
> of N3...If only those idiots at EA would've allowed true pitting and car
> adjustments that mattered and no computer control of your car I guarantee we
> would be sitting around laughing at Papy's latest money grab...I challenge
> you to pull out your old NASREV, run 100 laps at Darlington, then run 100
> laps at Darlington with N3 and you decide which seemed more realistic and
> intense as far as the actual hot laps and racing against AI goes...there's
> little comparison!

> And another thing, why all the ***ing on the EA board about "jitterbug"
> cars and none about the very same "jitterbug" cars in N3...surely you've
> seen it, especially at Tally...The papy reply to this thouroughly un-simlike

> we could combine NASREV's engine with papy's physics we'd finally have the
> best NASCAR sim out there...Right now we have nothing...And you can forget
> about Papy basing n4 or whatever on GPL...shit even the GPL engine is old
> and tired!

> And how about the size of those spoilers! Anyone out there ever seen
> something like this on a real cup car? The AI in N3 still does stupid shit
> like stopping during a yellow, coming down on you in a turn, drastically
> slowing down for a car on the apron,  blablabla...I'm getting sick of this
> shit...

> Later

Alan Orto

N3 does suck!

by Alan Orto » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00

The gpl engine will fall behind shortly, other driving models coming out
model the real world just like gpl does plus it also models brake
fade/heat/ failure, Tire wear/failure, real time weather affecting
performance and track temps, Different adhesion levels on certain parts
or track(so when outside the line it gets greasy also. Modeling of
marbles or loose ***, etc.. I'm sure the gpl engine could up grade
itself but it won't be king of sims if it doesn't.  The gpl engine is
awesome but there are going to be others that are even better not too
far down the road, nothing wrong with that. Year 2000 is going to be a
fun year :)

> How reassuring to discover that cool, rational analysis combined with
> rhetorical elegance hasn't deserted this newsgroup.

> > I'm fed up with papy's tire old engine that couldn't! Shit, the only
> > improvement is the sound!

> > The cars still drive like every track is a newly paved asphalt parking lot,
> > the cars still don't look anywhere near the quality of Nascar
> > Revolution...Nor do the tracks and racing surface even compare...As a matter
> > of fact the AI is a joke compared to NASREV...I know, I know, all you
> > mindless numbnuts out there that have listened to your "*** sim"
> > buddies are outraged that I should compare the 2 but try opening your narrow
> > little minds a bit...Racing Darlington in NASREV beats the living hell out
> > of N3...If only those idiots at EA would've allowed true pitting and car
> > adjustments that mattered and no computer control of your car I guarantee we
> > would be sitting around laughing at Papy's latest money grab...I challenge
> > you to pull out your old NASREV, run 100 laps at Darlington, then run 100
> > laps at Darlington with N3 and you decide which seemed more realistic and
> > intense as far as the actual hot laps and racing against AI goes...there's
> > little comparison!

> > And another thing, why all the ***ing on the EA board about "jitterbug"
> > cars and none about the very same "jitterbug" cars in N3...surely you've
> > seen it, especially at Tally...The papy reply to this thouroughly un-simlike

> > we could combine NASREV's engine with papy's physics we'd finally have the
> > best NASCAR sim out there...Right now we have nothing...And you can forget
> > about Papy basing n4 or whatever on GPL...shit even the GPL engine is old
> > and tired!

> > And how about the size of those spoilers! Anyone out there ever seen
> > something like this on a real cup car? The AI in N3 still does stupid shit
> > like stopping during a yellow, coming down on you in a turn, drastically
> > slowing down for a car on the apron,  blablabla...I'm getting sick of this
> > shit...

> > Later

Scott B. Huste

N3 does suck!

by Scott B. Huste » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00


I think many people have a false notion to what the GPL engine in N4 will do.
Yes, the current N3 engine is NOT as advanced as the GPL engine.  That is a

However, people who think that implementing the GPL engine into NASCAR Racing is
going to have the same effects as GPL are severely mistaken.  Sure, you get
flipping, etc.  The point being that once you take the GPL engine and adjust for
weight, aerodynamics, tire width, tire grip, weight distribution, and chassis
setup...  you won't recognize the GPL engine!

The GPL cars are hard to drive because those cars in 1967 WERE hard to drive.
The same engine in N4 will not dramatically change the driving characteristics
of a NASCAR.   Yes, it will be improved but the vast changes that some expect
are not going to appear due to the physics and nature of NASCAR racing itself.


Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450


N3 does suck!

by Target » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Whatever you say.
Racer X
Veteran Sim Racer
Victory Lane-

Andrew MacPhers

N3 does suck!

by Andrew MacPhers » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00


No-one's ever said all cars handle the same, but if you apply the same
modelling rigour as displayed in GPL you *will* get a similarly involving
drive. *That's* what the GPL engine's about.

Andrew McP is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.