DTR rox.. but...


DTR rox.. but...

by Marty » Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00


Managed to get a hold of "a" copy of DTR.  All i can say is its a
blast!! however, the graphics are nothing to scream about, on a v3 with
450 cpu it runs great all details at 1024.

jus a quick review


Don Wilsh

DTR rox.. but...

by Don Wilsh » Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00

What kind of graphics card do you have and do you have an accelerator.  If
you are
running in software mode its not like running in glide or d3d..  The reason
I think you
are running in software mode is because you can run at 1024


> Heyas..

> Managed to get a hold of "a" copy of DTR.  All i can say is its a
> blast!! however, the graphics are nothing to scream about, on a v3 with
> 450 cpu it runs great all details at 1024.

> jus a quick review

> M

Daxe Rexfor

DTR rox.. but...

by Daxe Rexfor » Thu, 28 Oct 1999 04:00:00

This is what he said:

the graphics are nothing to scream about, on a v3 with
450 cpu it runs great all details at 1024.

He said he has a V3.  Last time I checked, that was an accelerator.

Doesnt the glide or D3d mode support that resolution?


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Andre Warrin

DTR rox.. but...

by Andre Warrin » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Read a review on this site:

A full 1 out of 5 points! :)


On Wed, 27 Oct 1999 22:18:05 -0400, "Daxe Rexford"

>>What kind of graphics card do you have and do you have an accelerator.  If
>>you are
>>running in software mode its not like running in glide or d3d..  The reason
>>I think you
>>are running in software mode is because you can run at 1024

>This is what he said:

>the graphics are nothing to scream about, on a v3 with
>450 cpu it runs great all details at 1024.

>He said he has a V3.  Last time I checked, that was an accelerator.

>Doesnt the glide or D3d mode support that resolution?


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Marko Peri

DTR rox.. but...

by Marko Peri » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00

> Read a review on this site:


> A full 1 out of 5 points! :)

   What did you think of the review? I mean, did it strike you as
thorough or the product of someone who spent a lot of time with the game
and knows about the sport of dirt track racing? Did he call it a
simulation, or a demolition racing game? Did he review a full version or
a warez version? Does he have cheats for this game on the site, even
though the game hasn't been released? The answers to these questions
will help people decide upon the quality of this review. :)


Andre Warrin

DTR rox.. but...

by Andre Warrin » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00

As I said in another message about this review, the site doesn't look
very professional indeed. But even when someone doesn't know a thing
about racing games, surely he won't give it such a low score if DTR
would be a superb game?

We only can wait and see...


Marko Peri

DTR rox.. but...

by Marko Peri » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00

> As I said in another message about this review, the site doesn't look
> very professional indeed. But even when someone doesn't know a thing
> about racing games, surely he won't give it such a low score if DTR
> would be a superb game?

    You have much too high an opinion of reviewers! :)    

    Yep, the demo should be out within a week.


Andre Hanegraa

DTR rox.. but...

by Andre Hanegraa » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Superb is all a matter of reference. When gpl was released i did read a lot
of reviews with low scores mainly on the fact that the reviewers did think
the learning curve was to high for anyone not really interested in racing
but just looking for a good fast and furious game. Well i think most people
in this news group will completely disagree with this opinion and will see
the "negative" part (in the eye of the reviewer) of the sim as the most
positive. i know i do. A few years back i did some editing on some send in
pieces from students at the art school i was studying at. Then i came across
this piece of a girl who wrote one of the most stupid things i did ever
read. She wrote about some facts she got out of books "well it's writen down
in a book so it must be thru". I couldn't help sending her a note asking her
if she ever did read "mein kampf" and gave her a change to rewrite her
piece. Point i'm trying to make is that you should not believe everything
you read, this guy gave the game trick style a high score, i can't believe
that someone who give trickstyle a good review has the same kind of taste as
i have, so therefor i just wait and see until the demo comes out and then i
will judge it myself, or if someone with the same kind of reference writes a
good in depth review than i'm willing to believe.

At least i hope it will be good, the physics of gpl togheter with the
graphics of powerslide should make for a good game, we just have to wait and
see i guess.

Andre Hanegraaf

Joel Willstei

DTR rox.. but...

by Joel Willstei » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00

  Well, I just checked out the review,and it's as bad as everyone is saying.
But just how much credence can you put in a reviewer that has to use the
phrase;"total shit" for a description.  Seems to me,that maybe he should go
back to school and learn the rest of the English language.

Joel Willsein

Ronald Stoeh

DTR rox.. but...

by Ronald Stoeh » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Andre Warringa schrieb:

Remember, what most of the "professional" reviewers thought of GPL??

They can review my ass...


The box said "Windows 95 or better", so I installed LINUX!

          |\      _,,,---,,_        I want to die like my Grandfather,
   ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_              in his sleep.
        |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'     Not like the people in his car,
       '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)            screaming their heads off!

Daxe Rexfor

DTR rox.. but...

by Daxe Rexfor » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00

> Did he review a full version or
>a warez version?

This phrase has always puzzled me.  What is left out of a warez version of a
game?  Calling something the 'warez version' makes it sound like there is
some version of the game made specially for warez.  Isn't a 'warez version'
just one that is illegally obtained?  And if so, why should it be any
different than the retail 'version'?

Always creating confusion where there is none,


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Kyle Robert

DTR rox.. but...

by Kyle Robert » Fri, 29 Oct 1999 04:00:00

A good many "warez versions" of games are beta versions. So they are
generally buggier and not as optimized as the release versions.


> > Did he review a full version or
> >a warez version?

> This phrase has always puzzled me.  What is left out of a warez version of
> game?  Calling something the 'warez version' makes it sound like there is
> some version of the game made specially for warez.  Isn't a 'warez
> just one that is illegally obtained?  And if so, why should it be any
> different than the retail 'version'?

Daxe Rexfor

DTR rox.. but...

by Daxe Rexfor » Sat, 30 Oct 1999 04:00:00

>A good many "warez versions" of games are beta versions. So they are
>generally buggier and not as optimized as the release versions.

OK, thanks.  Makes some sense now.  What do warez users do for patches and
stuff?  Presumably patches for specific versions  (1.0, 1.4, whatever)
wouldn't work to upgrade a beta version.


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DTR rox.. but...

by DaisyDuk » Sat, 30 Oct 1999 04:00:00

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999 00:46:28 -0400, "Daxe Rexford"

>>A good many "warez versions" of games are beta versions. So they are
>>generally buggier and not as optimized as the release versions.

>OK, thanks.  Makes some sense now.  What do warez users do for patches and
>stuff?  Presumably patches for specific versions  (1.0, 1.4, whatever)
>wouldn't work to upgrade a beta version.


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   DTR was anounced as having gone "gold" then a few days later the
warez "version" was posted. So............
Andre Warring

DTR rox.. but...

by Andre Warring » Sat, 30 Oct 1999 04:00:00

This is simply not true. Allmost all warez versions are rips from the
full games, but the game itself is completely identical to the
official game. Often movies and music are left out. Sometimes these
movies and music are as 'add-ons' released.

Some patches indeed don't work with warez versions. Often a warez
version has an altered .exe file to remove the protection. But as soon
as a patch is released, a cracked patch will come out. Often the same
day the official patch is released.

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