DTR rox.. but...

Ross Hashan

DTR rox.. but...

by Ross Hashan » Sat, 30 Oct 1999 04:00:00

They get CRACKZ!!

Btw.. another reason "warez" might not be the same thing as buying the real
thing is because often GAMEZ (or APPZ) are so big that parts have to be left
out. Often intro/outro movies, speech, music, cut-scenes, etc are left out
of a warez release. Sometimes (though not always), they are distributed as

R. Hashana


DTR rox.. but...

by Cowp » Sat, 30 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Actually, it depends on the game, but quite a bit can be left out of the
"warez" version of the game.

First, by necessity the "warez" version has to have any copy protection or CD
checking removed.  Any files which would have loaded from the CD have to be
repathed to load from the hard drive.  It's not overly technical, but any
errors introduced in cracking the protection can have an impact on the overall
stability of the game and how well it plays.

Second, because of space and bandwidth considerations, anything deemed as
extraneous has to be removed and the warez version has to be segmented to make
it friendlier for downloading.

Typically any movies & cut scenes, help files etc. will be removed from the
warez version.  While removing a movie doesn't affect the gameplay, once again,
errors introduced in this process can also affect the way the game plays.

Finally, a warez version that hits prior to the release of the final game might
not be the final code, and it may not be completely debugged or optimized.
Testing versions and pre-release versions that are sent to reviewers sometimes
leak, and these pre-release version find thier way onto the web.

So, if people complain about slow games,  crashining or other errors prior to a
games release, it is a valid question to ask which version of the game they are
running, and how it was obtained.

Andre Hanegraa

DTR rox.. but...

by Andre Hanegraa » Sun, 31 Oct 1999 04:00:00

In earlier days i used to install warez versions of software on my computer,
back in those days my computer was stuffed with the newest software, i had a
subsription and got about a 100 nw titles every week. I stopped this for
several reasons.

1. with so many software you actualy don't have enough time to really enjoy
any game enough simply beacause you're hopping from one to the other without
taking time to discover the in depth gameplay of some titles, so only
experiencing the eye candy.

2. How boring and straight it might sound if we all should be using warez we
soon would have no good games anymore since all software house would go out
of business.

3. Games are not that expensive if you consider that one night in town costs
me more than gpl ever did. Most of those nights i already forgot i'm still
enjoying gpl(or any other good sim) very much every time i boot it up as
well as remember some very exciting race moments i got during some races.

4. I liked reading the manual "a guys car guide" with gpl as much as i enjoy
playing the game. Doesn't come withe the warez version.

5. If i install the software and it doesn't work correctly i know it has
something to do with my system configuration and that it's not because some
hacker left out something wich made the program buggier than the original
already is.

Just my 2c

Andre Hanegraaf

Andre Hanegraa

DTR rox.. but...

by Andre Hanegraa » Sun, 31 Oct 1999 04:00:00

oh yeh, one more thing, in earlier days i heard excuses from people why they
were using warez. Most common was that they first wanted to try the game
before buying because else they might buy something shitty. Maybe so thru
before the age of internet but nowadays if you're interested in a game and
want to try you are almost always able to find a demo of the game on the
net. Mostly the demo is earlier available than the full retail version.

Andre Hanegraaf

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