Thanks for the in-depth review Alison.
I'd like to take a moment to respond.
Since there are many (many) people enjoying CPR right now I would
guess (and our customer support logs confirm) that many of
the quirks you describe appear to be unique to your system - and you have
missed features that address some (but not all) of your complaints.
"Random frame rate generator" - new one on me - and I have been here on ras
since the
release. The NG has been extremely vocal - but this one has never come up.
obviously vary according to how much work is going on, but it is consistent
in consistent situations.
"How do you sort out the chasis?" - try a Test Session (in the garage
"Excellent" Default Setups. In their early advertising, Microsoft made much
of how "unlike other sims, CPR comes with excellent setups." - can you show
me where you saw this? We have _never_ claimed the defaults were good -
average at best. See any of my earlier FAQ postings on this.
"Popup control problems" are unique to your video card and drivers - they
Like your "random frame rate" problem - you should run in software rendering
to test the program itself without your hardware config problems masking the
true cause.
"Brake bias" keys are fine tuning - try the "Brake Proportioning" slider in
the garage.
"OS corruption"? - I think we'd have heard about this one by now if it was
for real.
However, you have identified some items that have been described by others
are being addressed in the patch - namely:-
* null zone slider for controllers for better straightline stability
* AI improvements
* pit lane autopilot
So you have caught some real items that we are aware of - and are
But I think you have also managed to lay blame for a variety of your system
on the game. Check the CPR postings here on ras - these should give you a
good idea
of what others are seeing - and not seeing.
Here's a posting from ras just yesterday that doesn't sound consistent with
experience ...
Trevor Dwyer: Re: CPR on low end computer?
"I run it on a 3dfx 200mhz FF system and it runs beautifully.
I also run on a Pentium 60 and Pentium 90 laptops. It runs slow (but runs)
on a 60 and runs fine on a 90.
The difference can be almost compared to the way quake runs normal and then
the GL version.
Note how many followers did Quake get before the advent of 3d cards?
Highly recommend this game, as I previously did not play many games. Since I
got this game and this is the honest truth, I know own a ForceFeedback, have
of the top twenty pc games and am pulling my hair out over how I can create
texture (I have the scheme and idea) to put on my own car with absolutley no
artistic skills!!
Enjoyable to the extreme!
Best Regards
Trevor Dwyer"
>Woman Racing Sims Web site:
>The review is quite extensive, so I am not posting it in its entirety on
>this newsgroup out of deference to those with limited bandwidth.
>However, I will synopsize it.
>I really wanted to like this game. At first glance, I was quite
>impressed with its beautiful, well thought out menus, extensive car
>setup features, excellent engine and tire-squealing sounds, and its
>curb-hopping, tire-smoking, ***-laying graphics.
>However, after struggling for many hours to work around some
>showstopping bugs, I found that I must agree with John Wallace, who
>concluded that it flatters to deceive.
>There are moments when the awesome potential shows through. At Long
>Beach, when I'd momentarily worked around the worst of the bugs, I had a
>few laps where I was able to fling the car through the turn 1, 2, 3, 4
>complex as I think it was meant to be done, the inside tires just
>nicking the curbs, the car skittering a little under throttle, engine
>wailing as it went up through the gears out of turn 4...Ah! It was
>But. If only!
>I tried CPR on two different machines, with two different controllers,
>and two different Rendition 3D cards. On both machines, I encountered
>bugs which were sufficiently serious to render the game essentially
>unplayable. One of these bugs was common to both machines, while each
>machine also displayed an additional showstopping bug, for which I could
>find no acceptable workaround.
>In addition, I encountered a considerable array of less serious bugs,
>and numerous design flaws which ranged from mildly annoying quirks to
>the omission of essential features.
>Finally, the game installation corrupted the operating system on one of
>my machines. I was able to play it after installation, but immediately
>after that, I found that the machine would no longer boot into Windows
>95. I had to restore its registry and configuration files from a
>configuration backup.
>The anticipation of the superb racing experience promised by the game's
>better features amplified my ultimate disappointment - and extreme
>frustration. As I encountered one critical design error after another,
>I found myself wondering over and over again, "Did any of the developers
>or designers of this 'simulation' even *try* ICR2/Rendition?" Or GP2?
>Unfortunately, a product so riddled with bugs and design blunders can
>only be considered a failure. After many, many hours of trying - and
>failing - to get it to work well enough to be playable, the impression
>I'm left with is that this is a project just entering the alpha stage.
>Yet, somehow, it's been released.
>Game-play bugs and design flaws aside, the corruption of my Windows 95
>configuration is a horror. No product whose installation risks hosing
>my operating system is worth a moment of my time, or a penny of my
>After months of eager anticipation, I find that I am very sorry I bought
>Microsoft CART Precision Racing. If you make the same mistake, don't
>say you weren't warned!
> ***
>If you disagree with my experiences and conclusions, please read the
>complete review at
>before responding.
>Remove the spam blocker NOSPAM to email me.