CART Precision Racing review by Eagle Woman

David Otternes

CART Precision Racing review by Eagle Woman

by David Otternes » Thu, 11 Dec 1997 04:00:00

> That girl whom you so rudely refer to as "stupid", I thought posted a very
> indepth report on CPR, she obviously spent a lot of time and effort ont
> that review. I would applaud anyone taking the time to do that, and post
> their review, as I'm sure it would be beneficial to both the consumer and
> the developer. I would say that for either side, whether positive or
> negative. I don't think Alison in any way is resposible for Dean leaving
> the newsgroup, he has that choice, and has evidently made it. He also could
> have chose to stay, and continue in the vein he has been. But don't blame
> Alison for his leaving, that was his choice alone.

> --
> Don Burnette
> I-65 Racing
> Dburn on Ten

> alison.. freaking dork.. Stupid girl posts like twice
> > a year and then comes in here and makes Dean lose his patience and
> > leave.. THANKS A LOT

> > --
> > Dave Otterness

Yeah but I bet her posted review and the following flames in Dean's
direction was the straw that broke the camel's back..

Dave Otterness

David Otternes

CART Precision Racing review by Eagle Woman

by David Otternes » Thu, 11 Dec 1997 04:00:00

> "If you can't stand the heat........."

> Alison's comments were completely non-abusive.....which is more than can
> be said about yours.
> If Dean took umbrage at the points that the lady was making, to the
> extent of spitting the dummy, then that is his personal problem.  Alison
> did not cast an evil spell on him and banish him from the NG.

> Did you stop to think that the reason he may have left in a huff is that
> he did not have any logical answers for the (valid) points raised?
> Storming off in a fit of temper is usually ascribed to children when
> they don't get their own way.

> I rest my case.

> --
> Bruce
> (at work)

> "An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought."
> (Simon Cameron)

But don't you think that he's put up with a lot of ***lately.. He
acknowledges problems with the game and the patch to fix them, but he
continued to get flamed.. I personally woulda been out of here weeks
ago.. But Dean had the nuts to stay and try to explain things to
Dave Otterness

Barton Spencer Brow

CART Precision Racing review by Eagle Woman

by Barton Spencer Brow » Thu, 11 Dec 1997 04:00:00


You did a hell of a job in your review oF CPR...I hope Mr. Lester's
crybaby response doesn't deter you from telling it like it is in future.

Keep up the great work!

Bart Brown

Jason L'Hirondell

CART Precision Racing review by Eagle Woman

by Jason L'Hirondell » Thu, 11 Dec 1997 04:00:00

Great review Alison, I could not have said it better.
Nice to see a Real Review, not a Glossed over half ass one like Next Gen
and others.

I played and toyed with this thing for a week trying to like it as well but
it is just
so riddled with bugs "and that framerate"  it really is unplayable.
Funny how on Pro I win every race I play, took me months to do that in
I agree that this game was shoved out the door in an Alpha state.
If Mr GO_CART from TRI says different he is insulting our intelligence and
plain common sense.  
Bottom line..The game simply put...SUCKS.
Oh well.


Barton Spencer Brow

CART Precision Racing review by Eagle Woman

by Barton Spencer Brow » Thu, 11 Dec 1997 04:00:00

If I thought for a nanosecond that Microsoft gave a rat's ass about this
newsgroup, I'd email them a full copy of your whining, sniveling
response to Alison's review of CPR, and all your other rants about any
negative response to what is obviously a flawed product; but since
Microsoft has seen fit to present someone as immature as you've shown
yourself to be as their "representative" in this NG, that pretty much
says all there is to say about their "presence" here.

Searching DejaNews, I find that, except for one brief comment regarding
"Monster Truck Madness" on August 25, 1996, your massive contribution to
RAS started on November 2, 1997 -- a whole 5 weeks ago. So after a
little more than a month, all these "negative posts" and "flames" you've
had to endure have caused you to pick up your Bill gates Ball and go
home. Poor baby!

Apparently, a month ago you weren't quite as battle-scarred and cynical,
but I know that a month monitoring a games newsgroup must be hell -- I
hope the Big M gives you a Purple heart and a well-deserved rest and
promotion. Just for old times' sake, here's one of your first posts,
written when you were still a wide-eyed innocent, full of hope and
idealism, marching onward for the greater glory of Microsoft. I guess
that stuff about "people making up their own minds" and the value of the
"feedback process" was just youthful naivet. One can grow SO much in a

Date:         1997/11/05


Thanks for your posting!

Yes, there are many many people enjoying CPR without necessarily posting
a message saying so.

Postings, as always, mainly focus on the negative. Though this is not
necessarily a bad thing - tells us what to  work on first!   ;)

We encourage everyone reading this group to download the trial and make
up their own minds.

That's what it's for.

And keep sending the feedback - we are working with TRi right now
looking at ALL the postings and email.

fyi - my teams also develop Flight Simulator, and it is through
precisely this feedback process that that Sim has stayed so strong.

And thanks for all the feedback already submitted - it is  not being
ignored. Far from it ...

Expect news soon.

MS/TRi CPR Team.>>

Barton Spencer Brow

CART Precision Racing review by Eagle Woman

by Barton Spencer Brow » Thu, 11 Dec 1997 04:00:00

> As far as your "stupid girl" comment, not many "stupid girls" that I know
> are aerobatic pilots and built their own planes.

> Here's what I think about your uninformed statement...


Why, you can't mean His Otterness, the gentleman who penned such
classics as:

"Why don't you just wait and buy the game??? Fat little 11 year-olds..

And grandly signs himself as:

"CART:PR tester,
Dave Otterness

Not *that* Dave Otterness! He's such a mature boy! And of course he has
no *personal* interest in a Microsoft flunky*** around here --
heavens NO!

I just hope all you folks who paid real American money for CPR will
apologize to poor little Dean for the whole MONTH of hell you've put him's sakes, the boy's just trying to spread the
gospel...Obviously if the sim doesn't work right it has absolutely
nothing to do with Microsoft shoving it off the ramp in time for the
Christmas rush and EVERYTHING to do with your collective ignorance in
computer setup and configuration. You people should kneel down and kiss
the virtual ground Microsoft demeans itself to walk on here.


Bart Brown

Barton Spencer Brow

CART Precision Racing review by Eagle Woman

by Barton Spencer Brow » Thu, 11 Dec 1997 04:00:00

<<If you think about it, if only one person has reported a problem, and
they have spend hundreds of hours testing the game, chances are the
problem(s) lie in the persons system setup and how it interacts with
CART, and is not necessarily a flaw in the game.>>

Excuse me? "If only ONE person has reported a problem"? What are YOU

I won't even *bother* to comment on the rest of your self-serving post,
as rrevved and Brian Heiland have addressed the issues far more expertly
and eloquently than I could have.

C.P.R. Playground, huh? I'm glad *you* have no axe to grind...

Bart Brown

David Otternes

CART Precision Racing review by Eagle Woman

by David Otternes » Thu, 11 Dec 1997 04:00:00

> > As far as your "stupid girl" comment, not many "stupid girls" that I know
> > are aerobatic pilots and built their own planes.

> > Here's what I think about your uninformed statement...

> > {PLONK}

> Why, you can't mean His Otterness, the gentleman who penned such
> classics as:

> "Why don't you just wait and buy the game??? Fat little 11 year-olds..
> sheesh.."

> And grandly signs himself as:

> "CART:PR tester,
> --
> Dave Otterness

> Not *that* Dave Otterness! He's such a mature boy! And of course he has
> no *personal* interest in a Microsoft flunky*** around here --
> heavens NO!

> I just hope all you folks who paid real American money for CPR will
> apologize to poor little Dean for the whole MONTH of hell you've put him
>'s sakes, the boy's just trying to spread the
> gospel...Obviously if the sim doesn't work right it has absolutely
> nothing to do with Microsoft shoving it off the ramp in time for the
> Christmas rush and EVERYTHING to do with your collective ignorance in
> computer setup and configuration. You people should kneel down and kiss
> the virtual ground Microsoft demeans itself to walk on here.


> Bart Brown
> Moron

Heheheh Bart you're making me laugh too much.. heh.. hasn't been this
kind of stupid ***in here for awhile.. someone had to start it.. Have
to admit it's been getting kinda boring with the same old posts..
Dave Otterness

Scott Whit

CART Precision Racing review by Eagle Woman

by Scott Whit » Thu, 11 Dec 1997 04:00:00

you gotta be kidding.......Is that all you saw? the blame being passed
on?..... so why are they coming out with this patch again?    who is being
blamed for that? hmmmmmmm I havent heard them blaming anyone for the AI
problems..I havent heard them blaming anyone for the rain tire bug. so
please tell me who is being blamed for that? maybe just maybe they admit the
game isnt up to par and they are fixing it by listening and responding to
the major problems on this NG and not just a issolated incident that is only
happened to one person  yeah there are alot of posts on this NG that are not
positive about this game but can you find one other post that says their OS
was corrupted. I am not saying this didnt happen but how much time do you
think they need to spend addressing ONE (1) issolated problem    Its to bad
that people like you can run someone off who has been here addressing the
problems of this game    can you name another game manufaturerthat does this
the way MS did         GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!


CART Precision Racing review by Eagle Woman

by Ken » Thu, 11 Dec 1997 04:00:00

Seems to me he left because Allison's review was too harsh for him. Too bad that
honest criticism is too much for a company rep to stomach. "I don't think your
review was fair so I'm not gonna play with anymore!"
It is too bad the entire newsgroup has to be punished.
The Game Pad

> >> You know, Dean, a couple of weeks or so ago I would have implored you to
> stay. But frankly on the basis of your recent propaganda and flaming of
> someone who was only trying to produce an objective review of CPR, I'm really
> not sure that you will be missed. >>

> He will be.  Richard, just what do you expect a company rep to do?  say "yeah,
> great review, our product bites the big one?!"  Please.  The guy is being as
> helpful as he can, with the caveat that since he works for the vendor he's got
> an obligation to spin things and try to help create a positive perception of
> the product.  Rather than ripping him to shreds for it, perhaps we can just
> separate the wheat from the chaff.  We know he's got a job to do that includes
> promiting his product, and he knows he's got a job to do.  So some of it is
> positive spin control.  So what?!  I can stomach a guy coming in and spinning
> this in his product's favor if he's also helping out people who are having a
> hard time configuring the sim, or taking suggestions for future versions and
> updates.  Its really a small price to pay and my guess is that a lot of the
> people who suffered under the cold silence of Microprose regarding GP2 would
> have killed to have a MPS rep here as helpful as Dean has been, and would have
> been willing to tolerate some of the expected company-line that goes with it.

> Yeah, Dean will be missed, but I don't blame him for leaving because I think
> too many people have taken out their anti-MS feelings on him personally.

> Randy
> Randy Magruder
> Staff Writer
> Digital Sportspage


CART Precision Racing review by Eagle Woman

by Ken » Thu, 11 Dec 1997 04:00:00

I agree. It is ashamed that Dean is leaving the RAS just because some people are too critical. It
would be better too ignore people who are total jerks ( that is what kill files are for) and
respond to people who are are at least somewhat rational. There are jerks in every aspect of
life, but you don't punish everyone just because of a few bad apples. I had a lot of problems
with this game but decided to stick it out because it seemed Dean and Microsoft were going to
stick it out for the long haul and the presence here on the newsgroup reassured me of that. Now,
I am having second thoughts. Granted, Dean has no obligation to be here, however from his
previous posts we were led to believe that he would be here for the long haul. Oh well.....


The Game Pad

> >"The worm has turned at Microsoft. They don't respond to cries for help and
> >criticism, anymore."

> >OK guys - I think that's about it for me on ras. My patience has run out.

> >I'm joining the other sim publishers and leaving you to it. Sorry.

> Well, to quote you from 11/06/97:

> "Debate and feedback is good. It encourages improvement.

> The worst crime would be for us to assume CPR1.0 is perfect and to ignore
> the feedback - and we can assure you we are not doing that.

> Try the demo, post your thoughts (warts and all) and see what happens. Can't
> hurt?"

> In light of this quote from Dean, I'd say he wasn't aware of what real
> criticism means.  Allison's review was fair within her experience.  Almost all
> of the posts here regarding negative comments of CPR were intelligent,
> reasonably thought out posts that expressed his/her frustrations with what
> everyone saw as "potential", yet failed in some way or other.  Some people had
> flawless experiences.  Some people couldn't run the game to their liking no
> matter what (me).  I think that if a publisher publicly commits to sticking it
> out no matter what ("warts and all"), I think that publisher has an obligation
> to fulfill that commit.

> I'm sorry to see Dean leave.  I feel that is a failure on Microsoft's part in
> supporting this game.

> Regards,

> John Wehman
> Seagate Technology


CART Precision Racing review by Eagle Woman

by JP » Thu, 11 Dec 1997 04:00:00

much of how "unlike other sims, CPR comes with excellent setups." - can you
show me where you saw this? We have _never_ claimed the defaults were good -
average at best. See any of my earlier FAQ postings on this.

Not wanting to get shot in the cross-fire here, but, I recall a interview
with the who I believe was the Product Manager for CARTPR say on the All
Games Network that unlike other sims, CARTPR will ship with very good
set-ups (or something to that effect). I definitely recall this as being
something like "very good" because I thought how nice that would be. Since I
have limited time to spend on sims, I was pleased to hear this. My largest
disappointment with GP2 was the time involved getting the right setups. So I
was looking forward to getting very good "canned" setups so I could spend
more time one the track and less time analyzing charts and tweaking

I will say that with minor changes from the Elkhart Lake default setup, I am
able to turn qualifying times that would place me in 6th position in
relation to the "Track Stats" in 5 or 6 short sessions. So, from my limited
experience of just Elkhart Lake, I would say that MS did provide very good

As far as trail braking, I am able to do this at Elkhart Lake. Not as
consistently as I would like. This is has more to do with my driving
abilities in setting up for corners over CARTPR.

That's my 3 cents worth.


CART Precision Racing review by Eagle Woman

by JP » Thu, 11 Dec 1997 04:00:00

>"The worm has turned at Microsoft. They don't respond to cries for help and
>criticism, anymore."

>OK guys - I think that's about it for me on ras. My patience has run out.

>I'm joining the other sim publishers and leaving you to it. Sorry.

>If anyone of the hundreds of people here we have helped and who are
>the game
>cares to reply to this thread then great - but I'm out of here.

>The patch and track editor will posted on the MS/TRI site soon - take a
>to see when it's posted.


Great going people. The incessant juvenile cry-baby's with a chip on the
their shoulder and a "I know better than anyone else" attitudes have
discouraged yet another developer from participating in a news group.

Jesus people, how many times do they need to be told the AI sucks or the
frame rate stinks! How many times do they have to tell you they are going to
fix it. Are you all so full of yourself that you think you're the first to
discover some issue in a computer game. Get a clue.

How about reading the zillion other posts on the same subject before opening
your pathetic shallow minded mouths. I'm out of here too! It's a waste of
time reading 80% of the posts in r.a.s. which subjects deal with either:

A.)  "It doesn't work on my pathetic system and I'm too stupid to figure out
the problem so (insert game name here) must suck! So where is the patch to
fix what I can't figure out"?

B.) "I'm too cheap to buy good hardware. So any sim that is developed for
some hardware my thir*** year-old level budget can't afford sucks."

C.) "I'm so smart that I could of released a new sim with zero bugs or
issues. Hell, forget the fact that I haven't graduated high-school, it is so
easy I could fix all the problems and release the patch in one day. In fact,
forgetting that I have little to no experience in programming (by the way
what is a bat file?) and from what other thir*** year-olds have said, that
API sucks. I'll tell you what you should do! Not coincidentally, it would be
to my thir*** year-old interests and develop the program to my hardware

Many of the posts here reflect the recent saying in another group with a 13
year-old mentality constituency, " I'm an idiot and it's your fault"!

Randy BO

CART Precision Racing review by Eagle Woman

by Randy BO » Fri, 12 Dec 1997 04:00:00

stay. But frankly on the basis of your recent propaganda and flaming of
someone who was only trying to produce an objective review of CPR, I'm really
not sure that you will be missed. >>

He will be.  Richard, just what do you expect a company rep to do?  say "yeah,
great review, our product bites the big one?!"  Please.  The guy is being as
helpful as he can, with the caveat that since he works for the vendor he's got
an obligation to spin things and try to help create a positive perception of
the product.  Rather than ripping him to shreds for it, perhaps we can just
separate the wheat from the chaff.  We know he's got a job to do that includes
promiting his product, and he knows he's got a job to do.  So some of it is
positive spin control.  So what?!  I can stomach a guy coming in and spinning
this in his product's favor if he's also helping out people who are having a
hard time configuring the sim, or taking suggestions for future versions and
updates.  Its really a small price to pay and my guess is that a lot of the
people who suffered under the cold silence of Microprose regarding GP2 would
have killed to have a MPS rep here as helpful as Dean has been, and would have
been willing to tolerate some of the expected company-line that goes with it.

Yeah, Dean will be missed, but I don't blame him for leaving because I think
too many people have taken out their anti-MS feelings on him personally.

Randy Magruder
Staff Writer
Digital Sportspage

Randy BO

CART Precision Racing review by Eagle Woman

by Randy BO » Fri, 12 Dec 1997 04:00:00

takes his ball and goes home. >>

Yeah, DEAN is the immature one here...right.  

Oh, that's rich. Damned if you do and damned if you don't, right?  

Why don't you send your resume to Microsoft and enclose a copy of your usenet
posting as a sample.  I'm sure they'll hire you so that you can fire Dean.

The bad customers killed it over the last 20 years.

begin with since there is a lot of anti-Microsoft sentiment out there. <<

True, but if it were as powerful as some people think, Microsoft wouldn't be as
successful as it is.  I work for one of Microsoft's competitors and so I know
what it is to go up against them, but there's at least some respect there as


Dean probably figures he's got nothing to lose at this point, and I don't blame

comments and purely try to paint a bright picture. >>

He's a representative of the company that makes CPR.  Painting a bright picture
for customers is part of his job.

say "yeah, you're right, CPR can't do this, perhaps we made a mistake in
releasing it too soon" etc, >>

Oh, yeah, that would really defuse the bashers....

Its amazing here how the victim has become the bad guy.  Dean's put himself out
here time and time again and patiently dealt with people who were just
downright abusive, and the one time he finally says "enough" and leaves, two
people jump on his case and tell him that somehow HE is at fault for all of it.

<< you would be much more effective if you at least
recognized the customer's viewpoint/opinion, no matter what it is.>>

He did and does.

whiners/complainers are right, and you and Microsoft can't hack it >>

By leaving the newsgroup he's doing something probably well deserved...letting
some of the abusive folks here eat static for awhile, as we all did with
Microprose and GP2.  Lets now all enjoy the wonderful silence brought on by the
Usenet flamers, who have once again demonstrated why so many peoples' eyes roll
whenever someone mentions the word "newsgroup".

Randy Magruder
Staff Writer
Digital Sportspage is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.