Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450
> David, if you could base your arguments on something other than your
> own bigotry and subjective interpretations of what has happened you
> might make a valid point now and again. Instead you've evaded the
> opportunity to address the statistical facts. We're not interested in
> the opinion of "everyone you've spoken to" or your evaluation of the
> performance of NASCAR fans on call-in shows. Your bigoted references
> to WWF betray your motives. You just don't like NASCAR or NASCAR fans
> because you identify them with a social class that you perceive
> yourself as being "better than".
> BD
> >I have news for you Don, most sensible people outside of the NASCAR fans
> >feel the same way I do. Every person I've spoken to thinks NASCAR is a
> >right now. I live in the fourth largest market in the U.S. One of the
> >listened to sports talk radio stations in the country is here (never
> >discusses NASCAR though, wonder why?). Since Earnhardt's death, I've been
> >listening to NASCAR fans call in and desperately trying to convince the
> >hosts and the public that their sport isn't badly run and basically the
> >on wheels. They failed miserably. I am in the vast majority with my
> >on this subject. Maybe not on a newsgroup with NASCAR sim fans, but
> >definitely within the general public. Others in this thread agree with me
> >well. The last thing I'll do is apologize for criticizing a sport which
> >had four deaths in nine months.
> >David G Fisher