The only thing pathetic here is your sorry ass.
Do us all a favor, go to a C prompt, and type Format C:
At least we might get a day or two without your pathetic rambling.
Don Burnette
> Really? They make no sense? One of my suggestions (something I can't
> isn't already required) was to make full-faced helmets mandatory. Here's
> what you said about that.
> "Not having a full helmet had no effect on what
> happened to DE from anything I have read. The rest of your ideas don't
> have any bearing worth responding to."
> From today.
> " 'Bohannon, who tried to save Earnhardt's life as the driver sat slumped
> the wreckage, said Earnhardt's chin might have hit the steering wheel,
> causing the major head injury that killed him on impact. A skull fracture
> ran from the front to the back of his brain. . . Mr. Earnhardt more than
> likely contacted the steering wheel with his face,' Bohannon said."
> As I said in my first post. PATHETIC. Pathetic the way the sport is run.
> Pathetic the way the fans refuse to see the obvious. Pathetic is the word
> for this thread.
> David G Fisher
> > The reason they can't "figure it out" is because your suggestions make
> > sense to the sport of NASCAR Racing outside of the soft wall technology.
> > You can mandate the hans device and put airbags in the car as far as I'm
> > concerned, it won't guarantee drivers won't die when they go from 170+
> > to 0. NASCAR racing is NOT F1 or any other form of ROAD RACING. Its a
> > unique form of racing and if you can't accept that fact, then you
> shouldn't
> > watch it because all the drivers and true fans understand the risks
> > involved.
> > The human body does not tolerate those kind of g-forces well no matter
> what
> > device you are wearing. You can wear whatever you want in NASCAR as
> > drivers have worn the Hans device and some chose not too. It's a
> conscious
> > decision on their part. Not having a full helmet had no effect on what
> > happened to DE from anything I have read. The rest of your ideas don't
> > have any bearing worth responding too. The only thing you left out was
> > replacing the V8s with Briggs and Stratons and require all the cars to
> have
> > governors and limiters keeping them under the 5mph bumper test limits.
> > --
> > Scott B. Husted
> > "PA-Scott"
> > ICQ# 4395450