"Henry" and establish a permanent
Yes we came to the middle east, we came, we saw, we kicked ass. Because
we were asked. Because the Kuwati people were being***d, ***ed,
tortured, stolen from. We came because WE also had an interest in the
economics of oil. But we came by invitation. The Saudi's too called for
help...I wonder if Saddam would have stopped at the Kuwati border if we
hadn't quickly established F-15's in Saudi.
"oooh quick somebody help us, that *** Arab Saddam is going to steal our
oil. How will we buy our hundreds of Mercedes?"
WE are are the Hypocrites? WE? There are 3 or 4 Arab countries
surrounding Israel, With more than enough area to carve out a lasting place
for the Palistinians. Do they? No they USE the Palestinians to do their
dirty work, to harrass Israel while they look the other way or supply, train
and support covertly and overtly.
The collected countries of the oil regions are some of the richest in the
world, yet we see on TV the squallor that most Arab citezins seem to be
trapped in. The wealth of Saudi Arabia alone could alleviate much of the
regions suffering, but do they ? Do Arabs help Arabs? Only when they have
a common enemy.
So we are the bad guy. Did we GAS our neighbors? Did we GAS our own
minorities? Did we blow up Pizza Huts and then run for cover in Syria? Did
we loot a Peaceful country just because it sat on an oil field?
Yes we have made mistakes. We have bombed with missles and killed
innocents. But with few exceptions, these were not unprovoked.
Did we step in between two supposed Arab brothers and save Saudi? did we
get over 200 US Marines blown up for this? Did we seek to limit the danger
to the region by limiting Saddam's money to rebuild his military? What
military DANGER does a pipsqueak like Saddam present to the USA? He is a
bully in a small playground, and yet, at GREAT cost to ourselves, both in
money and human terms, we stay nearby to protect those who cannot protect
themselves from a 'brother'
As long as ARABs refuse to accept responsiblity for their place in world,
for their actions, for their own refusal to accept peace, for protecting
their own neighbor's.... Then we standby, to protect our friends and kick
the hell out of our enemies.
btw...didn't you notice...that BEFORE Rambo opened up a can of 'Whup Ass'
on the Russians and their proxies in the Middle East...he had run-ins with
Americans and Viet's. Do you think the Arab countries are insulted that
they are not at the top of even Hollywood's lists?
dave henrie