>Afghanistan is not a united country, and the Taliban are very short of
>weaponry. They know better than to be defiant. Probably.
They do control 95+% of the country. And, the Afghani people are
very tough and resolute at fighting off invaders-- the British in the
1800s, and the Russkis in the 1980s. While they may be divided now,
they did unite to fight off the external enemies. [Parallels to
current U.S.A. is deliberate.]
The U.S. has finally learned what other countries have learned over
time: you cannot reason with these terrorists. That has been tried, in
Northern Ireland, in the Middle East, in the Phillipines, in Chechnya,
etc. The terrorists are willing to talk, but all of that talking has
not produced peace. These people are taught to hate, to ***, to
We need to stop accomodating *any* terrorist group, internal or
external. To go back to World War II, we should demand nothing less
than unconditional surrender from terrorist organizations. No
negotiating tables, no peace process, ZERO media coverage of their
To some level, that has already started-- passengers on the 4th
airplane, the one that went down near Pittsburgh, heard thru cell
phones of what the first few planes had done. They knew they were
almost certainly all going to die. Several passengers voted to
un-hijack the plane. Shortly later, the plane went down in a deserted
field. We may never know exactly what happened. But, those passengers
deserve medals for making sure that no more lives were lost. Future
hijackers are going to have to think twice, to see if they can live
long enough to hit a target with the plane.
Justice is demanded in this time. However, we must temper the
demands on *all* terrorist's lives (those who do not surrender) with
precision. Their camps, their leaders must pay. Do not enrage others
who may be passive at this time.
Down the road, we need to be a voice of sanity to the countries
that produced these terrorists. Most of those countries in the Middle
East that produce terrorists are not democracies. [The exception is
Israel, which should be supported.] The media is controlled in those
countries, brainwashing the people with pure propaganda, saying that
it is noble and good to kill off the evil Americans.
Given a diet of that, it is no wonder why civillians cheered the
destruction. Don't hold the civillians fully responsible, just for
having no conscience. Hold the media and propagandists responsible for
the diet of lies and hate they spread. Those are the arms of terrorist
organizations, and if we cannot knock a clue into them, we need to
counter-broadcast the truth, just as we did with Radio Free Europe
into the Communist Bloc[heads] decades ago. The truth shall set the
people free from the lies and hate.
Nathan Mates
<*> Nathan Mates - personal webpage http://www.racesimcentral.net/~nathan/
# Programmer at Pandemic Studios -- http://www.racesimcentral.net/
# NOT speaking for Pandemic Studios. "Care not what the neighbors
# think. What are the facts, and to how many decimal places?" -R.A. Heinlein