On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 07:26:41 GMT, "Brandon J. Van Every"
>But you're forgetting the lesson we've all learned: they're going to kill
>*EVERYONE*, including themselves. It's a "better go out swingin'!"
>scenario. What people were probably hoping as they were hijacked, was that
>the terrorists had some demands and would take the plane to somewhere that
>they could get those demands addressed. They probably didn't figure they'd
>take the planes to the WTC and the Pentagon.
This just isnt in human nature to do. People will always try to
assume the best instead of taking these kinds of actions. There are
only a slim % who would do a rush deal, and there probably wouldnt be
any (or if so, not enough) to actually do this successfully. Thats
where Id put my money in a bet at least.
Yeah, this does look like a possibility. Which means in this case Id
lose the bet. But though this may have been 1 in 4, I would bet that
there could have been 30 more flights and this would still be the only
one it happened in. If thats what actually occurred.
I agree. But, it will also increase military action most likely.
Which is why things need to be done carefully. Not like us talking
about it will have any effect on that however...
I dont, nor do I say appease them. Obviously the situation needs to
be dealt with, and really needed to be dealt with all along. There
was just no support for it being done so. But, it would be a mistake
to jump from doing nothing, to knee-jerking and releasing the bulls in
the china-shops.
Yup, and in the mean time a lot of innocent people who were just going
to work to support themselves will die. If youre now uncomfortable to
work in a sky scraper, building thats hard to get out of, or fly in a
plane, theyve succeeded. Terror accomplished. Not like they were
trying to gain land holds or something.
-Geoff Howland