Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care


Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Jv » Mon, 21 Jan 2002 06:17:19

>First off I have the advantage since I HAVE seen them running side by
> have not. So attacking my objectivity when I have taken the
>trouble to actually compare them is unwise. You have not seen them
>side by just believe everything you read. I do not.

>Most games are Direct X, if the drivers dont work in Direct X then a
>very large part of the abilities of the card are broken since you
>claim that they are so important.

>Yes when it works its great I stated as much in the article. But they
>are BROKEN in Direct X...

Anisotropic broken in directx? Not when I checked it out.

And as for the image quality difference between no anisotropic and
anisotropic, youd be hard-pressed to find people who agree with you
that there is no difference. That statement of yours alone is more than
enough evidence to question the veracity of your statements.

Im in agreement with hans, you are a waste of time as youve always

Enjoy your outdated piece of hardware.

Hans Bergengre

Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Hans Bergengre » Mon, 21 Jan 2002 10:28:56

> hehe...Operation Flashpoint genius is one of the top selling games in
> the US and its a Glide game...

Yeah, tell me when you see a pattern emerging of great, best-selling Glide
games coming out on the market. There's always the oddball example to make a
grab for when you're a zealot, isn't there?

Flukes aren't facts dude. But you wouldn't understand, since you're a zealot
blind to all things fact.

I think it's you showing lack of comprehension. You attack me for pointing
out your "article" was not about if 3dfx's FSAA is the best or not, when
even the quotes you fling at me say nothing of the sort. You're a rather
bizarre person methinks. Go grow a brain, and some manners.

Yeah, so what? I read em both the first time round. If you're gonna go on
with these silly personal attacks, at least be logical and consistent about

Yeah, I wouldn't expect a zealot like you being able to accept any facts not
agreeing with your personal religion. Go get a life, video cards aren't
deities you know.


John Lew

Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by John Lew » Mon, 21 Jan 2002 14:39:28

Oh, and another point.

I was very hesitant to buy any nVidia accelerator up through GF3,
having witnessed horrible 2D-resolution compared to either a  V3 AGP
or the V5. However the "GF3 Ti" series is a new circuit-board layout
with careful attention to the VGA output. The improvement certainly
shows. I cannot distinguish any 2D resolution difference between
my V5-5500 and my GF3 Ti200. ( I swap the same monitor between
the 2 computers using a top-quality plug and socket connection, not
a switch-box... ).

nVidia must have put some of the 3dfx engineers to good use
in their latest Reference designs.

By the way, my GF3 Ti200 is an Xtasy 6564, with fan and
memory heatsinks, VGA and S-VHS outputs. Highly recommended.

John Lewis

Pierre Legra

Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Pierre Legra » Mon, 21 Jan 2002 15:19:20


Nope not a zealot at fit the description though. I look at
things critically and compare facts and figures myself instead of
believing press releases. You believe press releases. You do not
compare items for believe others....and you apply no
critical thought to your own helps to do that from time
to time. I played with the GF3 for over 4 months...I directly compared
them for over 1 month...given the relative amounts of time we both
spent comparing cards, me 4 months, you zero....well.

Ah but then again the question remains where do you get your facts
from and where are my facts coming 4 months of experience
to your zero. Ummmm.....something is not quite kosher here and it
smells like you. hehe.

Coming from the person who started off by calling me stupid thats a
rich I think I will just ignore it You dont know what my
article was about and are too much of a nvidiot to see it for just
what it was. Anyone that has a V5 is using the FSAA feature because it
really is head and shoulders above the ***that Nvidia passes off as
FSAA. So my article naturally had to show several things to the Voodoo
5 owner considering a purchase of a video card. It did...that you are
even commenting on the article gives all the evidence required that
you are indeed not capable of understanding the written word, it was
specifically meant for the Voodoo 5 owner not Nvidiots...I care little
for sheep like you.. It wasnt intended for dont understand
it and given your lack of critical thought abilities you wont ever
understand it.

In the face of direct evidence of your wrongness you accuse me of not
being probably dont realize how rich that is.

hehe...Again thats an observation I wouldnt expect from you. Since you
are the one that thinks buying the latest greatest video card is a
good idea...keep sopping up that Nvidiot bullshit...someone needs to
keep Nvidia in business until they release something better enough
that I feel the need to spend $300.00


Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive
September 11, 2001
We Will Find You

Pierre Legra

Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Pierre Legra » Mon, 21 Jan 2002 15:27:52

hehe..You and Hans make a good pair.

Really so then Nvidia is just not putting the adjustment tab in the
Direct X properties because......

Sheesh is it so hard to actually quote me correctly. I didnt say no
difference...I said I compared them side by side and unless you can do
that you dont know what you are talking regards to better
image quality. Im not specifically talking about Anio...but when you
compare both cards at x4 FSAA with the Geforce 16/32 Anio the V5 looks
better and the textures are more stable with less creepy crawlies.
Flying over a city in Flanker with both cards is a very different

Outdated or not, Im not thinking about spending money to replace it
just because its old. The only reason to replace a video card is if
the new one will bring significant speed increases in the games I
play...the GF3 doesnt in enough games to make a difference and in some
games not by the margin I was led to believe, or if it makes a
significant difference in image quality, the GF3 still lags pretty far
behind, or if its better for compatibility...I still have some Glide
games that I the GF3 doesnt compare there.

Most V5 owners will have alot of the same requirements as me, thats
who the article was written for...not a bunch of knowitall Nvidiots
who tag along behind Nvidia with their tongues out wagging for the
latest greatest in the hopes that this card will be the one that makes
them StudKing.


Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive
September 11, 2001
We Will Find You

Hans Bergengre

Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Hans Bergengre » Tue, 22 Jan 2002 01:38:39

> hehe....Cute.

Big words from a little man.

Eh, excuse me? You base this on what, really?

You: V5 = equal to GF3 (based on limited number of software titles from
limited number of genres)

Me: No, they are not equal (simple fact).

Which one of these positions would you consider the most zealous? Here I see
you start coming with the "nvidiot" accusation again, same thing I heard you
fling at me the last time we discussed the V5 and it's behind-the-timesness
(which was right around the time when it was new), and at that point I was
actually running on an ATI card of all things. How is that for LOL, huh? :-D

You are so predictable, Pierre... Blinded by your zealotry, you
automatically assume I'm a nvidiot because I oppose your position. Not so.
I'd rather have had a Radeon 8500 instead (for various reasons), but this
card was what came with my computer. Not that I'm actually COMPLAINING, this
thing is ***ously fast compared to what I had before (and your silly
little V5 too, hehe).

So take that nvidiot ephitet and stick it you know where, mmkay? I was
simply using the GF3 to stand off against your V5 because that is what YOU
DID, not because I have a love affair with Nvidia and their products (I do
not; they're good, no denying that, but other products suit me better).

Haha! What a rediculous and totally baseless accusation. You are so

I don't HAVE to compare a soon three year old video card with one less than
six months old to know the outcome of that, dude. As I've already said
several times, if your goal is to run 4xFSAA in a limited set of technically
simplistic applications forever, not upgrading, by all means go ahead and
keep that V5, you deserve it (hehe). If your horizons are broader than this
however, one would do well to consider other options.

Considering you came up with the idea the V5 compares favourably to the GF3,
I would refrain from making remarks about ME smelling... I distinctly feel
an aroma of bullshit coming from your direction.

Considering you seem to change the purpose of the article as you see fit,
then no. Apparantly, I don't.

You said in your "article" it was to help V5 owners decide if they needed to
upgrade or not, but I guess that doesn't count because now the "article" was
about the fact V5 FSAA is superior to GF3 FSAA all of a sudden. Go figure.


We've been over this territory already, but I just thought I'd again take
the opportunity to point out how silly, stupid and childish you are by
flinging such baseless accusations about. Rotfl...

Hmm, well... Whatever. If it makes you feel important, by all means go ahead
and believe that if you wish.

Yeah, you V5 zealots need to have your beliefs in a failed company
periodically re-inforced, otherwise you'd might actually come to agree your
product is no longer the bestest and the greatest (and never was, by the
way). Haha!

Yes, so much for objectivity, Pierre. Write up a piece of sheit concluding
your almost three year old 3D card still has what it takes and then get mad
at me when I call your bluff, rotfl...

Really, I don't understand you at all. Provided one has the cash, why would
it not be a good idea? You get the latest greatest videocard! So one has to
cough up for the pleasure of owning it, SO WHAT? Isn't it a distinctly
un-American (or should that be, "anti-American"?) p.o.v. that paying for the
best is bad?

Or in terms you are more likely to understand: are you saying you'd rather
drive a Pinto than a Cadillac because it's CHEAPER?

Besides, I got my GF3 in november, more than six months after the card had
been released, so so much for your wild theories, LOL.

OOPS! Someone forgot to tell you that you can get yourself the superior GF3
for way less than $300 these days... Still stuck in your delusions I see,



Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Gonz » Tue, 22 Jan 2002 02:30:54

Forget it  Pop,
The very content of the subject line of this thread is enough to bring every
uninformed idiot out of the woodwork just to jump on your butt.

The first time I saw you bring up this subject again I knew you were in for
a long flame war with a bunch of lemmings.

Some of us fortunately are not conditioned to always buy the corporate line
and highly appreciate unbiased REAL WORLD evaluations.

I personally still run a V3 2000 and 3000 as well as a Radeon and Rage128
card and the old Voodoos still hold their own even in WinXP.  I am toying
with buying a Kyro II card but am hesitant right now as the Kyro II Ultra
and maybe even the Kyro III are around the corner.  I do not feel like
paying $200 for an 8500 but that's my other option.  Any idea how a Kyro II
might fare running RTCW and Opfor?  Im thinking my Radeon 32 SDR can't
handle it well in 1024x768x32 and figure a Kyro II would deal with it.
Think I should wait?

PS, be aware that somebody is cross posting this thread into the Nvidia
newsgroup to incite flames so I have taken the liberty of removing it from
my reply.  L8r.

Hans Bergengre

Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Hans Bergengre » Tue, 22 Jan 2002 02:07:30

> Compared to  the V5 the GF3's FSAA is a NO SHOW

Don't know what you'd mean by "compared to" and all the rest, you're putting
an awful lot of subjectivity into such a statement.

Well luckily, I really don't care about your opinion. :-) It does work,
certainly not as efficiently, but then, speed hit is less too which makes it
more useful.

Don't feel sorry for me. I've seen V5 FSAA even though I've never owned a
card myself (gosh darn it, but it's true!), and yes, it does look purty, but
the speed hit is significant too so I could not say with a straight face
it's a feature one could rely on constantly, in ALL apps. I have no speed
problems with my GF3 running 4x FSAA+9-tap filter and 32-tap anisotropic, so
I'd rather have less effective but fast FSAA than effective FSAA which is
too slow to use.

Wouldn't you?



Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Sven » Tue, 22 Jan 2002 03:32:06

I have a kyro II 64mb(the hercules one)
With this base system
athlon 1.4ghz
512 Mb SDR RAM

Runs rtcw brilliantly, can't give you an fps score(don't know the command)
but at 1024x768x32 with everyting on high detail, except light maps(kyro
doesn't handle light sources too well), it goes above the refresh rate of
the monitor i.e. 75hz. I know this coz v-synch is off, and you get that
cutting on the screen.

It doesn't score too highly on 3dmark 2001, it gets around 2300(if tweaked).
But actual in game performance is excellent. The medal of honor demo, max
payne, rtcw, avp2 and homeworld cataclysm(for a bit of variation) all run

BUT it is twitchy, i.e. prepare to have to tweak it and mess around with
drivers a lot before everyting is happy.
Having said that, i would wait for the Kyro 3, this will have hardware t&l
support. Which the kyro2 doesn't. Although not a problem now, in the future
with games like unreal 2 it will help no end.


Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Gonz » Tue, 22 Jan 2002 04:55:17

LOL!  Yeah, the Radeon doesn't like smoke too well either so it's a trade
off.  I think we can all agree that there is no perfect 3D card.  Each one
has it's own limiting factors.  You just have to match it to what you play I

Well 3Dmark is just an Nvidia PR tool anyway, although I have read that the
8500 cards rip it apart LOL.

That's always the fun part of owning a 3D card anyway.

Just wish I knew how long it would take for the KIIU or KIII to apear.  My
Radeon is an excellent card but the fact that I purchased the dirt cheap SDR
version is starting to show AFAIK.  It could also be that I only have an
800MHz Duron though.  Not sure if an XP 1.6 GHz CPU would increase the
Radeon's life or not.  Wish I knew.  With that said, I am still very tempted
to buy a Prophet 4500 but only if I have some extra disposable income.  I
purchased my used V3 2000 AGP for $15 recently and put it on one of my spare
machines.  At that price I was tickled to death.  Talk about a great deal.

Thanks for the info Sven.

Jimmy Nilzoh

Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Jimmy Nilzoh » Tue, 22 Jan 2002 08:01:59


A friend of mine is running a by today standards lowly Athlon 650 paired
with a Kyro II, and I must say I was pretty impressed. RTCW runs really
well, except with lightmaps as Sven said.



Jimmy Nilzohn

Jimmy Nilzoh

Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Jimmy Nilzoh » Tue, 22 Jan 2002 08:31:35

[[snipped the Flashpoint NG because of exceeding stupid ISP's limitation of
crossposting of 5 NG's]]

>>Yeah, you V5 zealots..... your product is no longer the bestest and
>>the greatest (and never was, by the way). Haha!

>Well, you're wrong there, dude. What product was around when V5 was
>released that was better? Please don't say TNT-1.

"Better"? Well...some might say Geforce (1) DDR.

And didn't the GF2 GTS hit the shelves just a few weeks later than the V5


Jimmy Nilzohn

Jimmy Nilzoh

Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Jimmy Nilzoh » Tue, 22 Jan 2002 08:31:24

[[snipped the Flashpoint NG because of exceeding stupid ISP's limitation of
crossposting of 5 NG's]]

>> ZOD,  I don't mind going to the next latest fastest chips and paying
>> the cash.  But....  I don't like them cutting corners on quality.  The
>> 2D is the corner they are cutting now and I don't appreciated it.

>Look...I am sure there are some nVidia based cards that have sub-par 2d
>quality but just about every one I have seen is equal to ANY modern 3d card
>on the market including Matrox. I am running a Ti GF3 and it's very nice on
>my 22" Viewsonic.
>This 'nVidia's 2d is crap' stuff is getting real old and it's based on
>nothing but a couple of idiots saying it was so.

>> My old V5 is not considered the best in 2D either.  Matrox owns that
>> area.

>Well......I have seen all the top cards side by side and it it sooooooooo
>close.....stupid to argue over anyway.

I don't agree. I'm doing 1600x1200 2D-CAD work 8h/day and I just can not
stand using anything else than something from Matrox, and that includes a
few Ti500 I've tried. One might or might not notice any difference if you
use them an hour or two, but using a Matrox card (preferably a MGA-2x64W!!)
is a must for me.

It's so important that I am right now looking for a used Millennium I/II
*PCI* card to use for 2D, since I want to keep my GTS for 3D.

Quadro2 is not an option right now, it's too expensive.

I'm not so sure about this either...I think Nvidia is cutting corners. With
so many transistors, no wonder they have to cut somewhere...

Yup.... but the Voodoo driver support is nonexistant, nowadays.

Agreed. Unless it's a V5 PCI for legacy Glide games :)

Jimmy Nilzohn

Pierre Legra

Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Pierre Legra » Tue, 22 Jan 2002 12:15:59


No thats not true even the Professional 3D cards that operate at
absurd resolutions tout their FSAA. Why? Because it takes care of the
stuff that happens to textures when you move the scene...also even at
1600x1200 the jaggies are noticable.

Whatever are you talking about...? V5 supports extremely large
textures...And lets not forget that it plays Nascar 4 at 1600x1200 x2
FSAA faster than the Geforce 3.


Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive
September 11, 2001
We Will Find You


Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Dave » Tue, 22 Jan 2002 16:12:59

Nope, it ain't the Duron, it's the limitations of the 32 megs of SDR showing
here-I built a box awhile ago for someone with a Duron 800+Radeon DDR 32 and
***-wise it's only a little short 'n' curly hair slower than this box
here before I swapped the Radeon DDR 64 VIVO into the Athlon 1.1 box next to
me and the GF3 from the Athlon box into here. This box has an Asus P2B-F
(BX) with a slocketed P3 1G, 256 megs running on a 133 MHz bus with an 89
MHz AGP 2x port. It should be a little faster than the Duron, in fact it is,
but not by all that much. The Kyro2 in the box behind me with the P3 933 is
just about as fast with that box as one was with yet another Duron, an 850,
in a box I built for someone else, so it seems to start to run out of
scaling room around 800-850 MHz or so, and it seems to do fine with slower
CPUs as well until the CPU becomes a serious limiting factor. 32-bit is
usually a whole whopping three or four FPS slower than 16-bit, sometimes not
even that. Opfor flies, so does HL, UT, Q3, Deus Ex, etc.---it's faster than
the Radeon DDR in most *** even though it does miserably at "NvidiaMark"
2000 and 2001, and it's under a hundred bucks too, the DVD HWMC works well,
though you might want to use WinDVD because PowerDVD does not allow for
brightness, color and contrast adjustments when using h/w acceleration, and
I dunno about the latest drivers because I haven't installed them yet, but
the last latest release and all prior ones have no such provisions in a
display properties tab or applet. Shame Pierre wasted all that time on just
two video cards (where's the Kyro 2 and ATI hiding during this?), honestly
all I really got out of that was that the V5 ain't so bad, which I could
have walked fif*** feet over to the living room where one lives in another
box, and told you myself...also running a benchmark with (especially
critical) features disabled is inane no matter what you're trying to prove.
My house-mate's Honda Accord will run as fast as my Chevy Silverado with the
300 HP 305 I built for it too...if I pull three or four plug wires, or
retard the timing, take off the headers/dual exhaust and put the stock
potato-trying-to-have-kids of an exhaust back on and lean the bejeezus out
of the fuel/air mix near the point of piston damage---or put the TH350C that
started slipping badly within a month back in...Didn't want to try "Giants"
either? Why not? It's a Nvidiot's wet dream! Ohh, that's why. Gotcha. Sorry,
Pierre, ya lost me there, even if it was a pretty good read with some solid
info. Truly a lack of objectivity if ever I did see one. One can devise an
experiment to prove one's desired results, certainly doesn't take a rocket
scientist to figure that out, but this does nothing to provide a definitive
overview. Yes, the V5 does great in flight sims. Its FSAA is indeed the best
of the lot. It is also arguably the best non-AGP card to ever occupy this
slot, though the 64-meg Kyro2 is serious competition here (it doesn't use
AGP either). It is certainly the best PCI 3d card you can get on a consumer
level as well. But this is yesterday's news, and 4x FSAA is generally
unuseable with the V5 in newer titles because of...drumroll,
please...fillrate. Important to note is that the V5 does not do trilinear,
nor aniso, nor does it have ANYTHING in the way of DVD hardware assist. No
HWMC, certainly no IDCT. It doesn't like overclocking the AGP bus either,
which is really your only option running a P3 EB on a BX board. Most I've
seen get a little bit flaky at 75 MHz and puke entirely after minutes of
operation above this AGP rate. This wasn't anywhere in the review, was it?
This doesn't make me dislike the card, I'd be awfully hard-pressed not to
like it, but it is not even REMOTELY the card the GF3 is, no matter how you
try to skew results. I have both here as well as a Herc Kyro 2, a Radeon DDR
64 VIVO, numerous lower end cards of all shapes and sizes, you can extol the
virtues of the V5 until you're blue in the face, pontificate all you want,
take a long swim in De Nile, argue with Hans, but that does not change the
bare facts as I see them, right in front of me, right here, right now.

> > > I personally still run a V3 2000 and 3000 as well as a Radeon and
> Rage128
> > > card and the old Voodoos still hold their own even in WinXP.  I am
> toying
> > > with buying a Kyro II card but am hesitant right now as the Kyro II
> Ultra
> > > and maybe even the Kyro III are around the corner.  I do not feel like
> > > paying $200 for an 8500 but that's my other option.  Any idea how a
> > II
> > > might fare running RTCW and Opfor?  Im thinking my Radeon 32 SDR can't
> > > handle it well in 1024x768x32 and figure a Kyro II would deal with it.
> > > Think I should wait?

> > I have a kyro II 64mb(the hercules one)
> > With this base system
> > athlon 1.4ghz
> > 512 Mb SDR RAM

> > Runs rtcw brilliantly, can't give you an fps score(don't know the
> > but at 1024x768x32 with everyting on high detail, except light maps(kyro
> > doesn't handle light sources too well),

> LOL!  Yeah, the Radeon doesn't like smoke too well either so it's a trade
> off.  I think we can all agree that there is no perfect 3D card.  Each one
> has it's own limiting factors.  You just have to match it to what you play
> guess.

> > it goes above the refresh rate of
> > the monitor i.e. 75hz. I know this coz v-synch is off, and you get that
> > cutting on the screen.

> > It doesn't score too highly on 3dmark 2001,

> Well 3Dmark is just an Nvidia PR tool anyway, although I have read that
> 8500 cards rip it apart LOL.

> > it gets around 2300(if tweaked).
> > But actual in game performance is excellent. The medal of honor demo,
> > payne, rtcw, avp2 and homeworld cataclysm(for a bit of variation) all
> > excellently.

> > BUT it is twitchy, i.e. prepare to have to tweak it and mess around with
> > drivers a lot before everyting is happy.

> That's always the fun part of owning a 3D card anyway.

> > Having said that, i would wait for the Kyro 3, this will have hardware
> > support. Which the kyro2 doesn't. Although not a problem now, in the
> future
> > with games like unreal 2 it will help no end.

> Just wish I knew how long it would take for the KIIU or KIII to apear.  My
> Radeon is an excellent card but the fact that I purchased the dirt cheap
> version is starting to show AFAIK.  It could also be that I only have an
> 800MHz Duron though.  Not sure if an XP 1.6 GHz CPU would increase the
> Radeon's life or not.  Wish I knew.  With that said, I am still very
> to buy a Prophet 4500 but only if I have some extra disposable income.  I
> purchased my used V3 2000 AGP for $15 recently and put it on one of my
> machines.  At that price I was tickled to death.  Talk about a great deal.

> > Cheers
> > Sven

> Thanks for the info Sven. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.