Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care


Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Courageou » Sun, 27 Jan 2002 13:59:59

It certainly didn't help when 3dfx decided to give all of their
distributors an unfriendly rim job.


Mark Nusbau

Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Mark Nusbau » Sun, 27 Jan 2002 14:27:32

Don't quite agree. I do agree with what Tony H. said about Glide, it was
built on the basics of OpenGL but simplified and optimized for games. This
was a critically important part of the beginning of 3D PC *** - a company
that built very good hardware and also made it possible for software
designers to build software that would run well on that hardware by
designing and maintaining an API. Most of the other 3D pretenders not only
didn't make very good 3D hardware but also weren't committed enough to make
sure that there would be stuff to run on it - D3D was a mess and OGL wasn't
much of anything in *** until Carmack and GLQuake/Quake2. nVidia was just
trying to make it as a mainstream board maker, decided that the high-end
approach that included 3D was the route that they were going to take, saw
OpenGL and particularly  D3D potentially coming of age and other graphics
chip brands like ATi, 3DLabs, PowerVR and S3 depending on these open
standards as well, so stayed that course.

3dfx did have an issue over time with this. They did have to maintain Glide
and tried to encourage designers to use it, because it had become an
advantage to them - a huge game base in Glide would discourage anyone from
buying from a competitor. Over time that became a liability, however,
because the effort wasn't worth the results in terms of new games or card
sales - in part because people like Tom Pabst tried to pretend it didn't
exist or wasn't much of an issue when it still was (and I think Glide was
the real reason these reviewers had it in for 3dfx). Eventually they
open-sourced it, but just mere weeks before they went under.

But I think that any company which had invested in an API like 3dfx did and
that then resulted in a competitive advantage would have hung onto it,
including nVidia. The Apple comparison isn't really valid - 3dfx cards could
run OGL and D3D games just like the others and they didn't end up running
only Glide stuff in some small little corner of the *** scene, while Macs
couldn't run DOS and Windows software, so ended up being marginalized. Glide
was bound to die once 3dfx lost that market *** that they had with the
Voodoo/V2 and the other APIs became well-supported standards, and that
didn't have to take 3dfx down with it at all. But that problem came on top
of a lot of others, and they did go down.

In fact, I could see this whole thing happening all over again. If nVidia
was to become truly ***, what's to stop them from having their own
proprietary API? They are in business with MS with the X-box, one of their
primary competitors in the console sector is ATi, and the two could get
together to make sure that D3D is optimized for nVidia hardware and not ATi,
and that would push all other card makers out as well. One hand washes the
other, and they both become *** in both PC and console ***, and
we're all f*cked...


Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Mike_Harr » Sun, 27 Jan 2002 15:15:34

Ok, all of you ***es:

Go and play with your V3/V4/V5/Vx, or Gspot_Force
or whatever before I ***-slap all of ya.  Yo man,
stop acting like a *** and go play with ya games.

> >Forget it  Pop,
> >The very content of the subject line of this thread is enough to bring every
> >uninformed idiot out of the woodwork just to jump on your butt.

> Which is exactly why he posted in the first place

> >The first time I saw you bring up this subject again I knew you were in for
> >a long flame war with a bunch of lemmings.

> dunno about lemming but if the guy wants to post stuff and not expect
> to get responses then he souldn't post but as I already said he knew
> exactly what sort of response he was going to get hence the "I don't
> care what anybody says" line in his post

> >Some of us fortunately are not conditioned to always buy the corporate line
> >and highly appreciate unbiased REAL WORLD evaluations.

> Yeah right "Real World" if you think all this BS and my***s better
> than your disk BS is the real world then boy do you need help

> >I personally still run a V3 2000 and 3000 as well as a Radeon and Rage128
> >card and the old Voodoos still hold their own even in WinXP.  I am toying
> >with buying a Kyro II card but am hesitant right now as the Kyro II Ultra
> >and maybe even the Kyro III are around the corner.  I do not feel like
> >paying $200 for an 8500 but that's my other option.  Any idea how a Kyro II
> >might fare running RTCW and Opfor?  Im thinking my Radeon 32 SDR can't
> >handle it well in 1024x768x32 and figure a Kyro II would deal with it.
> >Think I should wait?

> Personally I think you should buy whatever makes YOU happy and take
> absolutley NO notice of whatever anybody else says or does. It's your
> $$$ spend them how you like do your own research. if you can do your
> own side by side comparisons come to your own conclusions. If you take
> all "reviews" with a pinch of salt then you wont go far wrong.

> My opinion of the comparison done on said webpage is this

> The author very obviously cherry picked the numbers from his test to
> give the answers he needed to put forward his own personal
> tastes/opinions. Anybody could quite easily do other tests that could
> make it seem like NOT upgrading from a V5 to a GF3 is the equivelent
> of suicide. I would not question the numbers he obtained as I have not
> do the same tests. but the slant on the review is so blatent that a
> 5yr old could see it coming.

> Again I say anybody who buys anything relying on somebody elses
> opinion without doing some legwork of their own is a fool and deserves
> to end up with a pile of junk.

> >PS, be aware that somebody is cross posting this thread into the Nvidia
> >newsgroup to incite flames so I have taken the liberty of removing it from
> >my reply.  L8r.

> I dont think he cares if he didn't want a "flame war" he wouldn't have
> posted in the first place. Ego's just love attention and they really
> don't care about the source.


Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by L.Ang » Sun, 27 Jan 2002 16:56:55

>> What would you run on a 17" then? 1440 is rarely available and would be
>> too small. 1280 is okay-ish, but unless it's a sharp tube things will get
>> fuzzy. 1024 isn't big enough. 1152 is a good compromise, I think.

>1024 not big enough on a 17"? Are you ok?
>Seek professional help, ok...hehe

Then what do you run on a 17" or your 22"?

The little lost angel & her featherhead's 2 cents worth of dreaminess.

Hans Bergengre

Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Hans Bergengre » Sun, 27 Jan 2002 17:17:23

> Thank you for the 'how to post to newsgroups' lesson***head.

Trent is a well-known internet troll (who likely does not have much "real"
life, and get an automatic addition to my killfile in every ng I see him).
Since trolls feed on replies, don't reply to him. ;-)


Hans Bergengre

Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Hans Bergengre » Sun, 27 Jan 2002 17:44:15

> Over time that became a liability, however,
> because the effort wasn't worth the results in terms of new games or card
> sales - in part because people like Tom Pabst tried to pretend it didn't
> exist or wasn't much of an issue when it still was

Oh yeah, let's all BLAME TOM PABST shall we!

Please note that even though Tom may consider himself influential, he only
reaches those overclocking geek-ish people that actually spend considerable
time reading hardware websites such as his own, and possibly their friends.
That's not a very large percentage of the people of planet Earth, you know!

Let's ignore the fact that 3dfx boards were sold almost exclusively retail,
and the retail computer market is not very big. After they started up their
own boardmaking, 3dfx could brag about being the best-selling retail brand
even up to its not very unfortunate demise. However, since by then, 3dfx was
the ONLY brand selling 3dfx boards, that meant they got far outsold by the
competition (mainly Nvidia) that was spread across a multitude of brands.

Glide WAS limited, it lacked all forms of expandability and had a habit of
being slightly incompatible even with the extremely minor upgrades (apart
from speed increases) to their own hardware that 3dfx did release. Had glide
been as flexible as the opengl it was based on, and 3dfx actually spent time
improving other aspects of their boards than simply speed, then the
situation might have been different.

And, of course, it only ran on 3dfx boards. 3dfx had a *** habit of
sending angry lawyer letters to people attempting to develop glide wrappers,
thus helping to ensure glide would stay entrenched on their hardware only.

As for me personally, the thing that ticked me off about glide was that
every glide-only game was a game I could not play. I don't like people that
makes themselves intentionally incompatible with the rest of the universe
and then tries to use that incompatibility as an advantage and a sales-tool.
Microsoft's behaviour I more or less *had* to accept, but not 3dfx's.

Glad they're gone.

Uh, DUHHH. The market is.

Where would this new miracle Nvidia API come from? Who would support it? No
developer in their right mind would support an API that they have to: A -
learn themselves from the ground up and figure out how to best utilize. B -
only runs on one brand's products. C - has zero installed user base at

Nvidia knows this, they're not stupid you know. ;-) That's why they're not
tried to take over the world with their own API. Besides, it would just mean
even more driver development costs for them.

Except, they'd be slapped with an anti-competition lawsuit in an instant or
less. Something like that would definitely not help MS in their ongoing
battle with the DoJ for example.



Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by cqui.. » Sun, 27 Jan 2002 18:52:53

On Sat, 26 Jan 2002 05:27:32 GMT, "Mark Nusbaum"

>3dfx did have an issue over time with this. They did have to maintain Glide
>and tried to encourage designers to use it, because it had become an
>advantage to them - a huge game base in Glide would discourage anyone from
>buying from a competitor.

3DFX tried to make effective 3D a private fiefdom much as DOS-era
sound was for Creative's "Sound Blaster".  Any fallout from this would
be richly deserved, IMO - that the PC dominates personal computing is
more through a revulsion of proprietary lock-in than inherent beauty.

*** are usually safe.  Inject? (Y/n)


Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Gonz » Mon, 28 Jan 2002 00:43:57

Huh?  Hate to jump into this debate but have you ever heard of Direct 3D?
You do know that all 3Dfx cards are D3D compatible right?

Nobody shoved Glide down anybody's throat.  YOU and I had a choice and those
of us that chose a Glide card or Glide compatible game did so out of
consideration of performance vs cost.  No *** there.

BTW, thanks for getting ZOD past my two year old anti-Zod killfile.

Trent Worthingto

Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Trent Worthingto » Mon, 28 Jan 2002 01:33:40

>> Thank you for the 'how to post to newsgroups' lesson***head.

>Trent is a well-known internet troll

Troll? Moi?

Ahh, the "he doesn't have a life lame." I haven't heard *that* one



Your dad should have pulled out.


Trent Worthington, is a God a warrior and a gent,
we are not fit to suck his feet or dine on his excrement.
At night we crune by the light of the moon of his courage and his creed,
long live the Worthington seed.
Trent Trent, top of the hero class,
Trent, Trent we live to kiss his ass.

Visit a web page dedicated to me by my newest leg-humper:

Trent Worthingto

Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Trent Worthingto » Mon, 28 Jan 2002 01:33:40

>> >Dialup accounts must suck, huh?  <sniff sniff>

>> It's not a matter of whether I'm on dialup or not, you worthless waste
>> of carbon. It's a matter of how to post to usenet properly. ***, I'll
>> bet you couldn't count your balls and get the same answer twice.

>Thank you for the 'how to post to newsgroups' lesson***head.

You're very welcome. I know it's probably wrong of me to attack such a
helpless moron, whose posts are redolent of a small, frightened bunny
transfixed by the glare of a juggernaut's headlights, but I'll just
have to live with that.

Hey, That's a wonderful achievement, seeing as how we're talking about
a guy (you) who's still trying to make two-letter words fit into ten
spaces in the TV Guide crossword puzzle. Stay tuned for tomorrow's
lesson: How to NOT make a fool of yourself on usenet.

Thanks for the offer, but I don't go for the wart-ridden dwarf look.



Trent Worthington, is a God a warrior and a gent,
we are not fit to suck his feet or dine on his excrement.
At night we crune by the light of the moon of his courage and his creed,
long live the Worthington seed.
Trent Trent, top of the hero class,
Trent, Trent we live to kiss his ass.

Visit a web page dedicated to me by my newest leg-humper:


Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by ZOD » Mon, 28 Jan 2002 01:34:30

I run 1024 on a 17" and up to 1280x1024 on a 22"......


Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by ZOD » Mon, 28 Jan 2002 01:52:51

....and run on that hardware only...that is not what OpenGL is about



Look at the MAC has almost stood still compared to the
This is a direct result of using non-open standard hardware/software.
This approach will never win.....

My point is that 3dfx had the power and influence to go to an open standard
but chose the easy way instead.
The fact is they knew they could not compete on an even playing field and
hence the choices they made...hehe
They wanted that edge Glide gave them and so what if gamers suffer because
all the new open standard hardware suffered because of their non-open

Yeah, that's logic are really confused...hehe
Nvidia has helped pc *** and dev more than any graphics hardware maker to none!

Hans Bergengre

Voodoo 5 vs Geforce 3 using Ghost Recon, Nascar 4, Quake3, F/A-18, Flanker Benchmarks Galore....downloads for those who care

by Hans Bergengre » Mon, 28 Jan 2002 02:26:32

> > Trent is a well-known internet troll
> > Since trolls feed on replies, don't reply to him. ;-)
> Now that's a shocker..hehe

Well, you should know, you little Zod-troll. "hehe"

The reason why I haven't bothered to killfile you yet is that Trent, despite
all his other shortcomings (mainly in the personality and behaviour
aspects), is a lot smarter than you and hence much more annoying. With you,
one knows you'll get a simple knee-jerk insult if one criticizes iNHELL or
Nvidia, usually with a "hehe" tagged on at the end. That's more like a minor
nuisance in comparison...

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