Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)


Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by PAPADO » Sat, 07 Dec 2002 00:18:12

Liar liar pants of fire....


Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive September 11, 2001
Maj. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the
10th Mountain Division:"If they want to bring in
more people so we can kill them,We're happy to oblige."


Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by PAPADO » Sat, 07 Dec 2002 00:37:27

I have often wondered how it is that rational people walk into the
meat grinders that Socialists governments delight in. Now I
know...simple denial of history....brilliant stuff.

That the Russians killed 30 or 40 million in their "experiment" doesnt
matter because it wasnt really socialism.

That the Chinese killed 30 or 40 million in their experiment doesnt
mean anything because it wasnt really socialism.

Cambodia half the population dead...doesnt count wasnt socialism.

Vietnam millions dead since the fall doesnt count wasnt socialism.

Nazis 60 or so million doesnt count wasnt socialism...

And so it goes with more fools walking quietly to their deaths
believing that life is free and that someone elses effort is all thats
required. Responsibility is a bougeouis attitude and its the other
guys thanks.

The US doesnt understand the finer points of Socialism for a very
simple reason..whats the point? I dont learn the finer points of the
Theories of the Flat Earth Society because on the face its quite it is with Socialism. Ayn Rand who knew quite a bit more
than you do about socialism having experienced its brilliance first
hand explained all I needed to know about socialism.


Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive September 11, 2001
Maj. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the
10th Mountain Division:"If they want to bring in
more people so we can kill them,We're happy to oblige."

Gerald Moo

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Gerald Moo » Sat, 07 Dec 2002 01:01:43

> Here let me help you..

> >Uh, the nazis were neither socialists nor libertarians.  They were
> >right wing conservative fascists.

> >Read a ***ing history book or at least have a basic understanding of
> >the political spectrum before posting this bullshit.

> >Jason

> Yea this sound real capitalistic....ooh yea. Dimwit...know politics
> before you wake up one day to find yourselves in goofballs
> like Hitler.

He didn't say anything about capitalism.  Neither does any of Hitler's
drivel you posted in a very misguided attempt to make some kind of
point.  I'm not really sure what it was, since Jason didn't say that
the Nazis were capitalists.  He did say that they were right wing.  If
you look at what they actually are all about, I think you will have to

You left out the central issue which is Aryan racial supremacy;
economy & social policy driven and defined by race, etc.  Everything
in Nazism follows from this core world view.

What does this tell us about who controls the means of production (ie
economics, ie capitalism or socialism)?  It does illustrate the ideal
of State supremacy, a core belief of both Nazism and Fascism.

But only Aryans may be citizens.

Nothing here about who you work for.  Here we also see another basic
tenet, that of the community being superior to the individual.  You
may confuse this with socialism, but you would once again be confusing
economics with social politics.

This has more to do with disenfranchising non-Aryan wealth than
anything else.

Same here.  BTW, who gets to keep the money?  It wasn't "the people",
but their saviour, the State.

More disenfranchi***t.  We also see more evidence that the national
state is the power that unites and defines Aryan peoples.  Core to
Nazism, but also the defining quality of Fascism.

Again, nothing about who controls the means of production.

More social politics.  Nothing to do with economics.

Again, the State is supreme.  Classic Fascism.

More disenfranchi***t of the non-Aryan status quo.  Also, the
expropriation would naturally be done by The State.  This does point
out who in Nazi doctrine would control the means of production.
Here's a hint: it isn't the workers.

If you needed a bigger clue as to whether the Nazis were on the left
or right, here it is.  Here again, it is the State that defines life,
society, etc.  Pure Fascist bullshit.

Nothing here about economics and the means of production, by the way.

More Statist, Fascist dogma.  Nothing about economics.

Seriously, go back to school before you make an even bigger fool out
of yourself and the rest of our country.


Jason Moy

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Jason Moy » Sat, 07 Dec 2002 01:20:18

You're right it wasn't.  It was, however, a good example of the
tyranny inherent in democratic centralism, at least as it's been
practiced in the USSR and China.

Again, very good, despite the sarcasm.  Of course, those 30 or 40
million people were killed because of the economic system that they
practice, right?  I guess since the United States is a mixed economy,
that is we have a fairly even balance of capitalist and socialist
policies, we must be sacrificing our own citizens too, right?  Just
not as many, tho, right?  Whatever you say, right?

Yup.  Nowhere near.  In fact I'm not sure why you even mentioned them,
even taking your sarcasm into account.

Nope.  I believe most of those millions were killed by the army of a
federal republic, who spent as much time raping and pillaging their
allies as they did the enemy.  The federal republic that you live in.
The one that just finished killing over 6 million Afghanistan
civilians by dropping cluster bombs in heavily populated cities.  But
that must be the socialist aspects of our economy creeping in, right?

Good boy.  You're right, they weren't.  Not even close.  The Nazis
were a totalitarian fascist party which allowed private ownership of
business.  Same with Mussolini's Italy.

No, actually, socialists believe that the bourgeouis don't have any
sense of responsiblity.  It's part of that whole "destruction of the
class system" thing.

Seriously, dude, you at least have a 6th or 7th grade education,

Because our educational standards are below average for a first world
nation?  Because the large socialist movement in this country in the
first half of the 20th century was put to death by the fascist
policies of Eisenhour, McCarthy, Hoover, and the wealthy executives
who gave them power?

That you exemplify the reasons the founding fathers of the United
States instituted a federal republic.  They wanted to make sure that
the upper class maintained power in this country because the lower
class (and later, the middle class) wasn't educated to a high enough
degree to make decisions about government.  Instead of creating a
democracy which would ensure that the government operated on the basis
of the will of the people, they created a system which allows the
minority, the business class, to dictate political policy.

Ah, so you learned all you need to know about history from a pulp
fiction author?

People, take note, this is what Americans are talking about when we
decry the state of our educational system.



Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Nick » Sat, 07 Dec 2002 01:48:37

Oh, I'm sorry, did you say something? I wasn't paying attention....


Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by PAPADO » Sat, 07 Dec 2002 06:53:59

hehe...Yea I agree that person who was quoted is an idiot.

Oscar Wilde: The Soul of Man Under Socialism
Socialism, Communism, or whatever, one chooses to call it, by
converting private property into public wealth, and substituting
co-operation for competition, will restore society to its proper
condition of a thoroughly healthy organism, and ensure the material
well-being of each member of the community.

(The Soul of Man Under Socialism)

btw you will be interested in learning that this is a quote pulled
directly off of the site...oopsy idiot.

Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive September 11, 2001
Maj. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the
10th Mountain Division:"If they want to bring in
more people so we can kill them,We're happy to oblige."


Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by PAPADO » Sat, 07 Dec 2002 06:56:24

hehe....Yea boy you do set quite the example....lovely stuff.

Just give socialists ONE more chance..they promise to get it
right...just a few more million into the grinder.


Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive September 11, 2001
Maj. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the
10th Mountain Division:"If they want to bring in
more people so we can kill them,We're happy to oblige."


Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by PAPADO » Sat, 07 Dec 2002 06:58:50

Dear man when have I ever said I was afraid of Canada....? Canada is
funny...Canada is rushing towards poverty just like the rest of the
countries so enamored with blaming someone else and stealing other
peoples efforts. But they arent scary by any means...Socialist
countries dont get scary until they run out of things to steal...then
they get scary..


Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive September 11, 2001
Maj. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the
10th Mountain Division:"If they want to bring in
more people so we can kill them,We're happy to oblige."


Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by PAPADO » Sat, 07 Dec 2002 07:04:39

The rest of your drivel is unworthy of comment but this...ah this is

You honestly believe that the US just killed 6 million people in
Afganistan...? No wonder you believe that none of those socialist
wonderlands were terrible...reality and you are trains passing in the

Actually with 2 children getting ready to enter school and a third on
the way it terrifies me to think what education system produced you.

Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive September 11, 2001
Maj. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the
10th Mountain Division:"If they want to bring in
more people so we can kill them,We're happy to oblige."


Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by PAPADO » Sat, 07 Dec 2002 07:40:48

Learning the details of either Hitler or Marx doesnt interest me. Both
sweep away individual that both are very much the same.

Right wing conservative facists...? If I were socialist I certainly
would want to distance calling others horrible names. I
notice on the World Socialist website they indulge a great deal in
debunking other socialist theory and I dont feel
so embarrassed about being so ignorant of so great a political

Yup certainly did do that but thats obvious but lets not quibble.  A
lot of his other policies would fit very well into most left wing
socialists party platforms. Of course NOT the killing the Jews but its
odd how willing the Europeans are to scapegoat them even now.

Yes and pure socialism doesnt really define who controls production
except to say its a democratic question is who counts
the votes..? Who orginizes the elections? Who defines the issues...?

Ah yes but its not that big a difference...essentially he wants
equality of results. A core socialist goal...isnt it? I agree that his
racial bullshit makes him different from most advertised Socialists
but were he to have discarded the race issue most of his other stuff
would have fit right in.

I will admit to not knowing the intricate details of socialism...but
subverting the will of the individual to the good of the whole is one
of the basic values of socialism isnt it? Democracy ?

So socialists dont mind banks earning interest or people buying
stocks..? Or none of that exists in the perfect socialist society?
Tell me before they get to the perfect socialist society how do they
deal with not cool..? Or is it supposed to be a sudden
transformation to socialist wonderfulness.

Who runs the democracy in a Socialist state...? If everyone is in
charge then nothing gets someone must be in charge...or lets
say running the issues and elections. Thats a lot of that
called a state or is it just called a committee...? Does the committee
decide who gets the produce of the company. And how does the committee

True but if you take away Aryan you are left with pronouncements that
sound very much like Socialists.  And you assume that the state doesnt
exist in a Socialist country...then explain how anything gets decided,
who sets the agenda?

The state of a Socialist government it would be a
committee or a group of citizens. Who decides who gets elected, how
out of the millions of people do those people get selected....sounds
very much like a state to this admittedly simple country boy. To me
either the State or "Collection of people who dont want to be called
the state" or I own my company.  Two of those are one and the same and
it aint me.

Absolutely everything to do with economics....who pays...? How do they

hehe...From my point of view your collective looks alot like a state.
A rose by any other name.

And the problem is that I laugh at your belief that the Workers would
EVER control it....and group of 'workers" orginized enough to control
the means of production are called a government.

And in the Socialist state ooops collective who defines life, society
and such..? And what if I dont agree..?

Well Im in awe of such unbounded intelligence but I must pursue my
questions so that I may get educated at the feet of such great minds.


Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive September 11, 2001
Maj. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the
10th Mountain Division:"If they want to bring in
more people so we can kill them,We're happy to oblige."

Ruud Dingeman

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Ruud Dingeman » Sat, 07 Dec 2002 15:16:34

 >>No matter Goy, if he's too lazy to look it up and can't even distinguish
 >>between left (socialist) and right (nazi's) there's no hope anyway.

Pierre, darling, if you think I'm wrong please look up "extreme right"
and "far right" on Google in combination with "nazi" and then try the
same with "extreme left" and "far left". Notice the number of hits on
the blue bar. It's not evidence or anything, but it'll give you a rough
indication of how far off you are.

Then go back to your first grade history books and please leave the
grown-ups alone.

Then again, I guess it's no use convincing your set mind that us
"liberals" or "lefties" usually regard both nazis and Stalinists as
political opponents (and scum o'the earth).

Never mind. I hope you do grow up one day, darling. Good luck.

Regards, Rudy


Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Nick » Sat, 07 Dec 2002 20:19:08

Wow, such a long post. It's a shame nobody cares about your, er, 'unique'
viewpoints. You must have been chronically pissed thru college...

Uncle Feste

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Uncle Feste » Sat, 07 Dec 2002 21:23:55

> Pierre, darling, if you think I'm wrong please look up "extreme right"
> and "far right" on Google in combination with "nazi" and then try the
> same with "extreme left" and "far left". Notice the number of hits on
> the blue bar. It's not evidence or anything, but it'll give you a rough
> indication of how far off you are.

I think I know what the problem is.  PAPADOC & his fellow John Birchers
are so far to the right that, to them, the nazis *do* appear to be
leftists!  :-)



There is a better way, for the enlightened.


Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by PAPADO » Sun, 08 Dec 2002 02:42:59

hehe...Hey if my policies were so close the Nazis and I didnt wish to
abandon my policies I would do exactly what the Lefties have
done...bad mouth the parties whose policies make my policies look so
bad. Here is a hint for you "Dawling" check out the actual policies
and see if you can spot the differences.

Prior to the admission by the Russian government of the Horrors of
Stalin many a leftist defended the government. Now that to defend it
would be to defend 30 to 40 million dead of starvation prior to the
war due in whole to Socialist policy I would be surprised if the
Socialists didnt find a way to disassociate themselves. finds ways of dissassociating itself from alot
of current socialist outfits and it seems that they do the same.
Everyone seems to have a problem defining what is actually surprise since the record of success is so dismal.


Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive September 11, 2001
Maj. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the
10th Mountain Division:"If they want to bring in
more people so we can kill them,We're happy to oblige."


Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by PAPADO » Sun, 08 Dec 2002 02:49:24

hehe....Yup was that, got tired of listening to bullshit lefty
professors tell me shit that was debunked back in the 1800's.  Im a
modern man and dont prefer systems that never worked. But I knew that
going into college.


>Wow, such a long post. It's a shame nobody cares about your, er, 'unique'
>viewpoints. You must have been chronically pissed thru college...

>"PAPADOC" <> wrote in message
>> Learning the details of either Hitler or Marx doesnt interest me. Both
>> sweep away individual that both are very much the same.

>> >He didn't say anything about capitalism.  Neither does any of Hitler's
>> >drivel you posted in a very misguided attempt to make some kind of
>> >point.  I'm not really sure what it was, since Jason didn't say that
>> >the Nazis were capitalists.  He did say that they were right wing.  If
>> >you look at what they actually are all about, I think you will have to
>> >agree.

>> Right wing conservative facists...? If I were socialist I certainly
>> would want to distance calling others horrible names. I
>> notice on the World Socialist website they indulge a great deal in
>> debunking other socialist theory and I dont feel
>> so embarrassed about being so ignorant of so great a political
>> philosophy.

>> >You left out the central issue which is Aryan racial supremacy;
>> >economy & social policy driven and defined by race, etc.  Everything
>> >in Nazism follows from this core world view.

>> Yup certainly did do that but thats obvious but lets not quibble.  A
>> lot of his other policies would fit very well into most left wing
>> socialists party platforms. Of course NOT the killing the Jews but its
>> odd how willing the Europeans are to scapegoat them even now.

>> >> . We demand that the State shall above all undertake to ensure that
>> >> every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and
>> >> earning a livelihood. If it should not be possible to feed the whole
>> >> population, then aliens (non-citizens) must be expelled from the
>> >> Reich.

>> >What does this tell us about who controls the means of production (ie
>> >economics, ie capitalism or socialism)?  It does illustrate the ideal
>> >of State supremacy, a core belief of both Nazism and Fascism.

>> Yes and pure socialism doesnt really define who controls production
>> except to say its a democratic question is who counts
>> the votes..? Who orginizes the elections? Who defines the issues...?

>> >> All citizens must possess equal rights and duties

>> >But only Aryans may be citizens.

>> Ah yes but its not that big a difference...essentially he wants
>> equality of results. A core socialist goal...isnt it? I agree that his
>> racial bullshit makes him different from most advertised Socialists
>> but were he to have discarded the race issue most of his other stuff
>> would have fit right in.

>> >Nothing here about who you work for.  Here we also see another basic
>> >tenet, that of the community being superior to the individual.  You
>> >may confuse this with socialism, but you would once again be confusing
>> >economics with social politics.

>> I will admit to not knowing the intricate details of socialism...but
>> subverting the will of the individual to the good of the whole is one
>> of the basic values of socialism isnt it? Democracy ?

>> >> That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from
>> >> work, be abolished.

>> >This has more to do with disenfranchising non-Aryan wealth than
>> >anything else.

>> So socialists dont mind banks earning interest or people buying
>> stocks..? Or none of that exists in the perfect socialist society?
>> Tell me before they get to the perfect socialist society how do they
>> deal with not cool..? Or is it supposed to be a sudden
>> transformation to socialist wonderfulness.

>> >> Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in blood and
>> >> treasure, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as
>> >> treason to the people. We therefore demand the total confiscation of
>> >> all war profits

>> >Same here.  BTW, who gets to keep the money?  It wasn't "the people",
>> >but their saviour, the State.

>> Who runs the democracy in a Socialist state...? If everyone is in
>> charge then nothing gets someone must be in charge...or lets
>> say running the issues and elections. Thats a lot of that
>> called a state or is it just called a committee...? Does the committee
>> decide who gets the produce of the company. And how does the committee
>> decide?

>> >>  We demand the nationalization of all trusts.

>> >More disenfranchisement.  We also see more evidence that the national
>> >state is the power that unites and defines Aryan peoples.  Core to
>> >Nazism, but also the defining quality of Fascism.

>> True but if you take away Aryan you are left with pronouncements that
>> sound very much like Socialists.  And you assume that the state doesnt
>> exist in a Socialist country...then explain how anything gets decided,
>> who sets the agenda?

>> >> We demand profit-sharing in large industries.

>> >Again, nothing about who controls the means of production.

>> The state of a Socialist government it would be a
>> committee or a group of citizens. Who decides who gets elected, how
>> out of the millions of people do those people get selected....sounds
>> very much like a state to this admittedly simple country boy. To me
>> either the State or "Collection of people who dont want to be called
>> the state" or I own my company.  Two of those are one and the same and
>> it aint me.

>> >> We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions

>> >More social politics.  Nothing to do with economics.

>> Absolutely everything to do with economics....who pays...? How do they
>> pay...?

>> >> We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the
>> >> immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply
>> >> to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given
>> >> to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the
>> >> State, the provinces and municipalities.

>> >Again, the State is supreme.  Classic Fascism.

>> hehe...From my point of view your collective looks alot like a state.
>> A rose by any other name.

>> >> We demand an agrarian reform in accordance with our national
>> >> requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners
>> >> without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose. The
>> >> abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in
>> >> land.

>> >More disenfranchisement of the non-Aryan status quo.  Also, the
>> >expropriation would naturally be done by The State.  This does point
>> >out who in Nazi doctrine would control the means of production.
>> >Here's a hint: it isn't the workers.

>> And the problem is that I laugh at your belief that the Workers would
>> EVER control it....and group of 'workers" orginized enough to control
>> the means of production are called a government.

>> >If you needed a bigger clue as to whether the Nazis were on the left
>> >or right, here it is.  Here again, it is the State that defines life,
>> >society, etc.  Pure Fascist bullshit.

>> And in the Socialist state ooops collective who defines life, society
>> and such..? And what if I dont agree..?

>> >Seriously, go back to school before you make an even bigger fool out
>> >of yourself and the rest of our country.
>> >HTH,
>> >Gerald

>> Well Im in awe of such unbounded intelligence but I must pursue my
>> questions so that I may get educated at the feet of such great minds.


>> Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
>> Never Forget Never Forgive September 11, 2001
>> Maj. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the
>> 10th Mountain Division:"If they want to bring in
>> more people so we can kill them,We're happy to oblige."

Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive September 11, 2001
Maj. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the
10th Mountain Division:"If they want to bring in
more people so we can kill them,We're happy to oblige." is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.