professors tell me shit that was debunked back in the 1800's. Im a
modern man and dont prefer systems that never worked. But I knew that
going into college.
>Wow, such a long post. It's a shame nobody cares about your, er, 'unique'
>viewpoints. You must have been chronically pissed thru college...
>"PAPADOC" <> wrote in message
>> Learning the details of either Hitler or Marx doesnt interest me. Both
>> sweep away individual that both are very much the same.
>> >He didn't say anything about capitalism. Neither does any of Hitler's
>> >drivel you posted in a very misguided attempt to make some kind of
>> >point. I'm not really sure what it was, since Jason didn't say that
>> >the Nazis were capitalists. He did say that they were right wing. If
>> >you look at what they actually are all about, I think you will have to
>> >agree.
>> Right wing conservative facists...? If I were socialist I certainly
>> would want to distance calling others horrible names. I
>> notice on the World Socialist website they indulge a great deal in
>> debunking other socialist theory and I dont feel
>> so embarrassed about being so ignorant of so great a political
>> philosophy.
>> >You left out the central issue which is Aryan racial supremacy;
>> >economy & social policy driven and defined by race, etc. Everything
>> >in Nazism follows from this core world view.
>> Yup certainly did do that but thats obvious but lets not quibble. A
>> lot of his other policies would fit very well into most left wing
>> socialists party platforms. Of course NOT the killing the Jews but its
>> odd how willing the Europeans are to scapegoat them even now.
>> >> . We demand that the State shall above all undertake to ensure that
>> >> every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and
>> >> earning a livelihood. If it should not be possible to feed the whole
>> >> population, then aliens (non-citizens) must be expelled from the
>> >> Reich.
>> >What does this tell us about who controls the means of production (ie
>> >economics, ie capitalism or socialism)? It does illustrate the ideal
>> >of State supremacy, a core belief of both Nazism and Fascism.
>> Yes and pure socialism doesnt really define who controls production
>> except to say its a democratic question is who counts
>> the votes..? Who orginizes the elections? Who defines the issues...?
>> >> All citizens must possess equal rights and duties
>> >But only Aryans may be citizens.
>> Ah yes but its not that big a difference...essentially he wants
>> equality of results. A core socialist goal...isnt it? I agree that his
>> racial bullshit makes him different from most advertised Socialists
>> but were he to have discarded the race issue most of his other stuff
>> would have fit right in.
>> >Nothing here about who you work for. Here we also see another basic
>> >tenet, that of the community being superior to the individual. You
>> >may confuse this with socialism, but you would once again be confusing
>> >economics with social politics.
>> I will admit to not knowing the intricate details of socialism...but
>> subverting the will of the individual to the good of the whole is one
>> of the basic values of socialism isnt it? Democracy ?
>> >> That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from
>> >> work, be abolished.
>> >This has more to do with disenfranchising non-Aryan wealth than
>> >anything else.
>> So socialists dont mind banks earning interest or people buying
>> stocks..? Or none of that exists in the perfect socialist society?
>> Tell me before they get to the perfect socialist society how do they
>> deal with not cool..? Or is it supposed to be a sudden
>> transformation to socialist wonderfulness.
>> >> Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in blood and
>> >> treasure, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as
>> >> treason to the people. We therefore demand the total confiscation of
>> >> all war profits
>> >Same here. BTW, who gets to keep the money? It wasn't "the people",
>> >but their saviour, the State.
>> Who runs the democracy in a Socialist state...? If everyone is in
>> charge then nothing gets someone must be in charge...or lets
>> say running the issues and elections. Thats a lot of that
>> called a state or is it just called a committee...? Does the committee
>> decide who gets the produce of the company. And how does the committee
>> decide?
>> >> We demand the nationalization of all trusts.
>> >More disenfranchisement. We also see more evidence that the national
>> >state is the power that unites and defines Aryan peoples. Core to
>> >Nazism, but also the defining quality of Fascism.
>> True but if you take away Aryan you are left with pronouncements that
>> sound very much like Socialists. And you assume that the state doesnt
>> exist in a Socialist country...then explain how anything gets decided,
>> who sets the agenda?
>> >> We demand profit-sharing in large industries.
>> >Again, nothing about who controls the means of production.
>> The state of a Socialist government it would be a
>> committee or a group of citizens. Who decides who gets elected, how
>> out of the millions of people do those people get selected....sounds
>> very much like a state to this admittedly simple country boy. To me
>> either the State or "Collection of people who dont want to be called
>> the state" or I own my company. Two of those are one and the same and
>> it aint me.
>> >> We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions
>> >More social politics. Nothing to do with economics.
>> Absolutely everything to do with economics....who pays...? How do they
>> pay...?
>> >> We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the
>> >> immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply
>> >> to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given
>> >> to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the
>> >> State, the provinces and municipalities.
>> >Again, the State is supreme. Classic Fascism.
>> hehe...From my point of view your collective looks alot like a state.
>> A rose by any other name.
>> >> We demand an agrarian reform in accordance with our national
>> >> requirements, and the enactment of a law to expropriate the owners
>> >> without compensation of any land needed for the common purpose. The
>> >> abolition of ground rents, and the prohibition of all speculation in
>> >> land.
>> >More disenfranchisement of the non-Aryan status quo. Also, the
>> >expropriation would naturally be done by The State. This does point
>> >out who in Nazi doctrine would control the means of production.
>> >Here's a hint: it isn't the workers.
>> And the problem is that I laugh at your belief that the Workers would
>> EVER control it....and group of 'workers" orginized enough to control
>> the means of production are called a government.
>> >If you needed a bigger clue as to whether the Nazis were on the left
>> >or right, here it is. Here again, it is the State that defines life,
>> >society, etc. Pure Fascist bullshit.
>> And in the Socialist state ooops collective who defines life, society
>> and such..? And what if I dont agree..?
>> >Seriously, go back to school before you make an even bigger fool out
>> >of yourself and the rest of our country.
>> >HTH,
>> >Gerald
>> Well Im in awe of such unbounded intelligence but I must pursue my
>> questions so that I may get educated at the feet of such great minds.
>> Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
>> Never Forget Never Forgive September 11, 2001
>> Maj. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the
>> 10th Mountain Division:"If they want to bring in
>> more people so we can kill them,We're happy to oblige."
Maj. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the