> Regardless of political views in this thread, the topic really seems to be
> about the right of the US, with the UN, to force Iraq to stop making weapons
> of mass destruction. Does Iraq have the right to become an atomic power?
> So, it goes something like this. Iraq wants more oil so they invade Kuwait.
> The UN comes in and stops them. In Iraq's surrender, they agree to weapons
> inspections (as opposed to a bunch of other alternatives which would have
> been far worse). Later, they force UN inspectors to leave, violating the
> terms of their surrender. Now, after WWII, the Japanese had to agree to only
> keep a small military (Germany, too, I think, but I'm not sure). If Japan
> can honor their agreement to this day, why shouldn't Iraq? Of course, being
> the "mean spirited" people we are, we spent billions to help rebuild Japan
> and turn it into a leading economic power.
> We know that Iraq has used chemical weapons on it's own people, civilians,
> and are not opposed to mass ***. You have to ask yourself what could
> happen if Iraq has atomic bombs. It would certainly make the UN think twice
> about defending anyone else that Iraq decides to invade. They could pretty
> much waive the bombs around and say if you try to stop us you'd better be
> prepared for a world wide nuclear war. What about the other countries that
> have atomic weapons? What is there to stop them from doing the same thing?
> Well, nothing, but Iraq is the bully that steals your milk money. The other
> countries are not. So, even if Iraq didn't launch the bomb at the US (and he
> might), it's a formidable tool.
> Saddam Hussein has the power to prevent a war. All he has to do is honor his
> surrender agreement. It really is that simple.
Actually the whole http://www.racesimcentral.net/ site is good.
There is a better way, for the enlightened.