not hurting anyone, but no, I don't associate with them on a regular basis.
I hope these 2, pointing to Norway instead of Iraq, don't have college
educations. That would be sad.
Tweaks & Reviews
> >"Drag queens Kristal Snow and Hagatha Christie, from the Lower East Side,
> >were equally sure.....pointing at Norway."
> >Now there's a fine representation of the country.
> You know, I bet if there were a nationwide poll done, drag queens
> would score better than non-drag queens on it. For that matter, I
> also suspect you'd find a higher average IQ, and a higher average
> education level.
> I can only assume if you're stereotyping "social deviants" that you
> don't regularly interact with any. Besides, one of my best friends
> who happens to be a crossdresser (and college graduate, etc) has been
> working on Capitol Hill with Mr. Ridge the last 9 to 10 months. =)
> Jason