Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)


Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by GTX_SlotCa » Thu, 28 Nov 2002 00:30:22

I wish no ill will to people who have a few wires crossed as long as they're
not hurting anyone, but no, I don't associate with them on a regular basis.
I hope these 2, pointing to Norway instead of Iraq, don't have college
educations. That would be sad.


Tweaks & Reviews

> >"Drag queens Kristal Snow and Hagatha Christie, from the Lower East Side,
> >were equally sure.....pointing at Norway."

> >Now there's a fine representation of the country.

> You know, I bet if there were a nationwide poll done, drag queens
> would score better than non-drag queens on it.  For that matter, I
> also suspect you'd find a higher average IQ, and a higher average
> education level.

> I can only assume if you're stereotyping "social deviants" that you
> don't regularly interact with any.  Besides, one of my best friends
> who happens to be a crossdresser (and college graduate, etc) has been
> working on Capitol Hill with Mr. Ridge the last 9 to 10 months. =)

> Jason

Dave Boyl

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Dave Boyl » Thu, 28 Nov 2002 02:35:20

While technically, you can make a bomb out of Hydrogen isotopes, that's not
what Hydrogen bombs are. The way I understand them, "Hydrogen" bombs are a
fissionable core surrounded by Lithium and encased in another fissionable
shell. When the bomb explodes, the fission reactions change the Lithium into
Hydrogen isotopes on the spot which then fuse under the heat/pressure of the
fission chain reaction, thus releasing a lot more energy. This is why they
are sometimes called fission-fusion bombs. So, I guess I should have said
that the materials that would be used/created in a Fusion power plant are
not the materials used to make bombs.

Would we be much better off if Solar panels were much more efficient? Heck
Yeah! But I remain skeptical as to whether (even under optimal efficiency)
it will ever be feasible to produce the bulk of the world's growing energy
usage with Solar panels. I guess if I had a magic slider that controlled the
research efforts between Solar and Fusion, I'd probably set it somewhere in
the range of 20% Solar : 80% Fusion. But that's just me...


Goy Larse

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Goy Larse » Thu, 28 Nov 2002 07:10:30

> >> Nope I have differed with conservatives before but not around
> >> here...most of  you are college age...unfortunately many have been
> >> indoctrinated with the predominate viewpoint of the professors who
> >> tend to be lovers of Marx and admireres of anything socialist.

> So who indoctrinated you? College age, LOL. You wish!

Some of us take that as a compliment :-)

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--

Dave Boyl

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Dave Boyl » Thu, 28 Nov 2002 08:26:08

I just found this article on a possible (very rough) time horizon for

So, yes, 35 years is a relatively long way off. But I would still be funding
the hell outta all of the experiments to move it along as fast as possible



Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by PAPADO » Thu, 28 Nov 2002 14:43:38

Hmm....not sure certainly I was driven by my dad to read everything I
could get my hands on regarding philosophy, but he had been schooled
in Paris and he had a knack for being able to argue any political
theory. It wasnt till much later in life after I had independently
discovered Ayn Rand that I found out he was a big fan of hers.

I read Atlas Shrugged and thru the entire book found myself saying
RIGHT, shit....oh my you thought of that too....I then read
everything else by her. Then I read Marx Das Capital to see if I
disagreed with him as much as she did....I did.

Much much later in life I discovered that both my Mom and Dad had
flirted with Socialist nonsense till my Dad discovered Anarchy...when
they were both very young. Mom once told me the old saw about "If at
18 you arent a socialist you have no heart, if you are still a
socialist at 30 you have no brains"

Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive September 11, 2001
Maj. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the
10th Mountain Division:"If they want to bring in
more people so we can kill them,We're happy to oblige."


Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by PAPADO » Thu, 28 Nov 2002 14:45:40

I dont actually consider Professors to be either very wise or
intelligent as a rule....usually my experience has shown that they
just are failures at life and find refuge as Professors from the
rigors of life.

Libertarians are generally pretty damn smart....hehe.


Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive September 11, 2001
Maj. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the
10th Mountain Division:"If they want to bring in
more people so we can kill them,We're happy to oblige."


Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by PAPADO » Thu, 28 Nov 2002 14:46:31

Ah Dave good response...limit the verbage so that you limit your
exposure as a dumb ass.


Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive September 11, 2001
Maj. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the
10th Mountain Division:"If they want to bring in
more people so we can kill them,We're happy to oblige."


Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by PAPADO » Thu, 28 Nov 2002 14:49:52

Nope it wont remain will begin to become more and more
expensive...oh is falling. But thats a pretty far point in
the future....dont sell your shares in any oil companies just
yet...matter of fact your Great Grand Children will prosper from them.

When its cost rises past the point of others technologies those
technologies will take over....oh my that how it works.

Just as coal took over from wood and oil took over from coal..the
world will somehow muddle through unless the Eco Freaks who hate
humans *** it up.


Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive September 11, 2001
Maj. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the
10th Mountain Division:"If they want to bring in
more people so we can kill them,We're happy to oblige."

Pierre PAPA DOC Legran

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Pierre PAPA DOC Legran » Fri, 29 Nov 2002 12:53:35

Gee Dave those negotiating tactics are a real puzzle to you arent

No what they wanted was no inspections or inspections with no teeth in
them....what they got were inspections that virtually guarantee that
Saddam violates them. Not sure if you noticed but we have been
building up an awful lot of forces....awful lot. War has already
started with Spec Ops in the North and South.

Thats odd I saw alot of damning evidence....why didnt you?

Yup he sure is am I. My only problem with Bush is he
may not be moving fast enough to eliminate the threats.

Gosh we lost already..?? I was under the impression that this war was
gonna be a long one...but after a year you say we have lost..? Wow you
must be a mother***er of a strategist....are you a General?

Dave do you see Black Helicopters flying around your house often...?


Pierre PAPA DOC Legran

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Pierre PAPA DOC Legran » Fri, 29 Nov 2002 12:58:55

Ah but your view shows how immature and thoughtless you are. Were you
to consider that the world runs on oil and that were it to stop many
many lives would come to an abrupt end you might want to reconsider
that bit of Elitist Leftist tripe. Or do you think all those tractors
that produce all that food run on your hopes and good wishes, do you
think that all that heat and all those water purification plants run
on your dreams and so many more things that Im sure you can imagine if
you would take the time.


Pierre PAPA DOC Legran

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Pierre PAPA DOC Legran » Fri, 29 Nov 2002 13:00:15

I would like to restate my belief that many people here are of college
age...the statement below is definitely High School or Middle School
material...though even then I knew people that knew how the world


Pierre PAPA DOC Legran

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Pierre PAPA DOC Legran » Fri, 29 Nov 2002 13:02:12

Please make sure that your genes dont spill into the general
population pool.


Uncle Feste

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Uncle Feste » Fri, 29 Nov 2002 13:24:55

Might does not make right my friend.  In fact, might is *rarely* right.
    Who are we to tell any other nation what they can/cannot have?  If
you wanna stop terrorism, stop f*cking around in other people's countries.

Any economic system that necessitates exploiting your fellow human being
& destroying the planet we live on in order to survive is worthless.

Thanx for the age compliment. :-)  My oldest step kid just turned 30
last week.



There is a better way, for the enlightened.

Uncle Feste

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Uncle Feste » Fri, 29 Nov 2002 13:29:20

I sure wouldn't let them mingle with you rightwing fascists.  :-P

Care to state any facts, or we just throwing names & insults?



There is a better way, for the enlightened.


Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by elrik » Fri, 29 Nov 2002 16:54:24

> > Please make sure that your genes dont spill into the general
> > population pool.


> >>

> >>Actually the whole site is good.

> I sure wouldn't let them mingle with you rightwing fascists.  :-P

> Care to state any facts, or we just throwing names & insults?

> --

> Fester

> There is a better way, for the enlightened.

Uncle Fester,

I'd give up on him.

There's just no hope for some of these young pups.  ;O)

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