> >>Yea but what is an elitist idiot like you doing slumming around with
> >>the prolotariat...??
> >>>Oh there you go, bringing class into it again.
> >>>Jason
> > It's wasted on him Jason.......
> Isn't that the truth. Can't talk sense & human compassion to a rock.
> Kinda reminds one of his Voodoo5 vs. GeForce thread, doesn't it? :-)
> Fester
remember feel free to correct me) I am still waiting for a card that can
equal the V5's FSAA. Nvidia has tried 3 different methods..all incur HUGE
framerate penalties and make VERY VERY little difference in image quality.
I haven't seen ATI's latest yet...so maybe there is hope. For it's time
and for it's target audience, the V5 was great.(wonder what kinda rates a V5
would get with a P4 3gigglehurts cpu)
dave(yes I'm faster, but I'm uglier)henrie
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