Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

Ruud Dingeman

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Ruud Dingeman » Mon, 25 Nov 2002 13:01:22

>>Yeah, and Nelson Mandela?
> Of course, with recent statements like "The United States is a threat
> to world peace" he might find himself back on it. =)

Well, the United States *is* a threat to world peace, technically. After
all they've got most of the nukes, arms, bombs, guns etc   ;)

Come to think of it, with all that stuff, the US is a threat to itself   ;)

Regards, Ruud

Dave Boyl

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Dave Boyl » Mon, 25 Nov 2002 13:13:14

> > I think the greatest hope lies in Nuclear Fusion plants. The science is
> > already known, so now it is essentially an engineering problem. Which
> > that it will be solved eventually. But the question is whether or not it

> While you might think highly of nuclear power plants, your
> children (and mine and theirs) might beg to differ, since you
> leave them with huge amounts of nuclear waste that simply
> cannot be stored safely for the time span required until they
> are harmless.

> Also, massive amounts of research dollars, Marks, Rubels and
> Euros have flown into nuclear power science and engineering for
> the last 50 years, while almost nothing has been done for solar
> powered technology or alternative energy sources. Guess why.

> Right, you can't use solar power to build a huge f*cking bomb
> capable of killing tens of thousands of people. On the other
> hand, every nuclear power plant can and is being used to
> provide the stuff it takes to build those *** weapsons of
> mass destruction (Plutonium).

> Who knows at what level of efficiency alternative energy
> sources would be *now* if all that money hadn't been wasted on
> nuclear power for the last half of a century.

I think you mis-snipped for your reply there Uwe. Fusion plants (Plasma
Physics) don't use/produce radioactive materials nor can you make bombs from
them either.

As for Fission plants...
Yeah, sure they have their drawbacks. The biggest IMO is the risk of
accidents that can cause a lot of damage. And like you mention, storage of
the depleted fuel needs to be encapsulated and stored essentially forever.
Although you are incorrect in the statement that all nuclear fusion plants
are capable of producing weapons grade materials. But when the time comes
and petroleum runs out, if there are no other suitable replacements, I'm
thinking everyone in the world will be thankful that so much money was
"wasted" on nuclear technologies. I'm really a huge fan of Fission plants,
but if Fusion isn't ready to go online by then, Fission plants will make up
the bulk of the world's energy production.

As for alternate energy...
Even at 100% efficiency (which you will never reach), solar energy would
require a *lot* of panels to make a significant dent in overall energy
supply. I'm not saying that it shouldn't be developed, but you have to have
realistic expectations of the long term potential and plan your budgets
accordingly. All the other "alternate" energy sources (except geothermal)
are simply indirect solar power, so why would you waste money developing any
of them on a large scale. They may have specific locations where they are
ideally suited to a specific application, but for large scale usage, you
should target the most direct source.


John Pancoas

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by John Pancoas » Mon, 25 Nov 2002 13:27:21

  Lol, heya Doc, I was wondering what you'd think of this thread :)  Good to
see you around.


Dave Boyl

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Dave Boyl » Mon, 25 Nov 2002 14:02:19

Ooops, mistake there. That should read Nuclear Fission plants.

Here's an interesting report on the subject:


Doug Millike

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Doug Millike » Mon, 25 Nov 2002 14:59:47

> > I'm always amused when someone claims to *need* something that was
> > invented fairly recently.  I like my car, but I live within a few
> > miles of most services and a bicycle is much more fun (in nice weather).
> I envy you! While I do most in-town travelling by bike whenever
> possible, a ***ily stupid and expensive German railroad
> network leaves me with no alternative but to commute by car
> (about 50km each way). I try to work from home when possible,
> but riding the bike is more fun even in bad weather (there are
> clothes for that, you know ;-)

I've got the clothes, but not the studded tires (we just had an ice
storm...)  The main problem with riding here in bad/cold weather is that
the SUV[*] drivers aren't looking for cyclists and it gets pretty scary
mixing with motor vehicle traffic.

[*] stupid useless vehicle

David G Fishe

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by David G Fishe » Tue, 26 Nov 2002 08:33:47



Bush ended up agreeing to a resolution which was nothing like the nonsense
he was talking about a few months ago. The French, Germans and Russians
slapped him around. How the hell do people manage to completely rewrite

David G Fisher

> Then the demoncrats and the UN and the French, Germans and Russians
> are being outmanuevered by a stupid dumb bunny....not sure why some of
> them are so eager to make a person who is slapping them upside the
> head so often as a dummy. I would prefer my enemies to be smarter
> especially when they are beating me up.

> Put it simply for you, would you rather say you had been beat up by a
> 5 year old girl or a 250 pound giant of a man. Oddly enough most of
> the world prefers to claim a 5 year old girl did that.


> >But what if he IS stupid ;)

> >Thanks,
> >Alex

> >> You know, all those kids referred to in that passage grew up and took
> >> geography classes during the Clinton administration.

> >> BTW, I think Bush knows exactly what he's doing and I can find the
> >:)

> >> It's funny how every Republican in the last 20 years is always referred
> >> as stupid, whether the guy is or not.

> >> >

> >> > These are the people that think George Bush knows what he's doing.

> >> > David G Fisher

David G Fishe

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by David G Fishe » Tue, 26 Nov 2002 08:39:31

I can't believe there are still people who get an *** from calling
someone a "leftist" or a "liberal".

I'm neither, btw.

I have a feeling you can't even find the north pole on a globe.

David G Fisher

David G Fishe

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by David G Fishe » Tue, 26 Nov 2002 08:57:29

No, I'm not. The country would work 100 times better if people approached
issues logically and used critical thinking, instead of taking sides like
football fans.

The two can and do occur at the same time. Why would you think they can't?

What? I give up. All I can say is do research and talk to some ecologists.
Here's an article about the growing movement by farmers towards organic
farming which might interest you.

David G Fisher

David G Fishe

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by David G Fishe » Tue, 26 Nov 2002 08:59:49

> [snip snip]

> > The human race still has a long way
> > to go before they can call themselves an 'intelligent' race.

> Dingding! Ishmael time! Don't talk of the human race when you
> actually talk about a single culture gone horribly wrong. There
> are very many intelligent people living on this planet, not
> overrunning it, not exploiting it and poisoning the earth, not
> replicating like rats and also not waging constant war on each
> other.

> Ok, they've become rare and hard to find, but that's because
> our culture has overrun them, assimilated them or outright
> killed them whereever these two worldviews met.

> Cheers,

> uwe

> PS: Read "Ishmael" by Dan Quinn. You will find it most
> interesting.

Already read it. Great book.

David G Fisher

David G Fishe

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by David G Fishe » Tue, 26 Nov 2002 09:01:51

Absolutely pathetic.

David G Fisher

Dave Henri

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by Dave Henri » Tue, 26 Nov 2002 09:33:56

   Old negotiating trick David.  Blather and Shout about tough tough
terms...then slowly back away as the real target gets near.
   Demos keep saying how DUMB W is.  If I was a Republican, I'd be smirking
quite a-bit.  Patton or Hannibal or somebody said along time ago...

    NEVER underestimate your opponent.
The Republicans did that with Clinton during his first election.  The demos
have been guilty of it ever since Florida.  (who made the BONE-head move
there?)  {hint:***could have gotten the recount he wanted if he'd not
tried to CHERRY PICK 3 demo counties}
  Oh and about***sending 40k troops to Afghanistan?  Naw...more like a
couple of Cruise missles and then he'd announce:  "That'll teach em to mess
with the USA."
dave henrie

> > Then the demoncrats and the UN and the French, Germans and Russians
> > are being outmanuevered by a stupid dumb bunny....not sure why some of
> > them are so eager to make a person who is slapping them upside the
> > head so often as a dummy. I would prefer my enemies to be smarter
> > especially when they are beating me up.

> > Put it simply for you, would you rather say you had been beat up by a
> > 5 year old girl or a 250 pound giant of a man. Oddly enough most of
> > the world prefers to claim a 5 year old girl did that.


> > >But what if he IS stupid ;)

> > >Thanks,
> > >Alex

> > >> You know, all those kids referred to in that passage grew up and took
> > >> geography classes during the Clinton administration.

> > >> BTW, I think Bush knows exactly what he's doing and I can find the
> place
> > >:)

> > >> It's funny how every Republican in the last 20 years is always
> to
> > >> as stupid, whether the guy is or not.

> > >> >

> > >> > These are the people that think George Bush knows what he's doing.
> :-)

> > >> > David G Fisher

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David G Fishe

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by David G Fishe » Tue, 26 Nov 2002 10:38:29

No, what happened was 150 countries told him he was wrong, and he ended up
accepting what France, Russia, and China said they'd agree to from the

All the supposed damning evidence amounted to nothing. If they had just
provided it, then it would have been easy to get what they wanted.

The last few months have been embarrassing. Bush has won nothing. When 150
countries stand up against you, your a loser.

As for Afghanistan, Bush has lost there too. He didn't want to use American
troops on the ground (had the Alliance do all the dirty work and take all
the casualties so his approval rating would stay high). The Taliban is
gaining control again. Al Qaeda is doing just fine, bin Laden and almost all
of his top people are alive and well, and it's just a matter of time before
we get hit in a big way again. The mindless flag waving support for Bush
will disappear because people will suddenly start losing confidence in his
supposed leadership in this "war against terrorism".

The ONLY reason Bush has support right now is because of 9/11. ANY president
would be receiving support like he has after what happened. It's wrong, but
that's the way people are unfortunately. They can only focus on the most
dramatic issues. He has nothing to smirk about, unless you think that taking
political advantage of a terrorist attack in NYC is a good thing.

Nothing to smirk about here either, especially since the changes were bought
by the oil, utility, and coal industries.

David G Fisher

> > Lol.

> > Amazing.

> > Bush ended up agreeing to a resolution which was nothing like the
> > he was talking about a few months ago. The French, Germans and Russians
> > slapped him around. How the hell do people manage to completely rewrite
> > history?

> > David G Fisher

>    Old negotiating trick David.  Blather and Shout about tough tough
> terms...then slowly back away as the real target gets near.
>    Demos keep saying how DUMB W is.  If I was a Republican, I'd be
> quite a-bit.  Patton or Hannibal or somebody said along time ago...

>     NEVER underestimate your opponent.
> The Republicans did that with Clinton during his first election.  The
> have been guilty of it ever since Florida.  (who made the BONE-head move
> there?)  {hint:***could have gotten the recount he wanted if he'd not
> tried to CHERRY PICK 3 demo counties}
>   Oh and about***sending 40k troops to Afghanistan?  Naw...more like a
> couple of Cruise missles and then he'd announce:  "That'll teach em to
> with the USA."
> dave henrie

> > > Then the demoncrats and the UN and the French, Germans and Russians
> > > are being outmanuevered by a stupid dumb bunny....not sure why some of
> > > them are so eager to make a person who is slapping them upside the
> > > head so often as a dummy. I would prefer my enemies to be smarter
> > > especially when they are beating me up.

> > > Put it simply for you, would you rather say you had been beat up by a
> > > 5 year old girl or a 250 pound giant of a man. Oddly enough most of
> > > the world prefers to claim a 5 year old girl did that.

> > > PAPA DOC

> > > >But what if he IS stupid ;)

> > > >Thanks,
> > > >Alex

> > > >> You know, all those kids referred to in that passage grew up and
> > > >> geography classes during the Clinton administration.

> > > >> BTW, I think Bush knows exactly what he's doing and I can find the
> > place
> > > >:)

> > > >> It's funny how every Republican in the last 20 years is always
> referred
> > to
> > > >> as stupid, whether the guy is or not.

> > > >> >

> > > >> > These are the people that think George Bush knows what he's
> > :-)

> > > >> > David G Fisher

> ---
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> Version: 6.0.422 / Virus Database: 237 - Release Date: 11/20/02

John Pancoas

Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by John Pancoas » Tue, 26 Nov 2002 11:43:51

> > "David G Fisher" wrote

> > > I'm not a conservative or a liberal. Those words don't mean anything
> > me.

> > Yes, David, you are a liberal. I'm a conservative. I'm convinced this
> > balance is what makes this country work.

> No, I'm not. The country would work 100 times better if people approached
> issues logically and used critical thinking, instead of taking sides like
> football fans.

> > > > The US grows more food and more variety than any other country.

> > > If it does, so what?  We are ........................
> > > ruining our land by devoting too much of it to cattle farming for meat
> > > production, and polluting it with chemicals. We also waste a
> > > amount of food, and are the fattest country on earth. Nothing to be
> proud
> > of
> > > there.

> > If we're growing enough crops to waste, how can you say we're devoting
> > much land to cattle ranching?

> The two can and do occur at the same time. Why would you think they can't?

> >Most of the chemicals for farming are now
> > biodegradable, so they shouldn't be polluting our environment.
> >In that
> > respect, we're in much better shape now than we were in the 40's and
> I
> > think that's something to be proud of.

> What? I give up. All I can say is do research and talk to some ecologists.
> Here's an article about the growing movement by farmers towards organic
> farming which might interest you.

> David G Fisher

  Fwiw, that "growing movement" is so overblown in the media, it's amazing.
My family farms Dave; has, on the same farm, for generations.  My
great-great-grandparents on my mother's side settled it, off the boat from
 Chemicals, etc. that you mention aren't the threat.  Subdivisions eating up
prime land and corporate farming are a much larger problem.
  Subdivisions; that's part of life.  People have to live somewhere.
Corporate farming, end of the family farm; watch out.


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Very OT-How Smart Are My Fellow Americans? :-)

by PAPADO » Tue, 26 Nov 2002 16:09:26

Careful David I have lurked in this group for quite sometime, I have
seen the weapons you bring to battle of wits and does the word
defenseless ring any bells...?

You shouldnt be looking at my crotch David, Im not that kind of guy. I
definitely am a libetarian with a swift streak of conservative in me.
I am always amused that while conservatives have no problems admitting
their politics, leftist/totalitarians never want to be labeled as
such. I guess I cannot blame you...after all who would buy your
schitck (sp?) if they knew that you loathed them and thought that you
knew better than they what was good for them. No better for you to
decieve everyone then spring your totalitarian bullshit on people.

Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Never Forget Never Forgive September 11, 2001
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