I'm under 25, and I've rented quite a few cars, old man.
"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in pursuit
of justice is no virtue."
I'm under 25, and I've rented quite a few cars, old man.
"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in pursuit
of justice is no virtue."
> --
> Charles Prichard, Maitland FL
Shawn London
>> Children will be children. This is why you have to be over 25 to
rent a
>> car!
>> --
>> Charles Prichard, Maitland FL
>Are you kidding me? That guy's probably 40. I know 15 year-olds with
>learner's permits who have more sense and a hell of a lot more idea
>how to treat a car than that guy. Age has nothing to do with it...
>that the rental car agents trust the guy implicitly since he's old,
>instead of calling the cops on him like they aught to.
>Shawn London
Your comments always welcome
You must have the *** of a 6 year old!! Grow some balls man!!
Stop =-POLICE-= ***.
Your comments always welcome
>> What do you think happens after the rental company tows the car to
>> junkyard? They write the car off as a loss and pass the cost on to
>> insurance company who passes the cost on to.... now think real
>> EVERYONE in the form of higher premiums. In case you forgot, a
premium is
>Aw, crap. Don't even push my button about insurance companies (I live
in CA,
>does it show?) Go ahead -- bust up a couple rentals cars. They can
I plan to Tear the hell out of a DODGE something this year in VEGAS!!
I am going for 8 days and hope they give me a 4 cys one ill Roast it in
an hour!!
Then turn the replacement is SMOKING and dripping all fluids...
Stop =-POLICE-= ***.
Your comments always welcome
Then I guess its good ***in thing I dont buy new cars isnt it!!
>: No you dont pay for my abuse you IDIOT!
>: It comes out of the plutocrats pockets!! how high will rental car
>: prices go>?? Not far people wont rent em!!
>You ***, rental car companies buy new cars for one reason. They're
>under the manufacturer's warranty. Which means that the manufacturer
>ends up paying for it, not the rental company, and that cost is passed
>down to the consumer.
Your comments always welcome
I am 34!!!
>Children will be children. This is why you have to be over 25 to rent
>Charles Prichard, Maitland FL
Your comments always welcome
I dont buy Insurance its not MANDATORY in my state !!
>> No you dont pay for my abuse you IDIOT!
>> It comes out of the plutocrats pockets!! how high will rental car
>> prices go>?? Not far people wont rent em!!
>What do you think happens after the rental company tows the car to the
>junkyard? They write the car off as a loss and pass the cost on to
>insurance company who passes the cost on to.... now think real
>EVERYONE in the form of higher premiums. In case you forgot, a
premium is
>the already exorbitant amount of money you pay every six months to
>your car.
>Of course, you will probably say, "Well then people won't buy
>in your initimable witty fashion. The problem is you need insurance
>drive unless you want to go to lose your license... hmmm... wait... on
>second though, don't pay your premium. If you did lose your license,
>insurance rates would drop inside two weeks.
>Shawn London
Your comments always welcome
: Then I guess its good ***in thing I dont buy new cars isnt it!!
Well I do. And it's good to know that people with your kind of mentality
remain low in social class.
: >You ***, rental car companies buy new cars for one reason. They're
: >under the manufacturer's warranty. Which means that the manufacturer
: >ends up paying for it, not the rental company, and that cost is passed
: >down to the consumer.
: >
: >Ryan
this stupid ***ing idiot is just looking for attention, probably
because he is a complete social misfit that can't get a date. don't
dignify his comments with responses. he is a moron.
>: Then I guess its good ***in thing I dont buy new cars isnt it!!
>Well I do. And it's good to know that people with your kind of mentality
>remain low in social class.
>: >You ***, rental car companies buy new cars for one reason. They're
>: >under the manufacturer's warranty. Which means that the manufacturer
>: >ends up paying for it, not the rental company, and that cost is passed
>: >down to the consumer.
>: >
>: >Ryan
: One way to find out. I'm about to head through downtown Kansas City
: during rush hour in a suit of 15th century plate armor on a 750...
I'd love to see it!
Done it on Horseback (Jousting) but could certainly cause some
stir in a city if you also carried a lance.
After reading trhis thread I wonder why a guy lik eme who was raised wit
h concepts such as repect for others properties can not rent a car
'cause I am unser 21 and you can...
: Actually, Jeffery... I hear this all the time...and please don't think I'm
: picking on you... But ALL of the refrigerants are ozone-safe. I find it
: amazing that you personally buy into the nonsense about them destroying the
: ozone hole. What's even more amazing is that, while it's taken 50 years of
: production, and massive releases to damage the ozone they say, supposedly
: it's already healing - and it's supposed to be due to the new laws.
Wrong. It's been proven scientifically (a term you don't seem familiar
with) that CFCs destroy the ozone layer. Gee, some fool could say the
earth is flat too. Doesn't make it so. You might read up on the science
of the situation before showing off your right-wing extremist views.
: I don't get it, freon-12 is almost harmless, i
Destroys ozone on the stratosphere, leading to increased uv radiation on
earth, leading to skin cancer, cataracts, and genetic mutations. Hardly
: t's not poisonous unless burned,
: but 134a is lethal.
Not so. Both kill by suffocation.
: And, it's 4 times the cost. I figure that's where the
: REAL value of it is. You should be ashamed to have your agency used
: politically to profit the maker of 134a.
You should be embarrasseed by your rantings that are unsupported by any
: I hope Arizona sticks with their
: determination to re-start the production of r-12. The EPA lawsuit will have
: to PROVE the theory about ozone depletion, which it cannot do, and we'll be
: done with this nonsense.
Well, AZ would first have to sue to overturn the federal ban, meaning
they would have to prove CFCs are harmless. And they can't do that --
every scientific study has shwon CFCs destroy the ozone. The developers
of this theory won the Nobel Prize, something not given for a theory not
accepted by science.
: Then The first thing I do is get on the highway in 1st gear and leave
(rest of spam deleted)
You win the troll of the month award!
Welcome to my killfile, child!
I think you are all taking this 13 year old JOKER a little too serious. I guess it just
gives you all something to do.
my 2 cents