>>I don't know exactly what it is, but there isn't a single "ozone-safe"
>>refrigerant on the market today other than HFC-134a for use in motor
>>vehicle air conditioning. Again, see our fact sheet at
>>for more information. Also, note that for all EPA-acceptable
>>refrigerants, you must use unique fittings, you must apply a label, and
>>you must remove the R-12 first. There is no such thing as a legal
>>"drop-in." Read our fact sheet to find out why preventing
>>cross-contamination of refrigerants is important.
>>Jeffrey Levy
>Actually, Jeffery... I hear this all the time...and please don't think
>picking on you... But ALL of the refrigerants are ozone-safe
. I find it
Destroying the ozone hole? That's what we would LIKE to do.
What's even more amazing is that, while it's taken 50 years o
No it isn't already healing, it's going to get worse before it gets
Where the hell do you get your misinformation?
I figure that's where
It has proven it to anybody that will read the results and use some common
sense. I bet you won't believe that 1+1=2 unless it is tattoed to your
>I'm in control, I'm The Wagonmaster!
>If you are into conservative politics
>autocross-SOLO II- or Excalibur BBS
>then I'm your man!
Additionally I would like to add a few comments of my own. These are my
opinions, if you don't like them tough shit, I don't have to prove
anything to anybody.
I have children and my children will have children. I have no right
whatsoever to destroy the world they will have to live in. Especially if
for such a stupid reason that I am to cheap to have a leak fixed in my A/C
system. My temporary coolness in my car isn't worth the risk of my
offspring having to live with a very great risk of skin cancer etc. I grew
up around the jersey shore, water that isn't even fit to swim in any more,
because of idiots that think the ocean is too large to ever pollute.
I wish everyone reading this would keep an open mind for a moment while I
try to explain how small our atmosphere is. Any astronaut can tell you
this in a second but let me try to give an example. Get a globe of the
earth. Our breathable atmosphere stops at about say 15000 feet, that is
less than 3 miles. Now get out a ruler and measure 2 points on the globe
that you know are about 3 miles apart. Put a mark on the ruler at the 3
mile mark. Now stand that ruler up (perpendicular to the globe). See how
small of a shell that 3 miles is around the earth? Pretty eye opening
isn't it? There will be those that want to argue that our atmosphere
actually extends to 120,000 feet or whatever, I don't care, it still is
almost nothing in the above test. Our earth almost magically maintains a
very delicate balance that happens to be in the area that keeps us alive.
Our earth couldn't give a shit if we mere humans are here or not. As soon
as the earth goes into open loop it will all be over very quickly and it
will be too late to do anything about it. I'm not an alarmist by any
means, but anyone who thinks we haven't already changed the earths
atmosphere in an adverse way is just too stupid, too lazy, or just doesn't
care enough to read the facts. Many of you out there won't agree with me
and that is fine, this is my opinion based on scientific facts. Keep up
the good work Jeffrey, it's nice to know that SOMEONE out there is looking
out for us even if we are too ignorant to do it ourselves.
Jordan Blessing L1 Master Tech