WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound


WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Eldre » Mon, 25 Aug 2003 06:52:25

>"How many other leagues have to endure this open a forum."

>And vice versa.  Most leagues run their own forums for a reason, to keep it
>in the league not public.  It would be nice if RASCAR could do the same.

I've suggested that SEVERAL times, and even created a YahooGroup for it.  I was
apparently the only one who felt like that.
So now, they have to deal with the peanut gallery..

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WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by McWho » Mon, 25 Aug 2003 06:55:55

LOL, Sorry.  I was really not trying to be a smartass, nor start a new line
of posts against you.  In RASN there are many off topic posts, some of which
I join, others I ignore.  I also agree that the RASCAR threads get very long
here.  I have even mentioned it.  There were several threads in our forum
and they were going on a good bit.  Mitch posted over here and it seems the
whole conversation moved, then the regular readers joined, then it got out
of hand.  Yes, I think so too.  Tried to settle things a little but didn't
work,  what can ya do???
I do think RASCAR belongs here though.  I bought NR2K3, liked it and found I
could drive it pretty well so I subscribed to this NG, found RASCAR here
(woohoo ! ) and joined, were it not discussed on here who knows where I
would have ended up?
Why don't more guys/gals(?) post on the other threads?  Maybe discussions of
hardware don't touch a nerve, perhaps discussions of particular sims just
doesn't get the *** boiling.  There is definetly some personality
conflicts that keep our threads active and that is not really on the
shoulders of the group RASCAR.
Just MHO



WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by redTe » Mon, 25 Aug 2003 07:02:21

Is this true ?  What's the problem with letting 30-40(max) vote on a web
site ? A quick majority rule and no "whining" afterwards.

Goy Larse

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Goy Larse » Mon, 25 Aug 2003 07:07:27

> Commendable, Jan. Well done.
> No doubt those who were subject to your governance were (and are) most
> grateful.
> (Why you would even mention making excuses I have no idea and what golf has
> to do with it leaves me bemused as well.)

Golf ........ don't get me started

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"

"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--

Steve Whitt

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Steve Whitt » Mon, 25 Aug 2003 07:10:16

> So now, they have to deal with the peanut gallery..

Ah, thats why our racing sucks.  Pay peanuts, and you get monkeys.   :o)

oh forget it.  I'll go back to sleep...


John Simmon

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by John Simmon » Mon, 25 Aug 2003 08:41:44

> >So put that on your cracker
> >and chew on it for a while.

> What the...?  Redneck speak...? :-)

> Eldred

I have a whole supply of colorful coloquialisms...

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by redTe » Mon, 25 Aug 2003 08:51:29

One of them might even be funny.

Marc Collin

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Marc Collin » Mon, 25 Aug 2003 08:53:00

I am generally as anti-military as you can get, but that comment was way out
of line to a veteran, redTed.


> > Wow, now that's representative of "all the ex-military".  I served in
> > the Gulf of Tonkin on the USS Turner Joy. I was getting shot at
> > before many of you were even born.  I guess your "all the ex-
> > military" assumption just got pretty much blown out of the water...

> Yeah..Ok...
> The only people shooting at you were your fellow village people.

> (damn, I wish he hadn't killfiled me..this could have been top laughs)


WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by redTe » Mon, 25 Aug 2003 09:42:47

He's a vet, alright. A veteran bullshitter.


WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by ymenar » Mon, 25 Aug 2003 10:54:37

> it's still STUPID to to be typing when you're
> supposed to be maintaining a steady speed and steady distance between
> you and the car in front of you.

People have been chatting under caution since HAWAII, almost a decade ago.
Nobody has ever died.  People still do race.  People have wrecked more under
caution while NOT chatting then while chatting.  Therefore, chatting under
caution isn't a problem.

If I raced in RASCAR (I don't, because of various reasons including some
paint car thingy problem), I would for sure chat under caution.  I don't
want to ***ing bore me to death while waiting for the next stupid wreck.
I've waiting too long in my "sim" racing career to not allow myself to chat
under caution.  Screw those 1% idiots who wreck while chatting under

There's that tool, just mute the guy who chats.  Papy made the tool for

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimago-Dominguez
Corporation - helping America into the New World...

David G Fishe

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by David G Fishe » Mon, 25 Aug 2003 15:20:36


David G Fisher

> Here's an interesting (well, possibly's up to you, the
> to determine that) scenario:-

> What if someone watched a RASCAR race and then published herein their
> observations of said race in which they critiqued the performance and
> behaviour of the participants and the organisation?
> And what if the post wasn't made until, say, Tuesday?

> Is anyone going to tell me that such a post wouldn't receive a reaction
> those being referred to?

> Just a hypothetical, of course. :)

> Bruce

> > I sure as hell won't have one person telling
> > me that I can't talk about a race at r.a.s., with those from r.a.s.,
> > 9pm on the Tues. following a race. You've got to be f***ing kidding me.

Gerry Aitke

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Gerry Aitke » Mon, 25 Aug 2003 22:24:47

> Exactly, Gerry. Exactly. All designed to entertain the spectators and,
> before commercialism entered the arena (pun intended), to entertain the
> participants who, after the game, returned to the real world.

> (Although I would classify cricket as a form of torture. I think that the
> Spanish Inquisition invented cricket.)

> Bruce.

>>Yep, just like football, cricket, rugby...

Yeah, but what's wrong with people taking sim racing seriously? If it
gets them all fired up and passionate, that's good, right? Sim racing,
like another game, has it's up and down. If it was all ups it would be
boring, imo.


Gerry Aitke

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Gerry Aitke » Mon, 25 Aug 2003 22:49:10

>>>Well I guess Im the only one that has the balls to stand up to John (and
>>>Eldred though hes a silent partner).  This is getting ridiculous.


>>>for nearly anything and everything. <snip>

>>Don't you guy's have a forum/web page or something ? Just put up a vote

> for

>>any rules that you want implemented ..How hard can this be ?

> The dictator says we WILL NOT take polls!!

This a worrying. If there is no mechanism for a vote of confidence in
the admin. then it is indeed a dictatorship.
John Simmon

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by John Simmon » Mon, 25 Aug 2003 23:36:15


> >>>Well I guess Im the only one that has the balls to stand up to John (and
> >>>Eldred though hes a silent partner).  This is getting ridiculous.

> >>Penalties

> >>>for nearly anything and everything. <snip>

> >>Don't you guy's have a forum/web page or something ? Just put up a vote

> > for

> >>any rules that you want implemented ..How hard can this be ?

> > The dictator says we WILL NOT take polls!!

> This a worrying. If there is no mechanism for a vote of confidence in
> the admin. then it is indeed a dictatorship.

Even though the racing rules haven't changed (and how many times am I
gonna have to say that?)...

Considering that Dave and Mitch are really the only ones really
complaining out of the 50+ members, I'd say that speaks volumes.  I'm
be willing to lose two or even 20 people over rules changes than even
ONE person because of crappy racing.

In fact, more people have stated that they'd be willing to see what
happens with the penalty thing, or don't care because all they really
want to do is race.  Besides that, I have already stated and RE-
stated that if it didn't work or didn't appear to be needed, that
we'd try something else.

Short of allowing everyone to come up with their own personal set of
rules that only they have to obey, I don't see how I could be more
accomodating. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.