WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound


WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Mitch_ » Sun, 24 Aug 2003 02:38:58

Well I guess Im the only one that has the balls to stand up to John (and
Eldred though hes a silent partner).  This is getting ridiculous.  Penalties
for nearly anything and everything.  If JS dont like it boom, penalty.  Some
of his retarded rules have nothing at all to do with "better racing" and
much more to do with JSs ego.  The latest has just gone way over the line,
AGAIN.  If you comment on anything about a previous race after Sunday you
will be penalized.  Is he fn kidding?  This is a PUBLIC FNG newsgroup!
Sadly no he isn't kidding.  He's taking his self-empowered (Obsessive
compulsive) presidency way too far.  He and Eldred both VOLUNTEERED to do
what they do.  Eldred gives us a server to run on, and JS took care of the
cars roster/cars ect.  No where during the initial conversation did anyone
say anything about either taking CONTROL of RASCAR or saturating us with
moronic rules, let alone creating a Nazi totalitarian  RASCAR.   The ONLY
person that has ANY say is Eldred, period and he hasnt said a word about
this (and yes Ive questioned him).  Looking through the roster from the
beginning of RASCAR I see very few original drivers.  To the new guys of
course this is ok as they really dont know any better.

My take is if John wants to run his OWN series then go create it yourself
dont come here and just TAKE charge like some 5'1" wannabee dictator.
Sometimes I really think JS wanted the racing to get as bad as it did after
Pocoho just so he could usurp and consolidate all RASCAR decisions onto
himself. (And no Im not a *** theorist)  The races have improved
drastically since Pocoho without any new rules in place.

Yea I do want a couple rules to make the racing better.  Even more important
is the quality of drivers.  We need some kind of practice race/tryout race
so we dont end up with some rook causing havoc over and over.

Another suggestion is let JS have the RASCAR ARCA series for those that wish
to participate and leave RASCAR alone for those that wish to run in an open
FUN/RESPECTFUL environment using the DEFAULT fast setups on NR2003 tracks
(not converted tracks except for fun of course).  Just as the original
RASCAR Charter prescribed.

I know I know, JS has said it hundreds of times.  "If ya dont like it quit".
How about if JS dont like it he quits?

Am I alone in my thinking here?  We've already lost some great guys that
just got fed up.  Ed come back and fight with me for the good of RASCAR.

I cant imagine Im the only RASCAR driver that feels this way?  If I am then
its time for me to go back to Onlineracin.nets pay to play and avoid this

Dammit Im supposed to be working not leading some kind of RASCAR revolution.
IMO someone has to or RASCAR as we know is gone.

Just to be sure Im not being mis-interpreted.  I fully appreciate EVERYTHING
Eldred and John have done in RASCAR to this point.  Its just gone way too
far now and needs to be reigned in.



WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Tim » Sun, 24 Aug 2003 02:57:29

Would be funnier if that was Freudian slip

Tim White

Scott B. Husted

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Scott B. Husted » Sun, 24 Aug 2003 03:57:17

So what you are saying is you aren't happy with John and RASCAR?


Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 439540
"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one
behind me."
- General George S. Patton

Jan Verschuere

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Jan Verschuere » Sun, 24 Aug 2003 04:01:29

Ranting and raving is not going to make John change his mind, so save your
breath. There can be no "power to the people" racing league, someone's gotta
do it and it might as well be someone who enjoys doing it. <g>

The only surefire way to destroy what we've built up over the past year is
to carry on as you are doing. Something had to be done about the races with
the bigger fields. I started doing it, John has taken it a step further and
I'm sure most are willing to give "his way" a try. Please, don't argue
yourself out of a (possibly) good race every Saturday.

If you feel you need to break a rule, just break it and take your chances...
what's the big deal? (easy for me to say with an ocean between me and John,
but still... ;-))


Peter Ive

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Peter Ive » Sun, 24 Aug 2003 04:12:23


Although I haven't raced on RASCAR, though being a regular here allows
me that entitlement, I guess, and therefore allows me the entitlement to
comment also, hopefully, therefore I must say that most of what you have
stated I agree with.  When RASCAR first appeared here, it seemed to be a
communal venture to allow anyone on ras the opportunity for some online
racing without fear of coming up against the numbnuts drivers in open,
pickup races, and Eldred and John were glad to provide some time,
resources and effort to organise and get it up and running.  At that
time there didn't appear to be anyone who was actually recognised as the
person who would decide on any kind of rule structure (it was very free
and easy).

Suddenly, without any opportunity for others to have a say in this, that
doesn't seem to have fallen on deaf ears, and a complete rule set has
reared its ugly head which, in my view, seems to go against the whole
ethos of why RASCAR came about in the first place.  I'm not against what
John is trying to do, but surely this is something that should have been
put to all those concerned.  Everyone should be entitled to have a say
in how RASCAR is run, but this no longer seems to be happening.

It may well be that these rules will improve the races, maybe not, and I
see nothing wrong with a ruleset used to keep things in place a little,
but these rules do seem to have just been applied without any chance for
all those others to say whether they agree with them or not.

I did see RASCAR as a series run by a group of equal individuals (bit of
an oxymoron there :) and surely it is important to keep it that way.  I
can see what John is trying to do, a problem occurred and he has tried
to deal with it as quickly and efficiently as possible by implementing
this ruleset.  However, no-one asked him to do so.  He just decided he
would and there lays the crux of the problem.
Peter Ives (AKA Pete Ivington)
Remove ALL_STRESS before replying via email
If you know what's good for you, don't listen to me :)
GPLRank Joystick -50.63 Wheel -21.77

David G Fishe

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by David G Fishe » Sun, 24 Aug 2003 05:04:26

No Mitch, you're not the only one. :-) I've had it too. Today was the limit.
I posted the following a little while ago over at the forum after I read the
latest "rule".
You've gone off the deep end. I'll say what I want, when I want. I estimate
I've been in 60+ RASCAR races (as much as anyone probably), and I don't need
all this junk that's been added to the setup of RASCAR ately. It's
ridiculous. You don't own this league. You volunteered to do a service. Just
do it or quit. You were never given permission to control RASCAR. Never.
RASCAR actually started when I bought N2002 and wanted to race familiar
names at ras. I said I'd rent a server. The idea made some laugh because the
GPL'ers had a chance to get the "Papy hater". Jan made some very important
suggestions and bought Eldred a copy of N2002 when Eldred volunteered a
server. This is supposed to be about familiar names from ras getting
together to race. I'll talk about anything, anytime, and anywhere I want
regarding RASCAR and if you don't like it, "don't let the door hit you in
the ***on your way out."

No one controls RASCAR. That's just a fact. I don't why the hell some think
that you, me, or anyone else has to obey laws layed down by an individual
when it comes to RASCAR. John volunteered to do a service. Eldred
volunteered his server. Because John has control of the invite list, he
thinks he can control everything, and now even thinks he can tell us when we
are allowed to discuss the damn races! We didn't need this garbage last
season. I want the old drivers back (Ed, Tony, Ian, and others) in RASCAR,
and if they can't make it every week, that's ok. I want the old rules
(basic). We say whatever the hell we want, whenever we want, just like we've
been doing for YEARS here at ras. We all have a simple straw poll when it
comes to decisions like what tracks to run in off weeks, instead of, for
example, being told we MUST by converters and run specific tracks.

John likes to say lately that if someone doesn't like his rules, they can
quit. As I said at the forum, if John doesn't like how things are, then he
can get the hell out. His time as dictator of RASCAR is up.

David G Fisher

Gerry Aitke

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Gerry Aitke » Sun, 24 Aug 2003 05:19:35

> Well I guess Im the only one that has the balls to stand up to John


'Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.' Bishop
Mandell Creighton, 1887.

Gerry Aitke

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Gerry Aitke » Sun, 24 Aug 2003 05:32:28


David, I agree with you on this! But don't worry, I won't make a habit
of it. :)


WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by McWho » Sun, 24 Aug 2003 05:55:05

    While I may have issues with your driving (really only minor) I agree
with you.
I think we both have strong personalities and that leads to our
disagreements, however, I like driving with you on the track.  I would like
to see RASCAR survive.
I fall in the rook category but hope I am not one that Mitch refers to when
he talks about problems every week
There should be no limit on discussion off the track as long as it is not
continued into on track confrontation.


Bruce Kennewel

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Bruce Kennewel » Sun, 24 Aug 2003 06:17:02

The reason that I pulled out of RASCAR after only two race meetings was  due
to a scheduling problem, which made it somewhat of a chore rather than a
pleasure to get up at 5:30 AM and race with the RASCAR group.

However, I have a strong feeling that I would have pulled the plug by now
anyway for being continually penalised for some silly infringement - most
likely the "no chatting" or the "no discussion in the Newsgroup" rules. :)

Sitting back and watching the reaction to John's edicts over the past weeks
reminds me very much of one of those hippy communes which sprang up all over
the place in the 1960's.
They proclaimed freedom for all; do your own thing, man, just don't tread on
anyone else's toes; we're all here because this is what we wanna do;
Gradually these peace-loving, free-wheeling communities found themselves
coming under some form of governance as people realised that there had to be
some basic rules by which they lived, even if it was as simple as who dug
the latrines, who watered and weeded the *** and who cared for the
kids and livestock. These matters were always discussed in open forum and
decisions arrived at by majority vote.
A democratic communist society, in other words. Government of the people,
for the people, by the people.

Well, RASCAR has reached a point where the bloke who is doing the basic
organising has taken it upon himself to make his own rules and regs and if
one doesn't like it then one can***off.

A non-democratic dictatorship, in other words. Government by one.

That's the current situation in a nut-shell, from where I sit.


Jan Verschuere

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Jan Verschuere » Sun, 24 Aug 2003 06:26:16

Who says there is?

As I understand the rules there's a cap on discussions relating to the event
itself or incidents therein. I think, e.g., it would be quite legal to
discusswhat level of interaction or interference between drivers on
different strategies we feel is acceptable. Generally speaking or relating
to a specific type of track.

Also, I don't think there's a problem with the "Are we racing
realistically?" thread as such, but the way it was first presented and has
subsequently descended.


Jan Verschuere

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Jan Verschuere » Sun, 24 Aug 2003 06:27:53

Excuse me, has it even occurred to anyone nobody has been penalized yet?


Neil Charlto

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by Neil Charlto » Sun, 24 Aug 2003 06:27:43

I was going to stay silent but that's not in my nature ;)

1. I'd prefer it if the only rule was to turn the damn yellows off

however ....

2. I've had every opportunity to feed back on the proposed rule set and was
listened to with courtesy (not agreed with though) ;)

3. I'll give it a go with the new rules and see how it turns out. I'll
probably get done for chatting under yellow but I'll take that risk.

4. Until I decide I don't like it, I'll give Eldred and John my full

5. John turned me into a newt ;)


David G Fishe

WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by David G Fishe » Sun, 24 Aug 2003 06:52:47

You were told NOT TO comment on the Michigan race or you would be penalized
for tomorrow's race. You said you'd comment anyway. Go ahead then.

David G Fisher


WTF is going on here? RASCAR is making a giant sucking sound

by McWho » Sun, 24 Aug 2003 07:01:00

He did Dave, I responded to the thread on the website.


> > "Bruce Kennewell" wrote...
> > > <snip>
> > > snip

> You were told NOT TO comment on the Michigan race or you would be
> for tomorrow's race. You said you'd comment anyway. Go ahead then.

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