Eldred though hes a silent partner). This is getting ridiculous. Penalties
for nearly anything and everything. If JS dont like it boom, penalty. Some
of his retarded rules have nothing at all to do with "better racing" and
much more to do with JSs ego. The latest has just gone way over the line,
AGAIN. If you comment on anything about a previous race after Sunday you
will be penalized. Is he fn kidding? This is a PUBLIC FNG newsgroup!
Sadly no he isn't kidding. He's taking his self-empowered (Obsessive
compulsive) presidency way too far. He and Eldred both VOLUNTEERED to do
what they do. Eldred gives us a server to run on, and JS took care of the
cars roster/cars ect. No where during the initial conversation did anyone
say anything about either taking CONTROL of RASCAR or saturating us with
moronic rules, let alone creating a Nazi totalitarian RASCAR. The ONLY
person that has ANY say is Eldred, period and he hasnt said a word about
this (and yes Ive questioned him). Looking through the roster from the
beginning of RASCAR I see very few original drivers. To the new guys of
course this is ok as they really dont know any better.
My take is if John wants to run his OWN series then go create it yourself
dont come here and just TAKE charge like some 5'1" wannabee dictator.
Sometimes I really think JS wanted the racing to get as bad as it did after
Pocoho just so he could usurp and consolidate all RASCAR decisions onto
himself. (And no Im not a *** theorist) The races have improved
drastically since Pocoho without any new rules in place.
Yea I do want a couple rules to make the racing better. Even more important
is the quality of drivers. We need some kind of practice race/tryout race
so we dont end up with some rook causing havoc over and over.
Another suggestion is let JS have the RASCAR ARCA series for those that wish
to participate and leave RASCAR alone for those that wish to run in an open
FUN/RESPECTFUL environment using the DEFAULT fast setups on NR2003 tracks
(not converted tracks except for fun of course). Just as the original
RASCAR Charter prescribed.
I know I know, JS has said it hundreds of times. "If ya dont like it quit".
How about if JS dont like it he quits?
Am I alone in my thinking here? We've already lost some great guys that
just got fed up. Ed come back and fight with me for the good of RASCAR.
I cant imagine Im the only RASCAR driver that feels this way? If I am then
its time for me to go back to Onlineracin.nets pay to play and avoid this
Dammit Im supposed to be working not leading some kind of RASCAR revolution.
IMO someone has to or RASCAR as we know is gone.
Just to be sure Im not being mis-interpreted. I fully appreciate EVERYTHING
Eldred and John have done in RASCAR to this point. Its just gone way too
far now and needs to be reigned in.