2nd N4 screenshot!


2nd N4 screenshot!

by Bob » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

I never had a problem running 1024 on my Diamond Monster II 12mb. From the original
GPL version thru the patched version. I always ran 3dfx reference drivers. Hmmm...
dunno. ;)


> Perhaps this doesn't work with all brands? I just tested it with my
> Diamond Monster II. Disconnected the SLI cable, restarted, and I could
> only select 800 x 600. Reconnected the SLI cable, restarted, and I
> could select 1024 again.

Andre Warrin

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Andre Warrin » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

Good thing I build the 1% safety marge into my argument :)


>> AFAIK you can't get more than 800 x 600 with a single Voodoo 2 card,
>> and you need 2 voodoo 2 cards (SLI) to get a 1024 resolution...
>> 99% sure about this...

>1% wrong ;-)

>-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
>-- May the Downforce be with you...
>-- People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
>how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.

Cliff Roma

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Cliff Roma » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

Yep, it sounds like GPL is the exception to the rule when it comes to this.
I will still stand by my earlier statement.. just.. umm.. uhhh.. not for GPL

> Sorry Cliff,
> I'm currently running a Voodoo2 on a PII-400 and can set it at 1024x768
> any modifications or SLI setup necessary. My fps takes a hit of course,
but it
> works just fine.

> John Nelson

> > I thought that same thing as you.

> > I am pretty sure that a V2 only supported up to 800x600 unless you were
> > running in SLI mode.  In fact it was the main reason that most people
put 2
> > V2s in SLI mode.

> > I just think that ymenard is having a brain fade :)

> > > > Never had problem on my old PC getting the resolution up to 1024x768
> > with
> > > my
> > > > Voodoo2 8meg.  No SLI.  GPL doesn't use Z-buffering, so it can do a
> > > > resolution higher than the maximum.  No hack, simply take the
> > > in
> > > > the GPL option screen ;)

> > > Strange, I'm pretty sure that 1024 wasn't listed as an option back
when I
> > > had but one V2 card installed.  Only when I went to SLI did I even
> > the
> > > option of 1024 on that pull down resolution list.  Or is this a change
> > > or something?  I think that other games had something similar-
> > 12
> > > meg V2 card would only allow me to choose 800x600 max.  But if you're
> > > I'll take your word for it.

> > > Thanks for the info!

Cliff Roma

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Cliff Roma » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

Its a fact that GPL is the exception to the rule.  So I was wrong about GPL.
OMG!!! What have I done???

You take certain things way too seriously

> So, you jump into a discussion about resolutions in GPL, which you
> don't even play, and say that Ymenard - who probably has the name of
> every corner of every track memorized - is having a "brain fade" when
> he states something that is common knowledge to GPL regulars, and
> proclaim that "we were right" by citing some text from a web site.

> But I was the one arguing? Scott Sanford, the one who first raised the
> issue in this thread, is a playtester at Papyrus (or at least was, on
> the GPL project). So, regardless of if it offends you, it really does
> look ridiculous for someone that doesn't even play the game to try to
> correct him when he points something out.

> > You are the only one arguing.  I simply posted something off of a
> website.

> > They came back and said it did work in GPL, and since I do not play
> GPL, I
> > accepted it and dropped it.

> > > No, "we" weren't right. Ymenard and Scott Sanford were right.

> > > I ran GPL on one Voodoo 2 for 6 months in 1024x768, this isn't a
> new
> > > idea, and "we" sound ridiculous arguing about it.

> > > > Yea, we were right in our thinking.  Whew, thought I was losing
> my
> > > mind

> > > > This is off of Toms Hardware page about the Voodoo2

> > > > one Pixelfx2 has now got enough performance to render in 800x600
> > > fast
> > > > enough, so that it makes sense using 4 MB frame buffer, enabling
> > > resolutions
> > > > of up to 800x600, however it will be up to the card manufacturer
> if
> > > 2 or 4
> > > > MB frame buffer will be used

> > > > you can use two Voodoo2 cards in your system, connected with a
> pass
> > > through
> > > > cable. These two cards can do 'SLI' = Scan Line Interleaving.
> This
> > > is
> > > > nothing else than that every odd line of the image is rendered
> by
> > > one, the
> > > > even line is rendered by the other Voodoo2 card. This about
> doubles
> > > the
> > > > performance and enables resolutions up to 1024x768

> > > > > > Never had problem on my old PC getting the resolution up to
> > > 1024x768
> > > > with
> > > > > my
> > > > > > Voodoo2 8meg.  No SLI.  GPL doesn't use Z-buffering, so it
> can
> > > do a
> > > > > > resolution higher than the maximum.  No hack, simply take
> the
> > > resolution
> > > > > in
> > > > > > the GPL option screen ;)

> > > > > Strange, I'm pretty sure that 1024 wasn't listed as an option
> back
> > > when I
> > > > > had but one V2 card installed.  Only when I went to SLI did I
> even
> > > have
> > > > the
> > > > > option of 1024 on that pull down resolution list.  Or is this
> a
> > > change in
> > > > > or something?  I think that other games had something
> > > similar- one
> > > > 12
> > > > > meg V2 card would only allow me to choose 800x600 max.  But if
> > > you're sure
> > > > > I'll take your word for it.

> > > > > Thanks for the info!

Cliff Roma

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Cliff Roma » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

I just do not agree that if a person calls a game junk that he should be
forced to explain every detail in why he thinks so.  We are all smart enough
to know that it was one guys opinion. Now if he was a professional game
reviewer, then of course he would need to explain himself, but this was just
one guy that bought a game and did not like it for whatever reason.  The
poor guy posted that it is junk and then he had to write 20 more messages
trying to defend himself.   However, I do know where you are coming from
since I am also passionate about certain games so I can see what point you
are trying to make.

You do not have to worry about his message scaring someone off :)  Not when
there is 1 bad message about GPL and about 2,000 good messages :)

Chris Bloo

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Chris Bloo » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

I have recently been playing SBK (the old one, not SBK2000 which
i believe is better).  Though not a car racing sim, and in no
way as good as GPL, I feel it is alot better than lots of other
sims that people in RAS lend praise to.

I didn't think i would like it but i was pleasantly surprised.
Looks like the crowd who made it are Italian or something,
judging by the credits.


>One word: SODA.  While I love GPL, I must admit I've been
having a hell
>of a time lately with SODA, which I dug out from

my "archives".  People

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Dave Henri

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Dave Henri » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

  Soda had many of the first sims to offer very
realistic handling...(4 wheel drifting through the sweeping turns)
Soda had internet multiplayer going before most other racing sims,
but SODA was ***ugly!  I loved playing long as I had my
Rendition card.  It probably would have outsold GPL if it had shipped
with 3dfx support...oh well.
dave henrie

> >   If you have been paying attention here for the last two
> > might have noticed that NOBODY has even come close to the driving
> > experience afforded by the GPL code.

> One word: SODA.  While I love GPL, I must admit I've been having a hell
> of a time lately with SODA, which I dug out from my "archives".  People
> overlooked this gem because: (1) the graphics card support sucked
> [sound familiar?] and (2) until GPL came along, we weren't ready for
> such a wild driving experience.  The first time I tried SODA it seemed
> uncontrollable.  On the shelf it went, until I played GPL for a long
> time, and also moved up to a computer than could give me a high frame
> rate in SODA.  With the high frame rate, and improvements in my driving
> technique, SODA is a whole new ballgame, and in some ways way more fun
> than GPL.  I haven't even started to dabble with the high-power
> monsters yet.

> We all say that Kaemmer is a God, but I think we should give the small
> group at Software Allies (who developed the game for Papyrus) some
> credit as minor deities for building a fairly sophisticated multi-DOF
> physics model, and getting it out the door a year before GPL.

> Stephen

> Sent via
> Before you buy.

David Butte

2nd N4 screenshot!

by David Butte » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

Have mercy!

"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)

Jan Verschuere

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Jan Verschuere » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

Yup, Milestone, the same people who made the "Screamer" games and a fine job
they did too, IMO.



Tracey Mille

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Tracey Mille » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

"Cliff Roman" wrote

That's one perspective, which you have a right to choose. I prefer to focus
on the bigger picture, which goes beyond being "wrong about GPL".

You were wrong for jumping into the discussion since you don't even play the
game, and didn't realize who the players were in the discussion.

"We" here on RAS consistently complain that we don't get enough feedback
from the insiders at Papyrus, but whenever they do chime in, even to point
out a simple little feature like Scott did, someone like yourself turns it
into an argument.

No big deal, we shouldn't take it so seriously, but I'd bet that Scott will
think twice before he hits that send button the next time.

No you can't

Yes you can

No you can't

Again, ridiculous.


2nd N4 screenshot!

by Gaul » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

That's exactly what I experienced on my STB 12mb V2.  This is really odd-
seems to work on some systems, not on others.  Maybe there's more at work
here than I know.  But it sure looks like the answer is "yes it can".

Thanks again for the heads up, all.


2nd N4 screenshot!

by GPL-Cultis » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00


Heretic!  Bring out the comfy chair!


2nd N4 screenshot!

by Ian » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

So tell him where you "hang" and GPL isn't talked about (must be racing sim
"hangs" though. :)

Ian Parker

Cliff Roma

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Cliff Roma » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

How hard is this Tracey?

I said that I did not think you could, they came back and said that with GPL
it will actually work.

I dropped it.

Where are you getting this "no, yes, no, yes" ***from?

You seem to be the only one dragging this on.  Kinda strange especially
considering that you said you would not talk to me anymore.

Tracey Mille

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Tracey Mille » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

Actually, what you said reads more like:

"See, we were right, Tom's Hardware, looky looky, proves we're right,
Ymenard had a brain fade, naah naah, na naah naah."

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