2nd N4 screenshot!


2nd N4 screenshot!

by ymenar » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

Ok, so tell me where?

I listed the newsgroup where GPL has been brought up and was praised as the
best and the one people admire and race.  I forgot to mention csipgs.  Tell
me ?

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.

Cliff Roma

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Cliff Roma » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

That is taking it slightly out of context.

I am not going to argue with you Tracey.


2nd N4 screenshot!

by Eldre » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

>What system do you have now Eldred? How many constant fps do you get
>now? Remember, it's very important to get a constant high fps,
>preferable a 36fps. I drive a lot worse when fps is lower (at the
>start of Monaco for example)


Well, the system that WORKS(re: motherboard problems) is a K6/3-400.  I have a
Cel500, but the board I got is a real <expletive deleted>...
I haven't decided if I just want to replace the mono, or replace the whole
system with a faster chip, then sell the cel500 to someone who doesn't have the
computing requirements that I do.  Either way takes money that I don't really
have right now...although my tax refund should be in the mail...<g>

p.s. to answer your question, I can get 30+ at everywhere but the start,
1024x768, with mirrors cars & track, and some graphics disabled.  I'd think I
should be able to run more graphics, though. :-(  I haven't seen the higher
resolution make a difference in my driving, though.  It's tough with the higher
resolution on a 15" monitor.  I can't reed the text, etc.<g>  I just left it at
1024 after I did my benchmark testing.

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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2nd N4 screenshot!

by Eldre » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

>I have recently been playing SBK (the old one, not SBK2000 which
>i believe is better).  Though not a car racing sim, and in no
>way as good as GPL, I feel it is alot better than lots of other
>sims that people in RAS lend praise to.

What controller are you using for SBK?  I found that my wheel didn't give me
the quick control that I was looking for, and I couldn't get my joystick
configured to my liking.  I think the last time I played it, I ended up using a

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Kirk Lan

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Kirk Lan » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

He's right - I haven't seen anything truly more advanced in the physics
department since GPL.  Many, many games can outdo it graphics-wise, but part
of that is that GPL came out in October 1998.

Heck yeah.  My friends rant and rave about Ultima Online, Half-Life, and the
like; while I do enjoy a non-racing-sim every once in a while, well, if you
look at all of the programs I own, it's evident fact, I think
the only software type I have that comes close in number to my number of
racing sims is versions of Windows =)

What do they race instead? Nothing.  Where do they meet? Nowhere.  Why? They
don't exist.

Dark and unnatractive?  Hardly.  NFS3, that's dark.  Not necessarily
unattractive (is a race between a Ferrari 355, McLaren F1LM, Subaru WRC, a
1970 Camaro, and a 1969 Merc Cougar ever unnatractive? =) but the graphics
are on the dark side.  Overly exaggerated physics?  Why don't you find
someone willing to let you hop into a Lotus-Ford 49 or a Weslake-Eagle T1G
and take it for a spin around the track and see how many times you spin out
when you finally get the balls to nail it?  Severe degree of difficulty?
Well, why then (IIRC) the highest-ranked racing game ever in a
NextGeneration article they had back in late '99?  I think it placed 19th
out of the top 50 (or was it 100?) GAMES - all games period!!! - of all
time.  I think very few others were even ranked - Gran Turismo comes to mind
but not much else.  It was beaten out by some of the all-time great games
such as the Mario series, Zelda series, Tetris series, Final Fantasy series,
etc etc.  Because there isn't much more of a rewarding feeling in a racing
game available!!  I still can hardly find any reward (in a sim that is)
better than flinging my Eagle around the track in a new personal best lap...

Kirk Lane

ICQ: 28171652
BRT #187

"Yeah you won't find me
I'm going MIA
Tonight I'm leaving
Going MIA
Getting lost in you again
Is better than being known"
                     -Foo Fighters, "MIA"

Chris Bloo

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Chris Bloo » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

Eldred, I use my Microsoft Precision Pro Joystick for SBK, it is
quite hard at the moment but I am getting the hang of it and it
is steadily getting easier.

One of the reasons I chose a stick over a wheel was beause I do
occasionaly enjoy the odd flight sim or other non-driving game.


>What controller are you using for SBK?  I found that my wheel
didn't give me
>the quick control that I was looking for, and I couldn't get my
>configured to my liking.  I think the last time I played it, I
ended up using a

>Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
>Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

>Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level,
then beats you
>with experience...
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Tim Vanhe

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Tim Vanhe » Wed, 03 May 2000 04:00:00

I don't feel sorry anymore, this has got to be one of the largest threads I
started. :)


2nd N4 screenshot!

by Gaul » Wed, 03 May 2000 04:00:00

Hehe..I've been thinking the same thing.  Quite a thread, considering it all
started with a mention of new N4 screenshots. :-)


2nd N4 screenshot!

by Eldre » Wed, 03 May 2000 04:00:00

>Eldred, I use my Microsoft Precision Pro Joystick for SBK, it is
>quite hard at the moment but I am getting the hang of it and it
>is steadily getting easier.

>One of the reasons I chose a stick over a wheel was beause I do
>occasionaly enjoy the odd flight sim or other non-driving game.


Get a Joyswitch.  You can then leave your wheel, joystick, and even gamepad

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Chris Bloo

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Chris Bloo » Wed, 03 May 2000 04:00:00

Well when I can afford a wheel I will consider it:)

BTW how does it (joyswitch) work?  Is it just a physical
switch?  Surely you would have to chnge your controller in the
control panel aswell?

I was planning to put my wheel on a USB port (when I get it
eventually!) and leave the stick on my games port.

Come to think of it I will also need a new table (for the wheel)
as this one is too low!!

Hmmm!!  Think I will stick with the stick a bit longer!


>Get a Joyswitch.  You can then leave your wheel, joystick, and
even gamepad

>Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
>Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

>Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level,
then beats you
>with experience...
>Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.

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Alex Kihuran

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Alex Kihuran » Wed, 03 May 2000 04:00:00

Watch "Legends of Motorsport" on Speedvision and you opinion will be
changed. There, I saw a few corners where every driver slide, with opposite
lock around the corner. Pretty cool :)


comments flying around I had
really enjoy Nascar 3,
candy.  Need for Speed 5
any porsche I have been
again in my opinion, rated
F1/Indy/CART, but I dont
have managed to have some
3 and the graphics are
though.  As for the Tracks
be.  When I think of Grand

> Prix car I think "Road Magnet" not "slippery when moving."

> -<+>-  Hi three,
> -<+>-You seem to have set off a fire storm.  GPL is a very demanding sim
> -<+>-to drive, very few folks can just jump in and fly around the tracks.
> -<+>-  I would like you to help us understand your posiiton by rating
> -<+>-a few sims that YOU like.  Give us a quick hint of your tastes so we
> -<+>-can see where you are coming from. And then maybe point out a failing
> -<+>-two of gpl's.  Do you dislike the sensitive handling?  Do you not
> -<+>-appreicate the way the tracks are presented...something like that.
> -<+>-   Two points to remember about GPL's graphics:  one: the sim is two
> -<+>-years old, compared to some recent releases, it will indeed seem
> -<+>-somewhat plain.  But I think most of the users here have looked past
> -<+>-that to discover the sim underneath.
> -<+>-two: most papyrus made sims need to user to correctly install the
> -<+>-product and choose the proper video setup.  some folks have
> -<+>-used the non3d software mode and have been very disapointed.
> -<+>-  I'd be glad to work with you to figure out WHY gpl is so bad.
> -<+>-we all missed something.
> -<+>-dave henrie

Alex Kihuran

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Alex Kihuran » Wed, 03 May 2000 04:00:00

"If you would do that, you
Life is too short to

Hmm....I like it :) Of course, what if you believe in reincarnation :)

Alex Kihuran

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Alex Kihuran » Wed, 03 May 2000 04:00:00

I feel so special, I was in the first SODA league. And I was 11 too :)

> >   If you have been paying attention here for the last two
> > might have noticed that NOBODY has even come close to the driving
> > experience afforded by the GPL code.

> One word: SODA.  While I love GPL, I must admit I've been having a hell
> of a time lately with SODA, which I dug out from my "archives".  People
> overlooked this gem because: (1) the graphics card support sucked
> [sound familiar?] and (2) until GPL came along, we weren't ready for
> such a wild driving experience.  The first time I tried SODA it seemed
> uncontrollable.  On the shelf it went, until I played GPL for a long
> time, and also moved up to a computer than could give me a high frame
> rate in SODA.  With the high frame rate, and improvements in my driving
> technique, SODA is a whole new ballgame, and in some ways way more fun
> than GPL.  I haven't even started to dabble with the high-power
> monsters yet.

> We all say that Kaemmer is a God, but I think we should give the small
> group at Software Allies (who developed the game for Papyrus) some
> credit as minor deities for building a fairly sophisticated multi-DOF
> physics model, and getting it out the door a year before GPL.

> Stephen

> Sent via
> Before you buy.


2nd N4 screenshot!

by Gaul » Wed, 03 May 2000 04:00:00

Isn't that series fantastic?  That vintage footage of the Nurburgring and
Spa and such is marvelous.  My wife is really beginning to hate Speedvision,
though. :-)

Jan Verschuere

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Jan Verschuere » Wed, 03 May 2000 04:00:00

Dont' worry about it Tim... any thread gets off topic once you go 3 levels
deep. Besides, I just love locking horns with people here. ;-)


> I don't feel sorry anymore, this has got to be one of the largest threads
> started. :)

> <snip> is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.