loaded it and was disgusted at
worthless pile of junk. If the
that. Sure, when you hit
My son, I can feel the pain which lies deep within. Your words betray the
confusion and longing for driving perfection which fill your soul. Allow me
to come knocking on your door with some pamphlets and tracts on the One True
Sim, and I'm certain that you can be led to the path of Sim Righteousness.
If every post was "__________ sucks!" or "_________ is great!" without any
supporting facts then this ng would be useless to me. The only reason I
bought GPL in the first place was because of the detailed positive reviews I
found here. If the only posts where "GPL rocks dudes!" then I would not
have bought it based on this ng. Conclusory statements without anything
else are a waste of bandwidth.
The reason you get flamed is because you fit the profile for a Class A
Troll: (1) inflammatory post that contradicts the strong majority
(taunting); (2) NO supporting statements for your controversial opinion
(moronic); and (3) anonymous/hotmail (coward). This is a TROLL, a taunting
moronic coward. Now, if you want to engage in a mature debate about GPL,
which is certainly interesting, then expand on your criticism with
facts/details/examples. You don't have to like it, just explain why you
don't. Tell me what's wrong with the physics. Tell me what game does it
better (good luck with this one). Just don't say "Pile of junk" if you
don't want your ass flamed.
Joe Marques
loaded it and was disgusted at
worthless pile of junk. If the
that. Sure, when you hit
> -<+>- I've already covered this...but here goes again. The EYE CANDY
> -<+>-the big feature...The fact that the pit lanes are straight means that
> -<+>-the ANCIENT ICR2/N2/N99/N3 code has been retired. The only code-set
> -<+>-that Papyrus owns that can produce a track like those featured is the
> -<+>-GPL engine.
> -<+>- If you have been paying attention here for the last two years...you
> -<+>-might have noticed that NOBODY has even come close to the driving
> -<+>-experience afforded by the GPL code.
> -<+>- You aren't getting an 'improved' physics engine. You are getting
> -<+>-King of the Hill. Unless they totally botch the implementation of
> -<+>-Winston Cup car, you won't find ANY sim out there that comes close to
> -<+>-what GPL has to offer for N4.
> -<+>- Will it be perfect? Nope, not a chance, but will it far surpass
> -<+>-I'd bet the farm. Will it be as pretty as the EA games...I doubt it.
> -<+>-dave henrie
> -<+>-
> -<+>->
> -<+>-> That's nice, but IMHO, I'd rather see a much improved physics
> -<+>-> than a bunch of eye candy.
> -<+>->
> -<+>-> -John
> -<+>->
> -<+>-> > http://www.papy.com
> -<+>-> > It show another view from the side of a track. This time it's
> -<+>-> Richmond at
> -<+>-> > night.
> -<+>-> > I can't wait!! There's even rust coming from the fences on the
top of
> -<+>-> the
> -<+>-> > wall...
> -<+>-> >
> -<+>-> >
> -<+>->
> -<+>-> Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
> -<+>-> Before you buy.
UMMM What the hell are you saying!?!?!!?
GPL is by far one of the greatest racing simulatiosn amd, one of the most
realistic racing simulations ever made. The feel of the car racing at 180MPH at
monza. Is the best feeling you could feel in a simulation. The AI having there
own personality is awsome to. So I can tell you one thing, if you hate GPL go
get SOS37 or go back to SNES or nentendo!
loaded it and was disgusted at
worthless pile of junk. If the
that. Sure, when you hit
Just out of curiousity 3_4_me, can you explain in a bit more detail what you
didn't like about GPL? As you can see, the general and widely held
concensus here is that it's of very high quality. Since it's hard to
reconcile that with your experience, I'm wondering if it was running
properly on your system? Do you have a 3Dfx Voodoo or Rendition video
card? If not, it's likely that you're running the game in software
rendering mode. If so, this would go a long way to explaining your
reaction. What are your system specs?
Don't need to know anything else, that should be enough. I was primarily
interested in your graphics card and CPU speed. Your CPU is definitely not
the problem! ;) You have a (Diamond?) Monster2 graphics card, which I
believe is a 3Dfx Voodoo2 card, right? You've probably been through these
steps already, but just to be sure: when you start up GPL, select Options
and then go to the graphics screen. For 3D Accelerator, select 3Dfx. I
believe a single Voodoo2 only supports resolutions up to 800x600; set the
resolution to that. Given the speed of your CPU, you should also be able to
turn on all of the graphics options. Try the game with those settings. If
it looks pixelated and blocky, it's probably running in software rendering
mode for some reason. If it doesn't look pixelated, it's probably as simple
as not liking this style of graphics. Have you tried comparing the screens
you're seeing against some screenshots on the web? Failing that, are you
able to capture some screenshots and upload them to a site somewhere for us
to have a look at?
I don't see why you guys have to attack everyone that disagrees with
you. It isn't a fact that GPL is the best thing since sliced bread,
it's an opinion, albeit popular opinion around here.
It isn't his fault that he didn't like the game. Not liking a popular
game doesn't make someone a "kid" or an "idiot" as others have
remarked. GPL is a love hate thing, and if you never get past the hate
part, then you simply hate it.
Papyrus screwed up big time in the marketing and production of GPL. We
can all sit here a year later with all the third party utilities,
tracks and public setups and say that it's perfect, but out of the box
it was not a lot of fun.
No simple tracks, preferably oval and banked to learn the feel of the
cars. No AI adjustments to slow down the competition. How stupid was
it to make progressive AI that improves as you do, and then have the
AI start out running world record times?
Also, the default setups that shipped with the game were dreadful. The
game really isn't nearly as hard as some on this news group would have
you believe, but the default setups sure made it seem like it. They
gave us the F3/F2 crap, but most people skip right past that and go to
F1. A "career mode" might have made sense.
Then, without simple tracks to learn the cars, a new person couldn't
keep a car on the track long enough to learn how to tweak the setup.
Papyrus has no one to blame but themselves (and maybe Sierra for
rushing them to put it out the door) for GPL failing miserably in the
eyes of people like 3_4_me.
Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends? Goto http://gpl.gamestats.com/vroc
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.
-<+>-> IMHO... everyone was talking about that GPL so I went and got it. I
-<+>-loaded it and was disgusted at
-<+>-> how the game played. I can not believe I wasted my money on that
-<+>-worthless pile of junk. If the
-<+>-> make Nascar 4 anything like that pile of junk, I will not be purchasing
-<+>-that. Sure, when you hit
-<+>-> something you see pieces fly, but the driving engine really sucks.
-<+>-Just out of curiousity 3_4_me, can you explain in a bit more detail what you
-<+>-didn't like about GPL? As you can see, the general and widely held
-<+>-concensus here is that it's of very high quality. Since it's hard to
-<+>-reconcile that with your experience, I'm wondering if it was running
-<+>-properly on your system? Do you have a 3Dfx Voodoo or Rendition video
-<+>-card? If not, it's likely that you're running the game in software
-<+>-rendering mode. If so, this would go a long way to explaining your
-<+>-reaction. What are your system specs?
-<+>->IMHO... everyone was talking about that GPL so I went and got it. I loaded
-<+>->it and was disgusted at
-<+>->how the game played. I can not believe I wasted my money on that worthless
-<+>->pile of junk. If the
-<+>->make Nascar 4 anything like that pile of junk, I will not be purchasing that.
-<+>->Sure, when you hit
-<+>->something you see pieces fly, but the driving engine really sucks.
-<+>-Can you give more concrete examples of why you think it 'sucks'? By the way,
-<+>-you're not supposed to hit stuff...<g>
-<+>-GPL is by far one of the greatest racing simulatiosn amd, one of the most
-<+>-realistic racing simulations ever made. The feel of the car racing at 180MPH at
-<+>-monza. Is the best feeling you could feel in a simulation.
I have never driver 180 at monza, so I could not relate. Talladega now is a different story.
-<+>-The AI having there own personality is awsome to. So I can tell you one thing, if you hate GPL
-<+>-go get SOS37 or go back to SNES or nentendo!
As I already mentioned, I would not consider owning one of these game boxes.
-<+>-> IMHO... everyone was talking about that GPL so I went and got it. I
-<+>-loaded it and was disgusted at
-<+>-> how the game played. I can not believe I wasted my money on that
-<+>-worthless pile of junk. If the
-<+>-> make Nascar 4 anything like that pile of junk, I will not be purchasing
-<+>-that. Sure, when you hit
-<+>-> something you see pieces fly, but the driving engine really sucks.
-<+>-My son, I can feel the pain which lies deep within. Your words betray the
-<+>-confusion and longing for driving perfection which fill your soul. Allow me
-<+>-to come knocking on your door with some pamphlets and tracts on the One True
-<+>-Sim, and I'm certain that you can be led to the path of Sim Righteousness.
-<+>-Oh man, now you've done it... prepare for ridicule. LOL ;-)
-<+>-Not hitting stuff is the whole point of the game BTW.
Well the way the chain fence looks like and the straight pit lane. No, Its not
an old tierd N2 Physics engine. I guess this means no more "wall magnents"
hurrah!!! and pluse, No more getting AI wedged in the wall and having them flew
in reverse at 450MPH. Hurrah!!!
I hope im right!
-<+>-Yeah! Back to SoS37!
-<+>->IMHO... everyone was talking about that GPL so I went and got it. I loaded it and was
disgusted at
-<+>->how the game played. I can not believe I wasted my money on that worthless pile of junk. If
-<+>->make Nascar 4 anything like that pile of junk, I will not be purchasing that. Sure, when you
-<+>->something you see pieces fly, but the driving engine really sucks.