2nd N4 screenshot!


2nd N4 screenshot!

by ymenar » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

I completely disagree with that statement.  Wherever I go to any
simracing-related website that has a webboard, or even N3.discussion, or
RASF1, or RASI/RASC, GPL always come as the best there is when we talk about
racing simulation, and GPL is always said as -the- title simracers enjoy the
most from a *** and serious point of view.

Just check out the racer on VROC and you'll see that a majority of them do
not post on r.a.s.

Your point is irrelevant.

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.

Tracey A Mille

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Tracey A Mille » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

"EldredP" wrote

From what I've heard, the biggest complaint with F12K is that it's too
much fun, too soon, with too easy of a learning curve. The popular
opinion around here seems to be that if you can win a race within a
few hours, the game is too easy to bother with.

In the world outside of this newsgroup, where masocism doesn't run
rampant, most people would give up on a game if they didn't win a race
within a few hours. If that means user adjustable AI then so be it,
but making it impossible for the casual gamer to win a race is
production suicide in the *** market.

No, it doesn't make it easy I agree, but it makes it possible. Anyone
can keep a GPL car on the track at Talladega, even with a bad setup.
Then they can go back to the garage, make a change, and go see what
that change did.

Many people never got that far with GPL, they tried driving the demo
at the Glenn, never completed a lap on that crappy setup, gave up and
proclaimed "GPL sucks". How can you blame them?


2nd N4 screenshot!

by Gaul » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

> Never had problem on my old PC getting the resolution up to 1024x768 with
> Voodoo2 8meg.  No SLI.  GPL doesn't use Z-buffering, so it can do a
> resolution higher than the maximum.  No hack, simply take the resolution
> the GPL option screen ;)

Strange, I'm pretty sure that 1024 wasn't listed as an option back when I
had but one V2 card installed.  Only when I went to SLI did I even have the
option of 1024 on that pull down resolution list.  Or is this a change in or something?  I think that other games had something similar- one 12
meg V2 card would only allow me to choose 800x600 max.  But if you're sure
I'll take your word for it.

Thanks for the info!

Cliff Roma

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Cliff Roma » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

I thought that same thing as you.

I am pretty sure that a V2 only supported up to 800x600 unless you were
running in SLI mode.  In fact it was the main reason that most people put 2
V2s in SLI mode.

I just think that ymenard is having a brain fade :)

> > Never had problem on my old PC getting the resolution up to 1024x768
> my
> > Voodoo2 8meg.  No SLI.  GPL doesn't use Z-buffering, so it can do a
> > resolution higher than the maximum.  No hack, simply take the resolution
> in
> > the GPL option screen ;)

> Strange, I'm pretty sure that 1024 wasn't listed as an option back when I
> had but one V2 card installed.  Only when I went to SLI did I even have
> option of 1024 on that pull down resolution list.  Or is this a change in
> or something?  I think that other games had something similar- one
> meg V2 card would only allow me to choose 800x600 max.  But if you're sure
> I'll take your word for it.

> Thanks for the info!

Cliff Roma

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Cliff Roma » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

Yea, we were right in our thinking.  Whew, thought I was losing my mind

This is off of Toms Hardware page about the Voodoo2

one Pixelfx2 has now got enough performance to render in 800x600 fast
enough, so that it makes sense using 4 MB frame buffer, enabling resolutions
of up to 800x600, however it will be up to the card manufacturer if 2 or 4
MB frame buffer will be used

you can use two Voodoo2 cards in your system, connected with a pass through
cable. These two cards can do 'SLI' = Scan Line Interleaving. This is
nothing else than that every odd line of the image is rendered by one, the
even line is rendered by the other Voodoo2 card. This about doubles the
performance and enables resolutions up to 1024x768

> > Never had problem on my old PC getting the resolution up to 1024x768
> my
> > Voodoo2 8meg.  No SLI.  GPL doesn't use Z-buffering, so it can do a
> > resolution higher than the maximum.  No hack, simply take the resolution
> in
> > the GPL option screen ;)

> Strange, I'm pretty sure that 1024 wasn't listed as an option back when I
> had but one V2 card installed.  Only when I went to SLI did I even have
> option of 1024 on that pull down resolution list.  Or is this a change in
> or something?  I think that other games had something similar- one
> meg V2 card would only allow me to choose 800x600 max.  But if you're sure
> I'll take your word for it.

> Thanks for the info!


2nd N4 screenshot!

by ymenar » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

Another time, no I am not.

Since GPL doesn't use Z-buffering, it can go 1 resolution higher than the
maximum a single Voodoo2 can do (which is 800x600).  It has been well known
on r.a.s. since GPL is released.  Without Z-buffer you have more framebuffer
memory thus display higher resolutions.

It's the same reason why a Voodoo1 can do 800x600 in GPL.

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.

Scott Sanfor

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Scott Sanfor » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

In most games you are correct, but not for GPL.  A single V2 will run 1024.


> I thought that same thing as you.

> I am pretty sure that a V2 only supported up to 800x600 unless you were
> running in SLI mode.  In fact it was the main reason that most people put
> V2s in SLI mode.

> I just think that ymenard is having a brain fade :)

> > > Never had problem on my old PC getting the resolution up to 1024x768
> with
> > my
> > > Voodoo2 8meg.  No SLI.  GPL doesn't use Z-buffering, so it can do a
> > > resolution higher than the maximum.  No hack, simply take the
> > in
> > > the GPL option screen ;)

> > Strange, I'm pretty sure that 1024 wasn't listed as an option back when
> > had but one V2 card installed.  Only when I went to SLI did I even have
> the
> > option of 1024 on that pull down resolution list.  Or is this a change
> > or something?  I think that other games had something similar-
> 12
> > meg V2 card would only allow me to choose 800x600 max.  But if you're
> > I'll take your word for it.

> > Thanks for the info!


2nd N4 screenshot!

by Dave » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

Now that is what needed to be said. You know by the games 3_4 likes that
he wont ever appreciate GPL, but thats ok! (isn't it?)Hmmmm.
Jim Er

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Jim Er » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

> > For some reason, the small
> > handful of people who actually own GPL, and have landed in R.A.S.,
> > their opinions have more value than the other 99% of sim racers.

> I completely disagree with that statement.  Wherever I go to any
> simracing-related website that has a webboard, or even N3.discussion,
> RASF1, or RASI/RASC, GPL always come as the best there is when we talk
> racing simulation, and GPL is always said as -the- title simracers
enjoy the
> most from a *** and serious point of view.

> Just check out the racer on VROC and you'll see that a majority of
them do
> not post on r.a.s.

> Your point is irrelevant.

Cut and pasted from VROC's website.

The Virtual Racers' Online Connection provides online racing support for
Papyrus Grand Prix Legends.

Why would VROC not think GPL is great?

You have no point that I can see.



2nd N4 screenshot!

by Eldre » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

Moedt) writes:

>>Agreed.  The lack of adjustable AI was pretty stupid...

>I disagree. Now you can be proud _if_ you're able to win
>a race. Heck, even finishing in the top 6 is an archievement...


Yes, finishing in the top 6 is an achievement.  I've won ONE novice race at
Monza(Clark got caught in traffic<g>), and a full-length race when the faster
cars dropped out.
I can usually finish in the top 10, anyway.  All I have to do is run a GP
length race.  The other cars crash out or break down...<g>  Hovever, I haven't
been able to get in that 'zone' that allowed me to win the novice race since...
If I ever get the time again, I may try a full season again.  Maybe I've
learned something by driving other cars and tracks...

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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2nd N4 screenshot!

by Eldre » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

>  One more mistake like that mister and your off to the
>SoS1937 penalty box.
>dave henrie

>> <snip>
>> >Now, once your "comfortable"

>> Ugh - horrible typo. I meant "you're", of course!

>> --
>> David.
>> "After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
>> really."
>> (Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)

Aw, man - fate worse than death...<g>

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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2nd N4 screenshot!

by Eldre » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

>> Nope, it can't.  You need an SLI setup for Vs. to do 1024.

>Yes, it can.

"No, it isn't!"
    "Yes, it is!"

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
Remove SPAM-OFF to reply.

Tracey A Mille

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Tracey A Mille » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

No, "we" weren't right. Ymenard and Scott Sanford were right.

I ran GPL on one Voodoo 2 for 6 months in 1024x768, this isn't a new
idea, and "we" sound ridiculous arguing about it.

> Yea, we were right in our thinking.  Whew, thought I was losing my

> This is off of Toms Hardware page about the Voodoo2

> one Pixelfx2 has now got enough performance to render in 800x600
> enough, so that it makes sense using 4 MB frame buffer, enabling
> of up to 800x600, however it will be up to the card manufacturer if
2 or 4
> MB frame buffer will be used

> you can use two Voodoo2 cards in your system, connected with a pass
> cable. These two cards can do 'SLI' = Scan Line Interleaving. This
> nothing else than that every odd line of the image is rendered by
one, the
> even line is rendered by the other Voodoo2 card. This about doubles
> performance and enables resolutions up to 1024x768

> > > Never had problem on my old PC getting the resolution up to
> with
> > my
> > > Voodoo2 8meg.  No SLI.  GPL doesn't use Z-buffering, so it can
do a
> > > resolution higher than the maximum.  No hack, simply take the
> > in
> > > the GPL option screen ;)

> > Strange, I'm pretty sure that 1024 wasn't listed as an option back
when I
> > had but one V2 card installed.  Only when I went to SLI did I even
> the
> > option of 1024 on that pull down resolution list.  Or is this a
change in
> > or something?  I think that other games had something
similar- one
> 12
> > meg V2 card would only allow me to choose 800x600 max.  But if
you're sure
> > I'll take your word for it.

> > Thanks for the info!

Scott Sanfor

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Scott Sanfor » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

Really sucks when ymenard is right doesn't it.<G>


> No, "we" weren't right. Ymenard and Scott Sanford were right.

> I ran GPL on one Voodoo 2 for 6 months in 1024x768, this isn't a new
> idea, and "we" sound ridiculous arguing about it.

> > Yea, we were right in our thinking.  Whew, thought I was losing my
> mind

> > This is off of Toms Hardware page about the Voodoo2

> > one Pixelfx2 has now got enough performance to render in 800x600
> fast
> > enough, so that it makes sense using 4 MB frame buffer, enabling
> resolutions
> > of up to 800x600, however it will be up to the card manufacturer if
> 2 or 4
> > MB frame buffer will be used

> > you can use two Voodoo2 cards in your system, connected with a pass
> through
> > cable. These two cards can do 'SLI' = Scan Line Interleaving. This
> is
> > nothing else than that every odd line of the image is rendered by
> one, the
> > even line is rendered by the other Voodoo2 card. This about doubles
> the
> > performance and enables resolutions up to 1024x768

> > > > Never had problem on my old PC getting the resolution up to
> 1024x768
> > with
> > > my
> > > > Voodoo2 8meg.  No SLI.  GPL doesn't use Z-buffering, so it can
> do a
> > > > resolution higher than the maximum.  No hack, simply take the
> resolution
> > > in
> > > > the GPL option screen ;)

> > > Strange, I'm pretty sure that 1024 wasn't listed as an option back
> when I
> > > had but one V2 card installed.  Only when I went to SLI did I even
> have
> > the
> > > option of 1024 on that pull down resolution list.  Or is this a
> change in
> > > or something?  I think that other games had something
> similar- one
> > 12
> > > meg V2 card would only allow me to choose 800x600 max.  But if
> you're sure
> > > I'll take your word for it.

> > > Thanks for the info!

Jim Er

2nd N4 screenshot!

by Jim Er » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

> > Why would VROC not think GPL is great?
> > You have no point that I can see.

> Uh? You completely misread my post.  I said that the majority of
racers on
> VROC do not post on r.a.s.   That's all, please re-read.  You probably
> missed that my first and second point where both in a different
> <g>

> You still did not replied to anything I said over that statement, so I
> see that you have agreed with my point that GPL is been praised
> in the simracing community.  You can't prove the opposite, as every
> where the GPL subject could be brought (and I mentioned those places
in the
> previous message), it was always highly praised over everything.

   You obviously hang in different places than I do. But then, I've
never been big on rubbing elbows with the super genius crowd. <g>

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