"Thank you" to everyone who posted comments below.......
Before addressing some specific issues raised below, let me explain that the
RT Demo real-time clock, physics-clock "bug" was/is real. The GPL "bug" was
a "bug light" - turned on to attract the "insects." Some of you might call
this a "troll"....I have learned that's a bad word in newsgroups. Who
cares. You can place any labels you want on my efforts to improve the
quality of online racing....I will not stop this effort as long as "insects"
exist in online racing. The vast majority of drivers in the sim community
support my effort to eliminate or completely de-emphasize "hotlapping"
because it ruins online racing as an enjoyable and competitive form of motor
racing. This "majority" simply don't make posts on r.a.s, many of whom
never even come to this newsgroup. They are the "silent majority" in this
online racing community.
**To the "Insects" who posted below:
1. The rest of this post I will be talking down to you. I am stating that
fact up front so there's no misunderstanding on your part that I do not
respect you as a sim driver, nor do I respect your ability to drive your sim
car at 90-100% max performance and occasionally, pull off a lucky lap in
which you do not crash - then rush to various "Insect Websites" and post
your feat! I wouldn't care what you did with your computer and the sim
racing software you purchased....if you did it offline and did not join
online races....therefore your actions and stupidity would not effect me or
the majority of sim drivers who simply want to race online in a realistic
manner. If all of you would agree to do your "gaming" stuff offline, then
you will never hear another word from me about this topic. Can you all do
that, please?
2. Exceptions to a rule always exist and do not negate the rule.
3. The skills required to drive a race car very fast are not hard to learn,
vast numbers of the general population contain reasonable hand-eye
coordination and with a little instruction they can learn to drive a race
car, any race car ....very fast. Every driver in real-world racing at any
level understands this fact (certainly at the top pro levels of racing) and
they also know that the difference between successful winners and the rest
of the pack....is NOT the fact that the successful drivers contain unique
driving skills not possessed by every other driver. That simply does not
exist in racing....anywhere .....and sim racing is no exception to this
4. There is a very small number of real-world drivers in the annals of
racing history in which I direct you to refer to number #2 above.
5. I will explain what you are doing to hurt sim racing (for at least the
one millionth time in the last five years): When you run lap after lap at
90-100% max, in search of that illusive fastest ever lap (defined anyway you
want to define it), what you do is train your subconscious mind's hand-eye
coordination and micro-second decision making ability, to "race" at that
same level. Since there is no driver ever (anywhere, any time, none...not
one)......who can maintain 90-100% max performance race driving for more
than a few laps without crashing or breaking their race car.....your are
therefore training your self to crash! Is that clear? I can't think of how
much clearer I can make it. When you (the Insects) are allowed so much
prominence and public exposure within this sim community, without somebody
speaking up and reminding everyone that you are nothing but a "gamer" if you
hotlap all the time, then new drivers to this sim community begin to follow
false leaders.....the entire community suffers since the quality of online
sim "racing" (notice I said "racing" not online sim "driving") declines.
6. A question for the Insects: If we could somehow introduce the ultimate
reality into sim racing......defined as creating culpability for hotlapping
crashes (or any crash).......defined as physical injury and/or cost of
repair to your race car....how much interest would you continue to have in
this "gaming activity" you engage in with a racing sim? This is easy to do.
We could put a program on your boot drive that kicks in every time you crash
your GPL race car (or any other sim car you drive)....it will automatically
shut down your computer. Upon reboot, you will be required to enter a
credit card number, and $200 will be charged to your credit card....then
your computer will boot up back to the desktop and you can go run some more
hot laps! How does that sound? Not very good, you say? Well....real-world
racing has a similar "boot/crash" program.....its just not called the same
thing, you know?
7. In the face of crashing culpability as stated in number #6 above, if an
"insect" continued this hotlapping activity, how long would it take for
everyone who knew him to call him an idiot! "Running up thousands and
thousands of dollars on his credit card so he could lower is PB at Monza by
a 10th of a second".......that would not be considered sane and rational
behavior for any human being. So....let me ask all the "insects" this
question: "Is it the fact that you don't have to pay for all your
crashes.....is that your argument for saying that what you are doing is sane
and rational?" I just want to make sure I understand your position on this.
Because I want to remind you that although you don't have to pay for all
your crashes......"but we do" when you crash us out of an online race
because that's the only way you have practiced to race online.....you
practice crashing all the time, guess what: You are going to crash all the
time! Duh! WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANY LONGER! Please get offline,
go away, stop doing what you are doing....or find another "gaming
**To all the rest of us....the non-Insects.............
1. Can you guys imagine how good these guys would really be as sim drivers
if they spent all that time they now spend learning to crash......on
learning race strategy, how to drive their cars in control and avoid
sticking their nose in the wrong place at the wrong time, how to "think
their way" to the podium and how to work on their setups to achieve car
stability in even the most "out of shape" situations that every race puts us
into at one time or another? Can you imagine how hard they might be to beat
at Monza (for example) if they spent several hundred laps practicing driving
completely out of the racing line there (which is where we all find
ourselves for about 30% of every race we run....at any track)? Can you
imagine how good these guys would be with all that practice? Wow! Isn't it
a shame we don't have these people to race against......that would be great,
wouldn't it?
2. Two days ago, a very prominent member of VROC and the GPL online racing
community wrote an email to me in response to a question I asked him about
how he practices in GPL. His name is "Mac"....I'm sure many of you know
him. Here is his response......
My goals in a GPL race (league race or pick up race....they are all the
same to me....both equally important):
1. Avoid car contact with another competitor at all costs.
2. Finish the race (or in a no-damage race = finish without going
off track).
3. Practice hard between races so I can make it to the podium
without violating the goals in #1 and #2 above.
3. If you want to improve online sim racing, stop bitching about it in
private chat rooms and email, and start speaking up against all this
prominence on hotlapping in this community.......publicly! I know you don't
like doing that, most of you are conservative guys that shy away from public
limelight. But, heck.....if you don't speak up......you are only hurting
yourself in the end. I'm challenging you to end your silence and speak up
about this issue when ever you have the chance.
Regards, (except to the Insects)
Tom Pabst
"Tom Pabst" <tmpa...@home.com> wrote in message
> **Rally Trophy Demo Bug Found**
> For all of you who have become distrustful of your manly-hood and rally
> driving skills......trying to get from a 2:28-to-2:29 range down into the
> 2:22-to-2:23 range where the "aliens" are running.........you've just been
> vindicated! It is unfortunate however, that many of you have already hung
> yourself or jumped out of 5th story window of your office building or
> apartment complex....in total frustration. May those of you who have done
> that already..........."rest in peace!"
> To those of us who are left on this planet with us..........
> **Take note: A bug was found in the RT demo that invalidates any stage
> much below 2:28 or so.......maybe even hire. Certainly, any time turned
> well below that is completely bogus! Essentially what this means is, if
> were running your well-driven stage runs at around the 2:28 to 2:29 range
> so.......that's your real time and you are a very good rally driver (at
> least in RT you are). Those times are the same as the 2:22's and 2:23's
> others were getting, but their computers were reporting those times from a
> bogus coding bug.....their times really are the same as the 2:28's to
> you get!
> This is very important****** This applies only to the RT Demo which is
> confirmed by Bugbear codeheads - THE DEMO IS NOT FINAL CODE and this bug
> does not exist in the Rally Trophy Final Release code (due out in 13
> We can all rest assured, and wait in high-anticipation....for the final
> release of RT....it will be awesome and we now know that we have a good
> group of people at Bugbear (the developer) who will stand behind their
> and work with the sim community to make their product better as time goes
> on. BRAVO! Bugbear! I'm buying three copies of RT just to say, "thank
> you."
> **Related Story**
> It is thought by many code-savvy
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