> reckoned:
> >thanks to the flight sim community (which barely
> >>supports the CFS series) and the SF's open architecture (an anathema to
> >>Of course, I could be wrong...NOT!
> <this part is to Steve, something I missed in my first response>
> Doesn't support CFS series? Huh? Are you on *** or what? CFS series
> is just as open architecture as the Flight sim series is, same can be
> said for Trainsim. There are many mods and planes available for even
> CFS3 already. Really, if you are going to dsicsuss this stuff at least
> go read something about it first.
> >I dunno, I bought the Wal-Mart version and it still kicked ass.
> Another loser on ***. It was an abomination of a release, the
> second so called final release was an abomination too. It was released
> with no sams or aaa on the second release and the Walmart release was
> even worse so how can you possibly say the above with a straight face?
> Go smoke some more crack! The theatre was pretty much dead and the
> pathetic dynamic campaign just spawns the enemy at random. The AI
> planes crash into the ground when they run out of fuel instead of
> flying home. Doh! And that's now, not the Walmart release. In the
> second release you couldn't even land you planes properly because they
> would bounce all over ther place like the tarmac was made of indian
> ***. They just released a patch last week so and the game came out
> about two months ago. The Walmart release doesn't count as it was not
> the official release and should never have happened. It was one of the
> most pathetic and unfinished releases this industry has ever seen. The
> game is still full of bugs post patch, and that includes crash bugs.
> > It
> >wasn't IL-2, but I'm much more of a fan of Korea and early Vietnam
> >(planes are more fun to fly than most WWII-era stuff but dogfighting
> >is still an actual skill). The flight models aren't bad, the weapons
> >systems are awesome, the AI is decent, etc. Not a bad $40 spent by my
> >standards.
> Yea, that's why the AI have been known to fire A to A missiles at
> ground targets. You think being able to sink a cargo tanker with one
> bullet from your cannon is realistic? It ain't even fun. Get off the
> *** now!
> --
> "Paw, I'm powerful hungry!"